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Everything posted by trzyrazyzero

  1. Hi, after 5 minutes when bots logged in then get error when trying to send offer Error: HTTP error 401. self.steamCommunity.on('sessionExpired', function() { self.steamClient.webLogOn(); }); setInterval(function() { self.steamClient.webLogOn(); }, 1800000); I have this to make sure that bot didint logged out. When i restart bots and they logged in its works again for another 5 minutes and http error 401. Whats wrong?
  2. nvm, just found it.
  3. Hello, how i can bind ip to node-steam-user? I binded to node-steamcommunity, but i still getting RateLimitExceeded.
  4. Two days ago i created 100 accounts, just rellogin after each created and added delay between.
  5. Just relog your account and should work.
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/trade/_tradeid_/receipt/
  7. I updated and sometimes offer dont get accepted.
  8. Hi, after autoRetry from TradeOffer#accept sometimes while accepting offer gives error, should i myself try to accept it again or not?
  9. I can store tradeids and after i can get receiveditems.
  10. Hi, i think we could use getReceivedItems like this: manager.getReceivedItems('454115964132273087', function(err, items) { });or its possible to use this method knowing only tradeid?
  11. its not related with node-steam-user module
  12. So when event sessionExpired is emitted i should use logOn method or what?
  13. I calling it when event sessionExpired is emitted so whats wrong? bots['community'].on('sessionExpired', function() { bots['client'].webLogOn(); });
  14. Hi, sometimes this happens: Offer #1248497400 changed: CreatedNeedsConfirmation -> Active /home/nodebots/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9 if (this.steamID.type === SteamID.Type.ANON_USER) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null at SteamUser.webLogOn (/home/nodebots/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9:18) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:224:11) at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:198:5) Whats wrong?
  15. Check title, can i be throttled when i calls too many steamapi?
  16. If steam-tradeoffer-manager emit unknownOfferSent event this offer will appear in sentOfferChanged?
  17. If user send items to bot - store them in database then using database you cant send back to user.
  18. It will dont confirm offer immediately, its depends on steam.
  19. You must use confirmation polling, https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/Steam-Confirmation-Polling#startconfirmationcheckerpollinterval-identitysecret
  20. Hi, i have question about data method. If i apply data before accepting offer and if this offer was escrowed, data will be available after 15 days in receivedOfferChanged? I want to save prices and some informations before accept and read it in receivedOfferChanged.
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