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Everything posted by rektbot

  1. Hi, I'm waiting for accountInfo to be emitted then var accInfo = client.accountInfo; it's undefined. What am I doing wrong?
  2. Thanks - I'll try again and advise.
  3. This issue arose only after updating steam-user with NPM; and i suspect it updated binarykvparser as a dependency. Key is successfully redeemed however throws this error BEFORE successful confirmation. /home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/binarykvparser/index.js:74 throw new Error("Unknown KV type " + type + " encountered at offset " + offset[0]); ^ Error: Unknown KV type 10 encountered at offset 106 at Object.exports.parse (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/binarykvparser/index.js:74:11) at Object.exports.parse (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/binarykvparser/index.js:49:21) at /home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-user/components/apps.js:463:38 at Object.cb (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-user/components/messages.js:152:4) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:276:26) at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:386:8) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-client/lib/cm_client.js:260:24) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:188:7) at TCPConnection._readPacket (/home//accounts/accounts/node_modules/steam-client/lib/tcp_connection.js:73:7)
  4. client.createAccount(newAccUsername, newAccPassword, newAccEmail, (result, steamid) => { console.log(result+steamid); }); Accounts are being created successfully (with correct result code) but getting a null steamid returned. Did steam change something?
  5. ^ what he said. paste full code. 1. make sure client.setPersona(1) 2. make sure that you're using the right object. eg. client/Client/User/user etc or whatever you named it when you created the object & logged on.
  6. Thanks mate. Thought as much. was just a thought
  7. I have a random one - Is it possible to retrieve the logonID from the client once logged in? Or is there another way to pass some kind of token or variable upon logOn (Eg. MachineName) and retrieve it after loggedOn?
  8. Thanks Doc. That makes sense. I didn't realise you could add a variable to a listen event. Thanks again
  9. Still doesn't make any sense lmao... Perhaps explain what you need/want to do. What outcome are you hoping for?
  10. Hi There, I understand what ID events do, emitting the event with a suffix eg #steamid. My main question is what's the purpose of this? Second question is how would you listen for it? (given that it would be impractical to hardcode a steamid) Thanks in advance
  11. Thanks for the advice and I think you're right Dr. McKay New Plan: Set promptSteamGuardCode option to false;Wait for the steamGuard ID event to be emitted;Utilise node-steam-email-auth for retrieval of steamguard.
  12. Because i'm learning & haven't yet worked out how to programatically grab my steamcode & pass it back to steamGuard ID Event. In the meantime i'd like to turn it off; but I have about 50 accounts and the effort involved drains my life.
  13. Wow I didn't even know node-globaloffensive existed! This is perfect!
  14. Hi, Curious if there's a way to turn steamguard off via node instead of logging into steam on windows. Cheers.
  15. Thanks Dr! Appreciate it.
  16. Update: Realised that what i'm trying to do is handled by "SteamGameCoordinator" with a different CMsgProtoBufHeader. Probably more to it than I assume... sorry
  17. Hi There, I'm currently using a couple of messages from the cstrike15 proto in a standalone script. I'd like to integrate this into my steambot but for the sake of cleanliness and consistency I want to manage it through steam-user. I'd like to know if there are any impediments or advice you might have for me. My understanding is: Protobufs - Drop the proto file + dependency into protobufs folder -> your protobufs.js will import it and add to schema Messages - Edit messages.js to add a SteamUser.EMsg.xxx reference for the request & response message (2 lines) Component - Add a new function in friends.js (or another file & add to index.js) to send a message for that proto eg. this._send(SteamUser.EMsg.xxxxx EMsg/Enums - Ensure EMsg exists for that message Point 4 is where I get stuck. There already appears to be a reference within EMsg.js but it's for a different message. I'm not sure what happens if i override this number. Within cstrike15 proto the enum type is "ECsgoGCMsg". Nb. I don't really want to post what i'm trying to do because it could be abused from copy/paste script kiddies. Happy to provide more info 1:1 though. Thanks in advance for any guidance/advice/help. Regards, Kai
  18. What happens if you listen for the user data eg. client.on('user'); does their info get emitted? Have you got an output of this.client.users? Is it definitely missing?
  19. ^ yeh. i quoted your wiki on that one.
  20. I also found personas function sub-optimal compared with users. A very simple example illustrates this below. No need for callbacks. console.log((client.users[steamIDhere].persona_state==1) ? "online" : "offline"); Nb. Per the documentation we only get data for "users we've encountered or requested data for" so be careful. I would handle it like this. var userInfo = client.users[steamIDhere]; if(userInfo){ // output info } else { // no data on user } Disclaimer: I'm a n00b, could be wrong.
  21. Thank you!!! more donations for you. Your support is amazing dude.
  22. Hi There, I've created a script to get some info about a users account. getOwnedApps() and ownsApp() is really nice but I would like to understand more about licenses and getProductInfo. licenses: How do we know what this package is? Is there anyway to look it up? client.on('licenses', (licenses) => { //console.log(licenses.length); console.log(licenses[0]); }); Returns the below. { package_id: 15740, time_created: 1487406101, time_next_process: 0, minute_limit: 0, minutes_used: 0, payment_method: 1, flags: 0, purchase_country_code: 'AU', license_type: 1, territory_code: 55, change_number: 1796623, owner_id: 633543528, initial_period: 0, initial_time_unit: 0, renewal_period: 0, renewal_time_unit: 0 } getProductInfo What are all the object responses in appinfo? function getProd(){ client.getProductInfo([730],[],function(res){ console.log(res); }); Returns: { '730': { changenumber: 2713931, missingToken: false, appinfo: { appid: '730', common: [Object], extended: [Object], config: [Object], install: [Object], depots: [Object], ufs: [Object] } } }
  23. Sure am. I'll just handle it for now since profiles are actually being created. Cheers.
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