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  1. Hi everyone, have this nodejs backend which is calling the Steam api via passport-steam to log a user in. This is working and in this code I am getting the user back. app.get( //regex to validate auth/steam/ and auth/steam/return /^\/auth\/steam(\/return)?$/, passport.authenticate('steam', { failureRedirect: '/' }), (req, res) => { console.dir(req.user); res.redirect('/account'); } );So I have user as req.user in the callback after the Steam Login passes. My question is: What is the best (AND MOST SECURE!) way to pass this req.user to a route, which I will then call GET from the Frontend Framework so I can get this data to the Frontend? Furthermore, how does my Frontend communicate with my nodejs bot in a secure manner? (maybe this is a broad question but worht a try!) Right now I have this route set up: app.get('/account', (req, res) => { res.send({user: req.user}); });But user is null. Any help is appreciated!
  2. Im found only this but I do not know how to use it when I have it client.on('friendMessage', (steamid, message) please Help Thanks.2 message per sec or remove setInterval(() => { for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(userMsgs).length; i++) { if (userMsgs[Object.keys(userMsgs)] > 2) { client.chatMessage(Object.keys(userMsgs), "You have been removed for spamming. Another offense will get you blocked."); client.removeFriend(Object.keys(userMsgs)); } } userMsgs = {}; }, 1000);
  3. Hello! I noticed that when I get an item from other people.. it's id change. Then, I have a question: If I have to return it... how can I make sure it's the same item? For example: I can have 2 TF2 items with the same quality, the same unusual effect and the same level. Is there a way to check it? Another "secret id" to check? Sorry if that was asked, but I didnt found it Thanks and have a nice day Edit: I found the main thread, "Identifying Steam Items", but I still don't get it, sorry
  4. "First of all, I'd sorry for my writing cause i'm not from a country that using english language." Hi, i'm stucking with a problem for days. I'm buiding a resell website that using steam account to login (may i call steam passport?) . And the problem is that new user sometime can login into website via steam but sometime cant. My website using asp.net with Openid provider When i debug , the data-information steam null but when everything pass threw i receive the data like usual. http is using now as my website.
  5. First of all, I am Tomas from Argentina. 23 years old. I have 3 bots online on my pc thanks to these modules made by God McKay . I have to say that I am not an expert programming all what I know is thanks to test and error. Never took a course of JavaScript, just a few readings and videos. I am saying this because my questions could be noobs, After three month running these bots, I want to improve them. I have a few things in mind that I want to get better: Handle many incoming offers correctly. My bot isnt 24/7, when I start bot and I have like seven trade offers received when he was offline. The program recognizes seven but just handle the last one. Should I turn off event listener when an offer is managing? Prevent comment many times on same profile. I have +rep service active. When the bot complete a trade, he comment on his profile. I have read that account could get banned if leave a message many times on same profile. So, I want to prevent that. Any Ideas? Accept friend invites received when bots is offline. OverStock script. Now, when I receive a new offer: I am getting my inventory, copy names of each items and pushing into an array and then write on a file. When I am accepting the trade offer, program check if the name of the item appears more than Max Stock set, if not, takes value of that item, otherwise ignore it. Actually, this is working OK. But it does not convince me. Any other Idea? Price List. I am using a simple JSON file to save data as pricelist. But is really annoying when I have to change prices, checking one by one to prevent "scam". Anyone knows a better method to save data? or maybe a JSON manager? Yes, I also using bp.tf API to get community prices. But we know how unstable TF2's economy is. I think is ok for now. I tried my best to express what I want to ask. My english is not excellent. Thanks in advance. Here are bot's profile links: Wall-e Trading CardsWall-e TF2 BOTWall-e ZETA EXCHANGE My steam Profile:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050753995/
  6. i would like my console output to be [sTEAM]We have received a message from [sTEAMUSER] currently i have. function getreplymessage(usermessage) {usermessage = usermessage.toLowerCase();for (var i_a = 0; i_a < messageresponse.length; i_a++ ) {for (var i_b = 0; i_b < messageresponse[i_a][0].length; i_b++ ) {if (usermessage == messageresponse[i_a][0][i_b]) {return messageresponse[i_a][1];}}} console.log('[sTEAM]We have received a message!');return '';} friends.on("friendMsg", function(user, msg, type){if(type == Steam.EChatEntryType.ChatMsg){var reply = getreplymessage(msg);if (reply != ''){friends.sendMessage(user, getreplymessage(msg));}}},); But it only logs that we have received. ' How would i log that i received a message with the name of the person?
  7. Hi! If I'll get some proxies (around 20) I'll be able to bypass steam inventory rate limits?
  8. Hey, I made this code: for(var i = 0; i < offer.itemsToReceive.length; i++){getPrices(offer.itemsToReceive).then(function(val){console.log(val);}).catch(function(err) {console.log(err);});} it prints the values of the items i receive in the trade.How do i make it so it just prints the total value, so all the item prices in one total.
  9. Hello all! I want to ask, how I can parse user Steam inventory, because right now steam blocks ip for one minute, if I'm sending 2-3 requests. I'm using node.js, request.js, express.js. Thank you!
  10. I m creating a website for csgo with steam community. But i have bit confusion on withdraw items and deposit items. Can anyone please help me for this. Which items should be displayed for withdraw items. What are urls for api for depoite and withdraw items.
  11. How to use it in this new version ? So to draw the best image of the object from the market. Something all the time with me it does not work and does not want to exchange contact me id objects or images.
  12. if i want make bot for csgo. do i have to have games on my steam account? or only my inventory? or what are the requirements of my account so that could be a bot?
  13. How would you go about coding a method in which a steamid is within a config file, and upon a trigger it gets the server that the client is on, if at all, and then henceforth gets the map that the server is on. Planned to implement with twitch as a !map command.
  14. I'm new to bot development and steam trading and I have a few questions. What are the limitations of creating a new steam account and trading right away with said account? Is it possible to bypass steams (15 day trade hold, and 15item hold? do I have this correct?) What is a sentry file and how does this affect steam bot trading? Any resources would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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