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  1. How can i make a trade cancel because i was looking at the offer.expires and idk how to set it just for 5 minutes to expire. Please help. Thanks!
  2. So im using offer.loadPartnetInventoy and im getting this error /root/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/users.js:292 callback(null, inventory, currency); ^ TypeError: callback is not a function at SteamCommunity.<anonymous> (/root/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/users.js:292:5) at Request._callback (/root/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:62:14) at Request.self.callback (/root/node_modules/request/request.js:198:22) at emitTwo (events.js:100:13) at Request.emit (events.js:185:7) at Request.<anonymous> (/root/node_modules/request/request.js:1035:10) at emitOne (events.js:95:20) at Request.emit (events.js:182:7) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/root/node_modules/request/request.js:962:12) at emitNone (events.js:85:20)
  3. I am really bad at coding in nodejs because to me its confusing because i know to many languages but do you think i can get an example to work off of for checking this?
  4. I'm planning on releasing a new major version of steam-tradeoffer-manager of v2.0.0. So far, what I'm planning to do is: Move token and message out of the TradeOffer#send() method and into methods like setMessage and setAccessTokenHard requirement for node.js v4.0.0 or later (currently package.json suggests that you need v4 or later, but v2 would make this an absolute requirement)This should be addressed.Since this is a major change and they're meant to be few and far between, there's no point in wasting it! If you have any suggestions of stuff that could be added, or things that have just annoyed you, I'd love to hear them!
  5. So im trying to make a withdraw system on my site and i found out assetids change after the trade. So how can i get the new one to store in a database?
  6. Sometimes when I add too many items in one trade offer. When it is complete. pollFailure shows an err:Error: Data temporarily unavailable And normally it doesn't happen in those trade offers with few items. So is there a suggested number?
  7. Hi, I tried to mess around with the module but didn't manage to get the bot to only accept empty tradeoffers. I want the bot to automatically accept items but never give any. I'd also like the bot to auto-accept these empty trades where it can receive these items but let the regular 1:1, 2:1 etc tradeoffers pending. So that I can accept or decline them manually. Thank you very much for the help !
  8. Hey, we use the tradeoffer manager to let the user deposit on our system. For that we only let them deposit skins and don't take skins from our bot. In this case we check the offer and after accept it we use the getReceivedItems function to recheck the offer + read the item ids. in 70% of the cases all works fine. But on the 30% of cases even if we try it up to 180 times over 12 hours the receivedItems is still 0 But the offer is definitly accepted and the items which was in this trade are on our account. Since we checked it 180 times over 12 hours i don't think there is a error bec steam is down or something. Maybe you've got an idea guys?
  9. Hello, i have a problem which happens not so often but it is very annoying. My jackpot bot tried to accept one offer and got this message "Error: Cannot load new trade data: Data temporarily unavailable", then tried to accept offer one more time and got another message "[Error: There was an error accepting this trade offer. Please try again later. (11)] eresult: 11". Offer was accepted but items didn't come into pot.
  10. From time to time (I think when more time has elapsed) webLogOn won't work properly, i have to wait for about 3-4 minutes (with message HTTP error 401) to send trade offer. Example debug output: .................................................. info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Logged into Steam as xxxxxdebug: Got web sessiondebug: Trade offer cookies set. Got API Key: xxxxxx My send offer function: function sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId) { offer.send('', tradeToken, function (err) { if (err) { bot.webLogOn(function (sessionID, newCookie) { getSteamAPIKey({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie }, function (err, APIKey) { offers.setup({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie, APIKey: APIKey }); }); }); logger.info('Offer type ' + offerType + '----' + err); if (err == 'Error: HTTP error 401' || err == 'Error: HTTP error 503') { logger.info('Resend because of error ----' + err); sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId); } else { if (offerType == 'receive') { console.log('receive' + err); socketClient.emit('send-offer-error', err); } } } else { ....... });}
  11. Hello, how can i make it that the bot delince incomoing tradeoffers: with grey skins, blue skins, sounvier skins, cases and stickers automaticlly? Thank You with best regards Tirrex3
  12. Hey, when i try to send 2 offers with the same item (for example it's a csgo key) and if one offer is accepted, the other one gets a steam error "items now unavailable for trade". I have more than 2 csgo keys in my inventory. What should i do? Save assetids in mysql or something else?
  13. Hi, After accepting any trades and the status change to Accepted, I call the offer.getReceivedItems to update my bot database but the actions array comes without any action. Is this normal? Because if after I accept the trade if I call the tradeOfferManager.loadInventory I get the actions array with some data (and sometimes the assetid changes, but it's not an issue to me). In particular, I just need the inspect in game link. Is this a normal thing or is it a bug?
  14. Im using this code: offer.getReceivedItems(true, function(err, items) { console.log(err); console.log(JSON.stringify(items)); });But response dont have float value, how can I get it?
  15. The question is how do I 'filter' trade offers. So only accept the offer if the trade contains ... itemsToReceive and ... itemsToGive. I want to achieve this using another file containing those option. I don't know how I should store them (like as an array, array of objects etc). I think an array of objects could work. So I made this as sample file: module.exports = { trades: [{ "itemsToReceive": "Breakout Key", "itemsToGive": "Mac-10 | Neon Rider (Factory New)" }, { "itemsToReceive": "Falchion Key", "itemsToGive": "P250 | Sand Dune (Battle Scarred)" }] } //all values represent their market_hash_name's
  16. Hi, I have tried to deposit 56 items using node bot, and on accepting Trade it returns only 29 Items as new items. I am using getReceivedItems() to get the Items with update assetid.Here is the link, https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#getreceiveditemsgetactions-callback On accepting Trade, i have manageed "sentOfferChanged" event and with in that i have called getReceivedItems og TradeOffer objct to get updated information of Items in Trade as Below: tradeOffer.getReceivedItems(function(err,items){ }) I'm asking on behalf for my developer. any help appreciated!
  17. After send a trade offer with my bot to pick some user items and after accepted, sometimes this event is called... manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer) {Sometimes this event is called: manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) {What is the difference? :/
  18. I am currently using the market_hash_name since it is always the same for the item (It's the english version of the market_hash). I've heard something about assetid aswell. I am not sure what to use. (By the way sorry for spamming this forum ) Adding on to that how do I accept trades as long as the itemsToReceive and itemsToGive are correct? I would like to save the itemToReceive and itemToGive that make the bot accept the trade in a trades.js file and add it to this if statement so that it works: if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === '76561198127334975' | offer.itemsToGive.length === 0 /*|| itemsToReceive.market_hash_name and itemsToGive.market_hash_name from the offer equal those from the config*/) { offer.accept(); } So if anybody can help me with that it would be awesome
  19. Hello, I would like to ask is there a way for me to send a trade offer to a certain player and follow up if the offer is accepted or declined ? If yes, can you please point me in some direction. Thank you in advance
  20. Node.js is a new thing for me, as I have only started learning it about yesterday. I've been attempting to build a trade bot the accepts trade offers as long as the items that are being received are valued more than the items of the bot. To find the value of items, I use steam-market-pricing. My question is, how do I identify what items the person is offering, and what the person wants to receive from the trade offer? Furthermore, how do I only accept these offers? Sorry if the questions are vague, I'll clear up if you don't understand. I'm working off of this code from a guide just to make my life a bit easier.
  21. hello. for example i am creating inctance of TradeOfferManager and begin listening event on. how can i stop listening event .on or other event?
  22. Hello, the title says it. How do I accept trades with mobile authenticator? I have looked on the Wiki but couldn't find it. Help is appreciated! x)
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