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Found 8 results

  1. Is there a way to get information about score for each team and account side in the current competitive match? Or maybe there are some other tools for this?
  2. I hate to ask this because it seems like a pretty simple thing to figure out but I've been banging my head here. Trying to figure out the proper payload to send to k_EMsgGCNameBaseItem using this as a starting point k_EMsgGCNameItem I've used NetHook2 to capture the payload sent when naming a base item, as well as when naming a storage casket. NameItem was 0100FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000B873BC9706000000003F00 and NameBaseItem was 0100FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCD63BD97060000003B000000003F00 I was able to extract the part of the payload that's the ID of the base item (3B000000) thing is I have no earthly idea what that is as a unsigned 64 int. the base item ID is 17293822569102704699, which is longer than the typical item id (12345678901). There's no way that's what's being sent to GC because the id being sent is shorter: 8 bytes instead of 16. The beginning of the id is also irrelevant honestly, it was the exact same on a different account (172938225691) my latest attempt has been: GlobalOffensive.prototype.nameBaseItem = function(nameTagId, baseItemId, name) { let buffer = new ByteBuffer(14 + Buffer.byteLength(name), ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buffer.writeUint64(nameTagId); buffer.writeUint64(baseItemId); buffer.writeByte(0x00); // unknown buffer.writeCString(name); this._send(Language.NameBaseItem, null, buffer); }; I've tried: 17293822569102704699, 02704699, 4699, and 4001 (the def_index) as the baseItemId. Appreciate any help!
  3. Basically the title. As far as I understand when using getCasketContents the items array doesn't have the name of the items that are stored in it. Is there any way to determine the name of the item and only remove let's say "Shattered Web Cases" from the storage unit? Secondly is there a limit to how many items I can remove from the casket per second? Looks like I can only remove 50 for some reason
  4. I have tried out the node-steam-user and node-globaloffensive package but I've logged in manually till now using username and password. Now I'm changing the manual login method to O-Auth/openid just like the "login with steam" feature on this site. Is there a way to use the logOn function of node-steam-user package by using the result obtained from the o-auth login. Because as far as I know, o-auth login only provide some profile info and steam ID. But I don't think that will be enough for the lognOn function to log in. My main goal is to login the user through steam and extract it's profile information obtained from node-steam-user and node-globaloffensive packages. But many functions in both packages, specially the node-globaloffensive package functions require to call the logOn function first and connect to game cordinator. Thankyou in advance for the help
  5. How can I get an item image or even 3d model of an item? Examples:https://s.cs.money/Zw7kaxs.jpg
  6. Hey there, I've currently spent today investigating and playing around with node-steam-user, and node-globaloffensive. I've have an array of inspect item links and I would like to check each of them using the InspectItem method, however my implementation seems to only send a protobuf message once, with successive calls not doing anything. It fires an 'inspectItemInfo' event once as it successfully displays the item details with. csgo.on('inspectItemInfo', function (item) { console.log(`got item: paint index is ${item.paintindex} and paintwear is ${item.paintwear}`); }); I am iterating over an items array containing the correct id, assetID and d value from the inspect link, I have validated each of these values work by manually inputting the values when calling InspectItem as they correctly give me the paint index and the wear float, however as previously mentioned it only seems to do this once, and then hangs. Here is my implementation: csgo.on('connectedToGC', function () { marketItemsObject.forEach(function (listing, index) { console.log(listing); setTimeout(() => { console.log(`${listing.id}`); csgo.inspectItem(listing.id, listing.assetID, listing.d); }, index * 3000); }); }); Many thanks for any help you may be able to give as i've been stumped on this for a few hours now.
  7. Hello, i cant get requestPlayersProfile to work. var Steam = require('steam-client'); var SteamID = require("steamid"); var GlobalOffensive = require('globaloffensive'); var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var account_name = "name"; var password = "password"; var client = new SteamUser(); var csgo = new GlobalOffensive(client); var sentryfile = fs.readFileSync(account_name + '.sentry'); var sha = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(sentryfile).digest(); client.setSentry(sha); client.logOn({ "accountName": account_name, "password": password }); client.on('loggedOn', function(details) { console.log("Logged into Steam as " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Offline); client.gamesPlayed(730); }); csgo.on("connectedToGC", function() { console.log("connectedToGC"); //setInterval(function(){ if ( csgo.haveGCSession ) { console.log(csgo.inventory); var account_id = new SteamID("76561198340987241"); csgo.requestPlayersProfile(account_id, function(data) { console.log(data); }); } //}, 3000); }); csgo.on("playersProfile", function(data) { console.log("Profile gotten"); }) I placed some console.log() into your code, to see whats coming back. handlers[Language.PlayersProfile] = function (body) { var proto = Protos.CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_PlayersProfile.decode(body); console.log("here"); console.log(proto); // { requestId: null, accountProfiles: [] } console.log(body); // <Buffer >... } always empty. Can you see what i'm doing wrong? Thanks!
  8. Hello, I tryed to get the globaloffensive GameCoordinator working for the whole day but it just does not work... My implementation: this._client = new SteamUser(); this._community = new SteamCommunity(); this._manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": self._client, "community": self._community, "language": "en", "pollInterval": 15000, "cancelTime": 650000 }); this._csgo = new GlobalOffensive(self._client); self._client.logOn({ "accountName": self._user, "password": self._pw, "twoFactorCode": totpCode, "rememberPassword": true }); self._client.on('loggedOn', function(details) { console.log("STEAMBOT Logged into Steam as " + self._client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); self._client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); console.log("STEAMBOT set status to online " + self._client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); self._client.gamesPlayed([730]); console.log("STEAMBOT set games played to 730 (csgo) " + self._client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); }); self._csgo.on('connectedToGC', function() { console.log('STEAMBOT connectedToGC - '+ self._steamid + ' - ' + self._user); }); self._csgo.on('disconnectedFromGC', function(reason) { console.log('STEAMBOT disconnectedFromGC - '+ self._steamid + ' - ' + self._user + 'reason: ' + reason); }); self._csgo.on('debug', (msg) => { console.log('CSGO_DEBUG ' + msg); }); Console output: STEAMBOT Logged into Steam as [U:1:xxxxxxxx] STEAMBOT set status to online [U:1:xxxxxxxx] CSGO_DEBUG Connecting because we're playing CS:GO STEAMBOT set games played to 730 (csgo) [U:1:xxxxxxxx] CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 2000 ms STEAMBOT Got web session id: xxxxxxxxxxxx steamID: xxxxxxxxxxxx STEAMBOT Got API key (xxxxxxxxxxxx): xxxxxxxxxxxx CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 4000 ms STEAMBOT Got web session id: xxxxxxxxxxxx steamID: xxxxxxxxxxxx STEAMBOT Got API key (xxxxxxxxxxxx): xxxxxxxxxxxx CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 8000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 16000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 32000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms CSGO_DEBUG Sending GC message ClientHello CSGO_DEBUG Sending hello, setting timer for next attempt to 60000 ms Already disabled the Firewall on my VPS (RamNode) but that did not help. All my trade related node-steam and node-steam-tradeoffer-manager stuff works flawlessly on that server. What could be the issue?
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