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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Use http://is.steam.rip/api/v1/?request=GetAllRegionData and ignore region 6.
  2. You'll still get crashes if you aren't checking whether you're actually connected to Steam. Your socket hang up error is indicative of network issues on your end.
  3. That error is because your bot got disconnected from Steam and you tried to call webLogOn, which only works if you're connected.
  4. I'm not sure what you're asking here. Limits I can recall off the top of my head are max 30 active sent offers at one time, max 5 active sent offers to one user at one time, and various IP rate-limits which should only affect offer.send() and offer.getReceivedItems().
  5. You really aren't meant to do it that way. That said, this is really, really bad and really, really horrible, but will work: var offer = manager.createOffer("[U:1:1]"); offer.id = 1; offer.state = 3; offer.tradeID = your_trade_id; offer.getReceivedItems((err, items) => { // as I said, horrible. });
  6. There isn't any way besides just using a bunch of IP addresses.
  7. Your web session is expiring. When you get the "Not Logged In" error you should call client.webLogOn() (provided you're still connected to Steam). It doesn't hurt to call it periodically (say, every hour) either.
  8. https://github.com/SteamRE/SteamKit/blob/master/Resources/SteamLanguage/enums.steamd#L14-L32
  9. Just to clarify, the callback is firing and err and status are both undefined, not null? What's offer.id? What version are you on?
  10. Yes, that's your best bet. You can ignore typing events in node-steam by checking the chatEntryType.
  11. You're already using node-steam and its handlers. Use those instead. Don't try to use them alongside node-steam-user.
  12. 1. Why are you logging in twice? 2. You can't send the offer until you're logged in. Please research how asynchronous JavaScript works if you don't understand this.
  13. I don't know if it matters which party is accepting the trade for whether or not the API will start failing while accepting.
  14. There's no such thing as an "ignored friend request". Once you ignore a friend request, the friend request is fully deleted from Steam. If you want a record of people who have added you that you've ignored, you'll need to keep it yourself. You could use nicknames for this perhaps (although I don't think nicknames are implemented in steam-user yet).
  15. When the callback to accept fires, all items have been exchanged.
  16. Check each SteamID in the myFriends property. If the value is EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient, then they're a pending friend request.
  17. It is reconnecting. It just hasn't yet when you try to log onto the website, which doesn't work if it isn't connected.
  18. You aren't connected to Steam. Today is Tuesday. Steam goes down every Tuesday.
  19. This is the kind of thing you need to be posting in the GitHub issue tracker, but don't bother as I'm fixing this. I'll push out 3.19.10 shortly with a fix for this.
  20. DuplicateRequest You can't enable 2FA if you already have 2FA enabled.
  21. You can't use this module with a limited account.
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