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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You'll miss out on things like stickers and custom names if you use market_hash_name as your unique field.
  2. You should update to v2, which removed the autoRetry option.
  3. The tag for accepting needs to be allow, not accept.
  4. Don't call parentalUnlock until the callback of setCookies fires Don't try to send an offer until the callback of parentalUnlock fires
  5. Yes, although you don't need to connect the CMClient before you log on with SteamUser. Just call client.bind(ip); and then you can immediately do user.logOn(details);
  6. Not presently, no. If you want your own name and stuff, you can use the GetPlayerSummaries WebAPI method.
  7. That's just how Valve does it. The classid/instanceid can also include some hidden data that isn't displayed in the actual item data, so you'll just have to live with whatever duplicates you get.
  8. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-client#bindlocaladdress-localport
  9. Yes, there is.
  10. 403s indicate that Steam has blocked your IP due to excessive requests. You need to slow down your request rate, or distribute it between multiple IP addresses.
  11. You could try Codecademy to learn JavaScript, and Stack Overflow to ask your general JavaScript questions.
  12. You can't just call webLogOn(), you need to call it as a method of a SteamUser object.
  13. You can't increase the "amount" of a non-stacked item. If you want to add multiple cases, you need to call addItem for each individual case object.
  14. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#weblogon
  15. The region will be fixed when there's time to fix it.
  16. There are pretty much two things you can do. Cancel unknown offers in unknownOfferSent and hope that the user doesn't accept it before you can cancel it (and if they do, fix it manually) Include some kind of internal identifier in the trade offer message and use that to track offers instead of (or in addition to) the offer ID
  17. You're calling offer.accept for every incoming offer. You need to add some checks there to make sure it only accepts offers you want to accept.
  18. No, polling uses the WebAPI which isn't IP rate-limited. Hitting steamcommunity.com is what gets you limited (e.g. inventories).
  19. Steam will automatically block your IP if you hit them too often, yes.
  20. Use http://is.steam.rip/api/v1/?request=GetAllRegionData and ignore region 6.
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