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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. This isn't supported. Why do you want to connect to a specific CM?
  2. There was a bug in 5.0.7 that made SteamUser automatically reconnect after you call logOff(). I suppose it's possible that this contributed to your issue. You might have a bunch of zombie processes running in your stateless environment. I don't know your environment, but see if there's some way to kill everything.
  3. I don't see anything wrong with your code, but I also can't reproduce the issue myself on the latest v5 version. Multiple sessions on the same account with differing logon IDs are working fine.
  4. Yes, you can do it with steam-session. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-session/blob/master/examples/login-with-qr.ts
  5. No, automating the market is a violation of the Steam TOS and isn't a supported use case.
  6. GetAssetClassInfo can be called for multiple items at a time. You could also cache the result since the same classid+instanceid combo will always have the same description.
  7. I'm familiar with what lancache is and how it works. If you want hashes of chunks, SHA1 hashes of every chunk is in the manifest. I'm not really seeing how downloading files through a lancache will help you to hash them, but your project is your business. Adding lancache support is pretty simple, but validating that it works is a little less so since I'll have to set up a cache server to test with.
  8. That would be possible, though I can't imagine there's too many people who would actually make use of this. Do you have a personal use case for that?
  9. Listen for the sentOfferChanged event to see if an offer was accepted. Trade offers cannot be modified so you don't need to worry about checking if it was changed.
  10. I don't believe the JWT public key was ever published.
  11. You don't need a key to decode it. It's just a JWT.
  12. I don't know why you'd have requests fail, but you could always call setCookies separately with the value you want for steamCountry.
  13. Dr. McKay


    I don't have any special insight into what account flags mean.
  14. Maybe your proxy's IP doesn't geomap to the country you expect.
  15. Could you be more specific? Everything looks fine on my end.
  16. You'd also need to set a cookie on the login.steampowered.com, with name steamRefresh_steam and value equal to <your 64-bit steamid>%7C%7C<your refresh token>
  17. I'm not able to reproduce this using your code. Error reading file machineAuthToken.somelogin.txt: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\-\AppData\Local\doctormckay\node-steamuser\machineAuthToken.somelogin.txt' API GET request to https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v0001/?format=vdf&cellid=12: 200 Randomly chose websockets server ext2-atl3.steamserver.net:27023 (load = 31, wtd_load = 22.909419059753418) [W1] Connecting to WebSocket CM ext2-atl3.steamserver.net:27023 [W1] WebSocket connection success; now logging in Logging on with account name and password; fetching a new refresh token Sending message: ClientHello Sending message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1 [W1#1] Handled message: Authentication.GetPasswordRSAPublicKey#1_Response Sending message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1 [W1] WebSocket disconnected with code 1000 and reason: [W1] Connection closed, but message queue is active. Enqueueing __CLOSE__ [W1#2] Handled message: Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials#1_Response [W1] Handling connection close steam-session startWithCredentials exception Error: InvalidPassword at eresultError (D:\Libraries\Repos\Node Modules\Steam Handlers\steam-user\node_modules\steam-session\dist\helpers.js:14:15) at AuthenticationClient.sendRequest (D:\Libraries\Repos\Node Modules\Steam Handlers\steam-user\node_modules\steam-session\dist\AuthenticationClient.js:242:46) at async AuthenticationClient.startSessionWithCredentials (D:\Libraries\Repos\Node Modules\Steam Handlers\steam-user\node_modules\steam-session\dist\AuthenticationClient.js:77:22) at async LoginSession.startWithCredentials (D:\Libraries\Repos\Node Modules\Steam Handlers\steam-user\node_modules\steam-session\dist\LoginSession.js:361:38) at async D:\Libraries\Repos\Node Modules\Steam Handlers\steam-user\components\09-logon.js:439:26 { eresult: 5 } Handle logon response (InvalidPassword) Disconnecting without sending logoff [W1] We wanted to end connection, but it's not connected or connecting error: InvalidPassword
  18. You're probably getting IP rate limited.
  19. You can't, neither of these work anymore.
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