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Everything posted by mrxbell

  1. I don't think so. I think bot make too much trade offer .
  2. I only receive 1 item. Because order is not reason . I need get new assetid, if not using getReceivedItems how can do this ?
  3. When i receive offer . I get market_hash_name using offer.itemsToReceive[0].market_hash_name But when i using offer.getReceivedItems(function (err, items) { //Why items[0].market_hash_name !== offer.itemsToReceive[0].market_hash_name } It only happen when i received item in game PUBG (example item with market_hash_name: 'Combat Pants (camo)' ) Thanks !
  4. this.community.inviteUserToGroup("steamID", "groupID", function(err){ console.log ("------------------------"); console.log(err); // HTTP error 400 console.log ("------------------------"); }); Sometime i recived err == null (success) . Thanks !
  5. Sometime bot see error : user.on("disconnected", function(result, reason) { console.log("Disconnected from Steam with reason : " + reason); // reason == 'Disconnected' }); how fix that ?
  6. SteamTotp.getTimeOffset(function(error, offset, latentcy){ console.log(error); // i recived error }); How fix this err ? Thanks
  7. When i using function getOfferrs i received Error: socket hang up . Please help , Thanks ! getOffers(1, function(err, sent, received){ // I received Error: socket hang up })
  8. I think you wrong this : if (this._client.steamID !== null) { ...} i'm not sure but i think you can try with this._community.on("sessionExpired", function(err) { this._client.webLogOn(); }
  9. Error display when items in inventory does not exits. you can see more there : https://steamerrors.com/26
  10. When i using marketSearch function body.total_count result this always not correct ? ( always > total_count on website of steam ? ). This is not err . Thank All. When logged and see market steam filter data because result is difference . I realizeI realize
  11. I only using localAddress in SteamCommunityEx : community = new SteamCommunity({localAddress: ipAdress});
  12. offer.getReceivedItems(function (err, items) { if (err) { console.log("Couldn't get received items: " + err); // Error : soket hang up } else { } }) Sometime bot received Error: socket hang up. How fix this ? Thanks !
  13. community = new SteamCommunity({localAddress: ipAdress}); If i use IP V6 and add code as above Do Steamcommunity working ?
  14. When call getInventoryContents(730, 2, true, function (err, myInv, currencies){ }); I received Error: Failure . Thanks !
  15. Some time bot login again . I want to know how long session expired . And how increase time session live . Thank !
  16. This is example view tradeoffers history incomming and send ( When you login you can view ) . Thanks ! http://steamcommunity.com/id/name_account/tradeoffers/?history=1 http://steamcommunity.com/id/name_account/tradeoffers/sent/?history=1
  17. Thanks. I use parameters is steamID64 because i think userID.getSteamID64() will not work .
  18. But if not check i see other error Cannot read property 'getSteamID64' of undefined in if(userID.getSteamID64() == self.steamID.getSteamID64()) \node_modules\steamcommunity\components\users.js: 371
  19. I want check inventory public before call method getUserInventoryContents ? Thanks !
  20. Thanks. I use method marketSearch always return Error: HTTP error 429 . I try change IP but not worked.
  21. I need get price item on market . If i use API only get one price https://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?country=US&currency=1&appid=570&market_hash_name= How i can get all price items. Thanks !
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