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Robert Lutece

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  1. It is working a little better now, but it still feels a bit clunky. I guess it is fine as it is. Thank you.
  2. The code below uses the information provided by the chatRoomGroupMemberStateChange event to send a message through a chat group channel welcoming a user to the group. async function groupListener() { await client.chat.setSessionActiveGroups(["XXXXXXXX"]); console.log("Group set as active."); client.chat.on("chatRoomGroupMemberStateChange", async (details) => { if (details.change === 1) { const personas = await client.getPersonas([details.member.steamid]); const accountid = details.member.steamid.accountid; const steamID64 = details.member.steamid.getSteamID64(); const playerName = personas.personas[steamID64].player_name; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); await groupComment(0, accountid, playerName, "Welcome to the group!"); } }); } ✔️ If the bot is online and a user joins, the message is sent. If the user then leaves the chat and rejoins it, the message is sent too. ❌ However, if a joined user exits the chat while the bot is offline and then rejoins while the bot is online, there is an error: Error: Request timed out at Promises.timeoutPromise (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\@doctormckay\stdlib\components\promises.js:12:12) at Promises.timeoutCallbackPromise (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\@doctormckay\stdlib\components\promises.js:87:25) at SteamUser.getPersonas (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\friends.js:323:26) at SteamChatRoomClient.<anonymous> (USERPATH\steambot\Trashbot\trashBot.js:555:41) at SteamChatRoomClient.emit (node:events:512:28) at SteamUser.<anonymous> (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\chatroom.js:1186:12) at USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\classes\HandlerManager.js:35:12 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at HandlerManager.emit (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\classes\HandlerManager.js:34:12) at SteamUser._handleMessage (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\03-messages.js:641:25) at SteamUser._handleNetMessage (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\03-messages.js:562:8) at SteamUser._processMulti (USERPATH\steambot\node_modules\steam-user\components\03-messages.js:693:9) Further leaving and rejoining throw no errors. Why is this the case and how can I fix this anomalous behaviour?
  3. Apparently a second incident has taken place in relation to gladiator.tf bots in which a hacker has managed to access their pricing database and steal US$ 80k. This is shocking news and I would like to know if this may have been a vulnerability in a module by Dr. McKay, how it may have happened and how to prevent this from taking place in my bot.
  4. I am replying to gain visibility. Can anybody help me?
  5. Can anybody help me?
  6. I use the sortBackpack() method after every time a trade offer is accepted. In fact, since it doesn't seem to work for me, I execute the code several times. sortBackpack(n = 0) is the closest thing to "sort by class" in the range n = [0, 5], so I feel like I am not acknowledging the new items. What am I missing?
  7. Upon accepting a trade offer, my bot's inventory is sorted by class (presumably: tf2.sortBackpack(0)). However, as you can see in the picture, it is only partially sorted, possibly because I am not "acknowledging" the new items and they do not behave normally. I can find no other explanation - I have tried everything. Please, help me.
  8. Hello. Thank you for reading my post. I have been scratching my head for a while, trying to figure out a method to find the Steam ID of someone who invites a user to a group. client.on("groupRelationship", (sid, relationship) => { if (relationship === 2) { client.respondToGroupInvite(sid, false); console.log("Group invite declined."); } }); } Currently, the only way I have managed to do it is by manually searching through the friends list to identify the friend who is in the group, as only friends can send group invites. However, this approach is certainly far from ideal. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or ideas. Thank you kindly and have a nice day.
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