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  1. Is there a full example of a bot that sends trade offers and then confirms using startconfirmationchecker as i always get this error once the method is called. Am i just missing something? https://gyazo.com/a59aa36fed4a641325a926e41ccb890f steamClient.on('logOnResponse', function(logonResp) { if (logonResp.eresult === Steam.EResult.OK) { console.log('Logged in'); steamFriends.setPersonaState(Steam.EPersonaState.Online); steamWebLogOn.webLogOn(function(sessionID, newCookie) { getSteamAPIKey({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie }, function(err, APIKey) { offers.setup({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie, APIKey: APIKey }); fetchtradeurl(); offerItems(); community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, identity_secret); }); }); } });
  2. For some reason I consistently get this error after receiving a trade offer. steam_bot.js:217 if (them.escrowDays <= 0) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'escrowDays' of undefined at /home/teslim/steam-bot/steam_bot.js:217:17 at Object.exports.makeAnError (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/helpers.js:33:4) at manager._community.httpRequestGet (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js:752:12) at SteamCommunity._checkCommunityError (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:129:3) at Request._callback (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:51:88) at Request.self.callback (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/request/request.js:187:22) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at Request.emit (events.js:191:7) at Request.<anonymous> (/home/teslim/steam-bot/node_modules/request/request.js:1044:10) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at Request.emit (events.js:188:7)
  3. Firstly I would like to say that you made amazing job! I have a few questions and suggestions. Questions: 1) createAccount() works great. But If I understand correctly It creates accounts through Steam client. Is it safe to create for example 30 or more accounts at once? Does Steam register my machine ID or just IP when I am using this function? 2) Is it possible to change account store country? (not profile country) 3) Is it possible to change email or password? If not, Is it hard to implement this kind of functionality?
  4. I've read posts below but. I have 429 error while retrieving a apiKey (setting it manually doesn't really work (btw why?)). Interesting thing that I did change IP, vps and waited about a week and it seems like this bot still doesn't work. is my account banned or what?
  5. Hello I have a couple of questions regarding the tradeOffers event and changes in trade offer states. Is the tradeOffers event only emitted when receiving a new trade offer? Is there an event that is emitted when a trade offer changes state? Is the only way to detect changes in trade offer states to poll Steam API GetTradeOffers? What are the rate limits of Steam API GetTradeOffers, is it based on IP Address or Steam Account, or?Thank you for any support, really loving your libraries.
  6. Hey, I'm currently rewriting my bots due to all those new goodies which been developed in the last year (shoutouts to McKay and everyone working on these). Currently debugging everything and saw that calling JSON.stringify on pollData returns undefined. Had a look at the original pollData and dug a little into the JSON.stringify manual. The manual's saying, that the method will return undefined if a part of the data is a function. Always thought that it would simply omit the function. (tested pre submitting: yep, everything I tried resulted in omitting the Function when calling stringify on the object). Either way, Im at a loss here. Here's a Screenshot of the pollData (this is pre stringifying and right at the beginning of the pollData): and here's my event handler: prototype._onPollData = function onPollDataCallback(data) { var that = this; try{ var write = JSON.stringify(data); }catch (e){ console.log(e); //pls lemme find some } console.log(util.inspect(data, false, null)); fs.writeFile('./bots/pollData/' + that.botName + '.json', JSON.stringify(data), function(err) { if (err){ console.log(err); } return; }); }; I guess that I simply am screwing up somewhere and am just to tunneled to see it but wanted to make sure, if that [Function] really belongs there. Cheers
  7. Hello, im trying to confirme trades using php and curl https://steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/ajaxop?op=conf&p=android:{DevideID}&a={SteamID}&k={CurrentMobileGuardCode}&t={Time}&m=android&tag=conf&cid={TradeofferID} but i get this response {"success":false} maybe you guys can help with the parameters and the link to get it to work
  8. What tools to use for getting information about steam api status ? very often steam api goes down, how properly to check if any troubles exist ? edit: Basicaly i want this status list from https://steamstat.us/ Steam Store - Normal Steam Community - Normal Steam Web API - Normal CS:GO Services - Normal var SteamWebAPI = require('@doctormckay/steam-webapi'); looks what i need. but what iface to use ? edited: discovered http://is.steam.rip/api/v1/?request=IsSteamRip cool!!!
  9. How to get wear of sticker on a weapon? I found it on this page API GetPlayerItems... But this page does not work very often. Is there a way to get the other way?
  10. Hello ! How should i properly handle this error ? I wrapped offer.accept into Promise and when i catch error then i get errCode and if errCode === 28 what way to re-accept this offer properly ? should i return false and then try to accept offer again ? or update somehow ?
  11. Hi! I'm trying to send an offer from one account to another. I'm relative new to programming. Here is the code: var TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); var SteamID = TradeOfferManager.SteamID; var sid = new SteamID('[MY_STEAM_ID]'); sid.type = SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL; sid.instance = SteamID.Instance.DESKTOP; var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var client = new SteamUser(); var community = new SteamCommunity(); var manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, "domain": "MY_DOMAIN", "language": "en" }); // Steam logon options var logOnOptions = { "accountName": "MY_STEAM_USERNAME", "password": "MY_STEAM_PASSWORD", }; client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log("Logged into Steam as " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); }); // Send offer var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=MY_STEAM_PARTNER&token=MY_STEAM_TOKEN"); manager.loadUserInventory(sid, 730, 2, true, function(err, myItems) { if(err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(myItems[3]); offer.addMyItem(myItems[3]); offer.setToken("MY_STEAM_TOKEN"); offer.setMessage("Transferring my stuff"); offer.send(function(err) { console.log(err); }); });The output is the following: Logged into Steam as [U:1:MY_STEAM_ID] CEconItem { id: '6763577968', classid: '310778073', instanceid: '302028390', amount: 1, pos: 3, assetid: '6763577968', contextid: '2', appid: '730', icon_url: '-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXH5ApeO4YmlhxYQknCRvCo04DEVlxkKgpovrG1eVcwg8zAaAJF_t24nZSOqPrxN7LEmyUB6pwl2r2U84-h2VG1-hA6MWimJ4GRIAU2NAmC-QLvkLjsjJftup3L1zI97T2fu0Hu', icon_url_large: '-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXH5ApeO4YmlhxYQknCRvCo04DEVlxkKgpovrG1eVcwg8zAaAJF_t24nZSOqPrxN7LEm1Rd6dd2j6eR99Wh2ADhrRBoYjyiJdXDIAdrYl_UqFK2lL-9hsXt7cvKwHMyvCAg-z-DyIQOpr_N', icon_drag_url: '', name: 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized', market_hash_name: 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized (Field-Tested)', market_name: 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized (Field-Tested)', name_color: 'D2D2D2', background_color: '', type: 'Industrial Grade Pistol', tradable: true, marketable: true, commodity: false, market_tradable_restriction: 7, descriptions: [ { type: 'html', value: 'Exterior: Field-Tested' }, { type: 'html', value: ' ' }, { type: 'html', value: 'Accurate and controllable, the German-made P2000 is a serviceable first-round pistol that works best against unarmored opponents. It has been painted in a marbleized pattern.' }, { type: 'html', value: ' ' }, { type: 'html', value: 'The Italy Collection', color: '9da1a9', app_data: [Object] }, { type: 'html', value: ' ' } ], actions: [ { name: 'Inspect in Game...', link: 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D14285500353088769102' } ], market_actions: [ { name: 'Inspect in Game...', link: 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M%listingid%A%assetid%D14285500353088769102' } ], tags: [ { internal_name: 'CSGO_Type_Pistol', name: 'Pistol', category: 'Type', category_name: 'Type' }, { internal_name: 'weapon_hkp2000', name: 'P2000', category: 'Weapon', category_name: 'Weapon' }, { internal_name: 'set_italy', name: 'The Italy Collection', category: 'ItemSet', category_name: 'Collection' }, { internal_name: 'normal', name: 'Normal', category: 'Quality', category_name: 'Category' }, { internal_name: 'Rarity_Uncommon_Weapon', name: 'Industrial Grade', category: 'Rarity', color: '5e98d9', category_name: 'Quality' }, { internal_name: 'WearCategory2', name: 'Field-Tested', category: 'Exterior', category_name: 'Exterior' } ], is_currency: false, market_marketable_restriction: 0, fraudwarnings: [] } Error: HTTP error 401 at SteamCommunity.manager._community.httpRequestPost (/srv/SteamTrade/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js:477:31) at Request._callback (/srv/SteamTrade/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:62:14) at Request.self.callback (/srv/SteamTrade/node_modules/request/request.js:187:22) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at Request.emit (events.js:191:7) at Request.<anonymous> (/srv/SteamTrade/node_modules/request/request.js:1044:10) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at Request.emit (events.js:188:7) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/srv/SteamTrade/node_modules/request/request.js:965:12) at emitNone (events.js:91:20)I couldn't get steam-totp to work (getAuthCode() that is), could this be the issue - that the account isn't logged in correctly? Why I suspect this might be the issue is because manager.loadInventory(730, 2, true, function(err, myItems)didn't work, while manager.loadUserInventory(sid, 730, 2, true, function(err, myItems)works. If not, what else could be the issue? Thankful for answers, Andreas
  12. hello, im trying to make a steam trade bot (and im not so good with coding). i found this code to send trade offer but i don"t know how to add items var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=0000000&token=xxxxxxx"); manager.loadInventory(730, 2, true, function(err, myItems) { if(err) { console.error(err); return; } offer.loadPartnerInventory(730, 2, function(err, theirItems) { if(err) { console.error(err); return; } offer.addMyItem(myItems[0]); offer.addTheirItem(theirItems[0]); offer.send(""); }); }); }); let's say i want to : send 2 items with id 6908727870 and id 6901768067 and recieve 2 items with id 847548541 and id 325415748 please just help me filling these ids in the code above to serve like an example for me. thank you so much
  13. friends.on("friendMsg", function(user, msg, type, details){ if(type == Steam.EChatEntryType.ChatMsg){ if(msg == "invite"){ client.on("getSteamLevels", function(user, callback){ client.getSteamLevels(user, callback) callback(results); if(results >= 10){ client.inviteUserToGroup(user, "steamgroupidhere") } }); } } }); Thats my code.Whats wrong it with?
  14. To my understanding Steam's api's Inventory has a IP rate limit. I read this post https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/203-using-loaduserinventory-on-1-bot/?hl=inventory and I'm not understanding how making 100 inventory calls/min results in the need for only 5 ip's? Each IP being able to make 2 requests per minute results in a maximum of 10 inventory calls. Sorry if this is obvious, I just don't understand it.
  15. Hello, steam-user docs has Event error At the same time, logon.js component is throwing errors during logOn calls if(this.client.loggedOn) { throw new Error("Already logged on, cannot log on again"); }There are couple of places (2? 3?) where Error is thrown. Why this discrepancy? It feels like some of the Error could be emitted, thus allowing client (as client == developer) handle them in the way they prefer. Right now I would have to wrap calls to logOn in try catch. Do I miss use case here? Thank you!
  16. Hello. How i can get items name in : manager.on('newOffer', function(offer) { // my code below, i'm try but not working for (var i = 0; i < offer.itemsToReceive.length; i++) { console.log(offer.itemsToReceive[i].market_hash_name); } });I'm got "undefined" in console, so?
  17. Hello there! I have a trouble. My account can't generate API'keys, so i was edited index.js from steam-tradeoffer-manager folder, and i found this.apiKey = null and changed it to this.apiKey = options.apiKeyand in my js script i'm use this: var manager = new TradeOfferManager({"domain": "example.com", // Our domain is example.com "language": "en", // We want English item descriptions "apiKey": "myAPIKEY", "pollInterval": 5000 // We want to poll every 5 seconds since we don't have Steam notifying us of offers });Now, i can run my script without errors. For debug i use steam.on('debug', console.log); manager.on('debug', console.log);After the start script i'm send some offerts to my "bot". And bot can't detect these offers. And i haven't errors in logs. So what i can do with that? I got this in console:
  18. If i pass a node-steamcommunity instance in the constructor of the trade offer manager and then i set the cookies of the manager, does the community cookies are also set, or do i need to call setCookies for the community too ?
  19. I just updated steam-tradeoffer-manager and after update i am getting this error. I updated because someone told me that will solve my problem which i have with trades. Not offten but it will happen few times on day.
  20. Hi guys i'm use getReceivedItems method, but sometimes it return error, i try to try again in 1 second, but it doesn't give a result. What i must do?
  21. Hello. First, I would like to thank you, Doctor McKay, for such incredible Node module. Currently, I understand that trading via Trade URLs aren't possible with a limited account using this module, which is based on Node Steam by seishun. Is it possible to trade with this module or seishun's Node Steam using Trade URLs and a limited account? Or at least trade somehow but still with a limited account? Thanks!
  22. Hi How can i get an access to the steam data base with all the Market items + games from the Steam Store - should i keep using GetSchema or there is anything else i need to do? Like https://steamprofit.com/newtrade Thanks
  23. I am trying to build a basic group chat bot. At the moment it looks like this.. var User = require('steam-user') var bot = new User() bot.logOn({ 'accountName': process.env.USERNAME, 'password': process.env.PASSWORD }) bot.on('loggedOn', function (res) { console.log('Logged in!') console.log(res) bot.setPersona(User.EPersonaState.Online) }) bot.on('webSession', function (sessionID, cookies) { console.log('Got a web session!') }) bot.on('friendMessage', function (steamID, message) { console.log(`message from ${steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()}: ${message}`) }) bot.on('chatInvite', function (inviterID, chatroomID) { bot.joinChat(chatroomID, function (eresult) { console.log(eresult) }) }) bot.on('error', function (e) { console.log(e) }) The call to the joinChat method is successful but the EResult is a 7 - "InvalidProtocolVer". I've been searching for information about how to handle this type of error and was hoping that maybe someone here has encountered it before.
  24. I have this error everytime after trade confirmation What i did wrong? My code: let time_conf = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); let key_conf = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(this.identity_secret, time_conf, "conf"); this.community.getConfirmations(time_conf, key_conf, (err, confirmations) => { setTimeout(() => { let time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); let key = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(this.identity_secret, time, "accept"); confirmations[0].respond(time, key, true, (err) => { console.log('err', err); }); }, 1001); });
  25. Hi, I have problem because sometimes bot can't get new "webSession" for even 5h. When i am restarting bot he can login but he can't get cookie. Is that problem with steam servers? I saw that steam return's "You don't have permission to access "http://steamcommunity.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/" on this server. Reference #XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXX". I must set bot for another server by changing ip of steam service? Or is there any way to fix it?
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