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Vanilla got a reaction from SpiTik in Answer by level
client.on("friendMessage", (steamid, message) => {
if (message === "test") {
client.getSteamLevels([steamid], function(results) {
if (results[steamid] > 5) {
client.chatMessage(steamid, "u have +5 lvl.");
Vanilla reacted to QuestionRealQuick1 in Opening boosters?
Hello again ^^
Just figured i would update this for others that are looking to do the same thing
You need to send a ajax request to the following url
parms should be:
sessionid: given on websession event store it (not sure if theres another way to get it ^^?)appid: item.market_fee_appcommunityitemid: item.assetid Easy as pie ^^ have abit of a delay so you don't get rate limited
hope that helps anybody
would be lovely to have a item.unpack()
remember to pass the cookie as a header
Vanilla got a reaction from Igaresha in Asking for steam guard code after few hours working
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it should supposed to be like this?
community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { if (err) { console.log('sessionExpired: '+err); client.webLogOn(); } community.stopConfirmationChecker(); }); Also, another way to bypass Steam Guard Code is using loginKey
Vanilla got a reaction from McMuffinDK in Asking for steam guard code after few hours working
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it should supposed to be like this?
community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { if (err) { console.log('sessionExpired: '+err); client.webLogOn(); } community.stopConfirmationChecker(); }); Also, another way to bypass Steam Guard Code is using loginKey
Vanilla got a reaction from Material in Clean steam accounts?
Not possible, your account still marked as "limited" which prevent you to do trades
Vanilla reacted to Dr. McKay in Creating account: Error 20
Sounds like Valve's tired of people creating spam bots.
Vanilla got a reaction from SpiTik in Chat Anti Spam Help
Not really an answer, but here's a small code I use on my bot to prevent chat spam.
It will block a person who send same messages every 2 second.
var antispam; var markedSteamID; function spamtimer() { //when called, it will reset antispam = 0; markedSteamID = 0; } setInterval(spamtimer, 2000); //call spamtimer function every 2 sec //.. your code here client.on("friendMessage", function(senderID, message) { //anti spam if (senderID == admin){ //Ignore if chat from admin } else if ((antispam == message) && (markedSteamID == senderID.getSteamID64())) { client.chatMessage(senderID, "I caught you spamming"); //do something, like block that person or something } //.. your code here.. to respond chat antispam = message; //bot will record the message, will reset every 2 sec markedSteamID = senderID.getSteamID64(); //bot will record SteamID of sender, will reset every 2 sec }); -
Vanilla reacted to Dr. McKay in Redeem Wallet Code?
Vanilla reacted to xLeeJYx in Friend Adder
spamming friend request eh ? I wont even try to help since I been getting spam friend request from scam bots. And i think very less people will like what you are doing and probably wont help
Vanilla got a reaction from 1Life1Chance in Need Help
Add amount property when adding item
Vanilla reacted to Vanilla in .logOn just never does anything
maybe this?
var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var newUser = new SteamUser(); details = { accountName: '<username>', password: '<password>' } newUser.logOn(details); newUser.on('loggedOn', function (details) { console.log('Sucesfully Logged in'); //do something }); -
Vanilla reacted to Andrei Elvis in how can i get the token in the offerURL
To get just the token from a tradeurl you can use this example:
var tradelink = 'https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=6969696969&token=testtest123'; var token = tradelink.split('token=')[1]; console.log(token); //OUTPUT: testtest123 -
Vanilla got a reaction from Frohser in Error: "Not Logged In"
Use "sessionExpired" event from node-steamcommunity, then relogin using node-steam-user "webLogon()".
edit: this might help https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/1134-not-able-to-respond-to-offers-because-not-online/?p=3786
Vanilla got a reaction from Nacho in AppID of a offer
using 'item.appid'
Vanilla got a reaction from Nacho in Edit Steam Profile Summary
Using steamcommunity editProfile.https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#editprofilesettings-callback
Vanilla got a reaction from xLeeJYx in How to get the item tags ?
You need to get individual item from offer, and after that just call "item.tags".
Since tags is an array, you might want to use loop to check if an item contain "Craft Item"
Vanilla reacted to Dr. McKay in offer.itemsToGive/itemsToReceive.marketable giving wrong result
No, not really. I see in your output that tradable is also false (which obviously cannot be true if it's in a trade offer). You may consider just failing the entire trade and trying again later if any item has that property as false.
Vanilla reacted to jafix in Can I check the report on trade scams of the account that sends me a deal?
I suggest using node-steamrep. It's a lot more reliable then the notifications from Steam.
Vanilla got a reaction from Toxic in Need some help with my bot
if(steamID == '76561197.....' || steamID == '76561.....'){
In case if you want the bot accept user command and admin command, you can try this example, or using switch-case:
var admin = "76561..."; //this is admin Steam ID client.on('friendMessage', function (steamID, message) { if((steamID == admin) && (message== "!command1")){ client.chatMessage(steamID, 'admin command 1'); } else if((steamID == admin) && (message== "!command2")){ client.chatMessage(steamID, 'admin command 2'); } else if(message== "!user1"){ client.chatMessage(steamID, 'user command 1'); } else if(message== "!help"){ client.chatMessage(steamID, '!help command'); } else { client.chatMessage(steamID, 'command not found, use !help'); } }); -
Vanilla reacted to tbo0 in Called method busy, action not taken
Do you have any idea what the phrase 'Called method busy, action not taken' could mean as an error? It happens only a few times and I'm also not sure where it is getting invoked, either from getUserInvenotryContexts or getUserInventoryContents method.
Thanks in advance.