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  1. Hello, sometimes when my sent offer is accepted, I am calling getReceivedItems method and array in "items" argument is empty. This offer is accepted and items are on bot. Why this is happening sometimes? I think that there is only way to fix this is create recalling of this method if array is empty with something like ~5 iterations.
  2. On my site i have a many query method loadUserInventory for different steamid. i wanna to make this method within proxy, coz for very frequent queries steam send error 429. How i can use proxy with u module?
  3. Hi, I would like to know what is the fastest way to get notifications from Steam. Should I use: "steam": client, or set pollInterval: "pollInterval": 1000 If so then how low can I go? Maybe both? Sorry if I said something incorrect.
  4. If you try to execute the bot using a user that doesn't have a home directory the application will crash on dataPath = path.join(process.env.HOME, ".local", "share", "{0}") perhaps check if process.env.HOME exists, otherwise set a fixed path?
  5. Just realized one of the offers is stuck and the confirmation did not go through, is there a way around this as I'm only using SteamCommunity.startConfirmationChecker(12000, s); Would polling solve this issue? is there any other way around it?
  6. Hi there, I have setup my bot correctly with weblogon polling every hour and a sendoffers/updateoffers function running every 20 seconds but when the bot sends a trade, it sends more than one for the same items. I have tried to increase the polling intervals but have no luck. No errors or callbacks are emitted. Hope you can help me. Regards
  7. I've noticed that on occasion (happens every 30 or so offers) I don't receive a newOffer event, the offer is simply forgotten about and eventually canceled automatically. Interestingly, if I send another offer right away (before the first one is canceled) I get a newOffer event for both of them. I've only just started noticing this bug, using version 1.19.0: https://github.com/kryogenic/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/tree/v1.19
  8. I'm using email authentication. How am I supposed to login without needing to enter a steam guard code each time i call doLogin? login() looks like its setting cookies in it so i wasn't sure if i needed setcookies elsewhere. Thank you
  9. Hi, What is the right way to setup and enable 2FA and successfully log-in w/ TOTP (to get an auth code) and steam-community? I used this to setup 2FA on my second IOS device, everything went fine. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/examples/enable_twofactor.js After successfully enabling 2FA, i used this example (from node-steam-tradeoffer-manager) to login, but I keep getting an "Steam login failed; SteamGuardMobile" error. So my question is, why am I getting this error? Did I do something wrong?
  10. I am wondering what is the bast way to manage multiple bots. Currently I am creating multiple instances for example: var client1= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient1.logOn({ accountName: config.client1.username, password: config.client1.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); var client2= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient2.logOn({ accountName: config.client2.username, password: config.client2.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); Is this the best way to do that? Also do i need apy key for each bot? To retrieve the api key from steam i have to make purchase for 5$, but if I have 100 bots, have to pay 500$. Steam -> "You will be granted access to Steam Web API keys when you have games in your Steam account." If i try to login and add cookies i have this error: 'error: Unable to set trade offer cookies: Error: Access Denied'
  11. Hi! I searched in all yours node's API but dont found any method to get the games that a specified account has? does have any method that i pass the steamid of an account and return the games that the account have ? Att Rene
  12. Hi, 1. Is it possible to renew session using node-steamcommunity in a fashion similar to node-steam-user.webLogOn() method? 2. Do I have to check if my session have expired every now and then or maybe there is event emited in such a situation? Thanks in advance, help will be much appreciated
  13. I've noticed a lot of 500 errors recently, usually these errors only happen once or twice per offer but I've noticed some cases where I'm completely unable to send a trade offer because it returns a 500 error each time I retry it. These errors are very hard to debug. I'm wondering if this is a temporary issue that everyone is experiencing, since I used to notice a lot of descriptive errors with eresult params. Also if there is some way to get the error info that would be great to know. I've tried printing the err, response, and body which are { [Error: HTTP error 500] code: 500 }, undefined, and undefined, respectively.
  14. How can i use the method getActions in getReceivedItens to generate the inspect link of the new item received ?
  15. Does that mean I can give it a ssfn file that's located in my Steam folder?
  16. I'm planning on releasing a new major version of steam-tradeoffer-manager of v2.0.0. So far, what I'm planning to do is: Move token and message out of the TradeOffer#send() method and into methods like setMessage and setAccessTokenHard requirement for node.js v4.0.0 or later (currently package.json suggests that you need v4 or later, but v2 would make this an absolute requirement)This should be addressed.Since this is a major change and they're meant to be few and far between, there's no point in wasting it! If you have any suggestions of stuff that could be added, or things that have just annoyed you, I'd love to hear them!
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