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  1. Hello there, I managed to make my bot edit their "Real Name' using editProfile node-steamcommunity, and I found a problem Everytime I'm using "community.editProfile", it always removing one of my bot Profile Showcase. The original is "Items Up For Trade" and Custom Info Box, but after calling editProfile, "Items Up For Trade" always gone and only leaving Custom Info Box. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Because I can't find anything in wiki about Profile Showcase. Thanks Not sure if it's help, but here's part of code community.editProfile({ "realName": "Bot Version: " +version, "background" : 4149974111, }, function(err) { if (err) { var log = (currentdate() + " - Failed to update RealName"); fs.appendFile("log.txt", log+ "\n", {flag: 'a'}, function(err) {}); console.log(log); } else { var log = (currentdate() + " - RealName updated: "+version); fs.appendFile("log.txt", log+ "\n", {flag: 'a'}, function(err) {}); console.log(log); } });
  2. Hello! I'm still working on my personal project to get rid of the Steam App. I can Get my Auth code, send offer and accept the incoming ones. But today I needed to sell an item on steam market... and then I realize I need to open the App. And I was looking the APIs information... but I don't find anithing about Steam market confirmations. Is there a way to confirm the market confirmations? Or my project will lack this feature because it's not possible to do that? I really try to avoid the App, because it blocks the other features some hours... Thanks for reading me, and have a happy gaming!
  3. This is my code: manager.on('pollSuccess', () => { if (!client.steamID) { client.logOn(getLogOnOptions()); } });But today some bots did not restart. In the logs I found the following: Steam Guard App CodeIs it possible to catch this event? Or how to avoid errors when restart?
  4. Can I push item from bot inventory to Steam trade platform?
  5. Hello! Today I'm getting this error while accepting offers (incoming ones or the ones I create): Offer #XXXXXXXXX is not active, so it may not be accepted. Then, the only way I have to confirm the trade is using the mobile App and then stop the bot few hours to avoid this problem... but it persists. Waht does it mean is "not active"? How can I avoid it? Thanks for reading me!
  6. Hello. I would like to thanks everyone for helping me first. I am really glad. I have a problem with steam bot. The problem is that he logs in normally than refreshing sessions etc everything is okay but after 2 days or more when refreshing session i get error Invalid RSA key recieved and than it ends. So I need to start it manually again. community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { if (err) { console.log('sessionExpired: '+err); } community.stopConfirmationChecker(); SteamTotp.getTimeOffset(function(err, offset, latency) { account.twoFactorCode = SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(account.shared_secret, offset); community.login(account, login); }); console.log('=========================REFRESHING SESSION========================='); }); There is my code. Thank you very much for fast reponse.
  7. Hello! I'm getting the Sentry file from the 'steam' module. When I try to logon using this module, I set the sentry file and it still requests me to input the Steam Guard code. Here's how I'm getting the sentry from Steam.SteamUser: function MakeSha(bytes) { var hash = crypto.createHash('sha1'); hash.update(bytes); return hash.digest(); } this.steamClientUser.on('updateMachineAuth', (sentry, cb) => { fs.writeFileSync(/* path */, sentry.bytes); // Method which uses steam-user module this.loginWithSentry(); cb({ sha_file: MakeSha(sentry.bytes) }); this.steamClient.disconnect(); });And here, how I set the sentry, reading from the file that was written in the above code. let sentryFile = fs.readFileSync((/* path */)); this.steamUser.setSentry(sentryFile); this.steamUser.logOn({ accountName: this.username, password: this.password });After this, the console asks for the steam guard code, apparently ignoring the sentry.PS: The sentry file is actually 2KB.
  8. Sorry if this has already been asked before.. ik it can get quite annoying but im running into this issue with my session expiration. I have the following code that I saw someone post to re-login. community.on('sessionExpired', function(err) { if (err) { console.log('sessionExpired: '+err); } console.log("Re-Logging in to Steam..."); community.stopConfirmationChecker(); client.logOn(logOnOptions); }); However when it hit that code it gave the following output.. /home/node_modules/steam-user/components/web.js:9 throw new Error("Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without first being connected to Steam network"); ^ Error: Cannot log onto steamcommunity.com without first being connected to Steam network Again sorry if this has already been asked..i've been looking around for quite some time now but all I see is.. "You have to just re-login" But just saying that doesn't really help me understand. I'd be greatful for a useful response! Thanks
  9. I'm currently having competition in a little niche, and its all about beeing faster. For that reason I want to accept a tradeoffer asap after getting it. Here is my question: Is there anything that I can do to make manager.on('newOffer', function (offer) { //Just a function that has some logic, does pretty much just accept the offer as long as itemstogive.length ==0 accept(offer); }); faster? Or is this the fastest already. And how much delay is there between getting the offer, and this block of code realizing that a new offer came in? I can also post my full code if needed.
  10. Hi, I have a problem with steamcommunity. I can only get trade confirmations those created manually when i call steamcommunity.getConfirmations. Those trade confirmations i created with steam-tradeoffer-manager can't get them. Thank you for help. attch file 111 can see i have 2 confirmations to confirm. but when i call getConfirmations i only get one~ var time = SteamTotp.time(steamBot.community._timeOffset); var confKey = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(steamBot.option.identity_secret, time, 'conf'); var allowKey = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(steamBot.option.identity_secret, time, 'allow'); // steamBot.community.acceptAllConfirmations(time, confKey, allowKey, function(err, confs){ // if(err){ // res.sendError(err); // return; // } // if(confs == null) confs = []; // res.sendSuccess(confs); // }); req.steamBot.community.getConfirmations(time, confKey, function(err,confs){ if(err){ res.sendError(err); return; } res.sendSuccess(); });
  11. Hello! So, I noticed there's getNotifications() to get the number of notifications, but can I actually get, for example, who I have gotten a friend invite from? Thanks!
  12. So whilst my bot is trying to log in this happens socket error: Error: connect EACCES XXXXXXXXX:27017 (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket closed with an error waiting 1 secs (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. connecting to (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket timed out (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket closed connecting to (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket timed out (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket closed connecting to (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket timed out (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. socket closed connecting to (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. connected (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. encrypt request (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. handshake complete (node:5600) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. Logged in! I replaced the top IP with X After it logs in i then get this: events.js:163 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1050:11) at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1073:20) at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1093:14) Any help would be appreciated
  13. Hello How to get badge level another person, friend?
  14. Hi, After I use getInventoryContents I get an array of inventory objects. I want to be able to define a variable to determine how much items i send. For example: var amount = 5; offer.addMyItems(inventory[0 - 4]); var amount = 3; offer.addMyItems(inventory[0 - 2]);
  15. Hello, var aaaaaaaaaa= "76561198041931474";client.on('getchatHistory', function(aaaaaaaaaa, callback) {console.log(callback);}); It doesn't return anything.
  16. Hello, When I send offer i get error: "callback is not a function" in steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/helpers.js in 45 line. That is my code: function sendOffer(customer, bot, customerItems, botItems) { var botInventory = manager.getUserInventoryContents(customer, 753, 6, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) { return inventory; }); var customerInventory = manager.getUserInventoryContents(bot, 753, 6, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) { return inventory; }); var Exchange = manager.createOffer(customer); var message = "Thank You for trading with me. Here's your cards. This offer expires in 10 minutes."; var ExchangeBot = GetExchangeItems(botInventory, botItems); var ExchangeUser = GetExchangeItems(customerInventory, customerItems); Exchange.addTheirItems(ExchangeUser); Exchange.addMyItems(ExchangeBot); Exchange.send(message, 'Dh58A2w', function(err, status) { console.log('Exchange ID:' + Exchange.id + ' send: ', status); }); } And I have second question. How to send offers to friends without token?
  17. Hey guys! I would like to ask for help. Someone can tell me where to find it my shared_secret and identity_secret? I use Steam Desktop Authenticator (jessecar96). Thanks for the help!
  18. Hello! I'm still on my challenge to avoid SteamApp (My Android device is quite bad, I know). Well. I'm trying to make a system for accept or decline manually incoming offers. I made the following code: manager.getOffers(1,function(err, sent, recived){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { for (var i = 0; i < recived.length; i++) { if(recived[i].id == trade_I_want_to_decline){ recived[i].cancel(function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err.message); } else { console.log("Horray! trade declined!") } }); } } } }); //... Other unrelated code //... More unrelated code manager.getOffers(1,function(err, sent, recived){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { for (var i = 0; i < recived.length; i++) { if(recived[i].id == trade_I_want_to_accept){ recived[i].accept(function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err.message); } else { console.log("Horray! Trade accepted!") } }); } } } }); Well. These are separated functions. As you can see, they are basically the same except the main function: Accept and Decline. Decline works like a charm. But accept... doesnt work well. In fact, it returns the "Horray! Trade accepted!" message, but it doesn't really accept the trade. Whay I'm missing? Did I need something more to make it work? Thanks for reading me and have a nice day!
  19. Hi guys! At the moment I'm working on a chat-bot Steam, the essence of which will be giving out things for winning in the game, and all this will happen right in the bot, but I ran into the problem that I can not get data from the user: client.on('friendOrChatMessage', (senderID, message) => { if (message.indexOf("/bet %user number%") == 0){ client.chatMessage(senderID, 'Your bet is: ' + %user number%); } }); where %user number% is the number that the user enters, but I do not know how it can be implemented :C Is it even possible to do this and how? Please help me!
  20. Can I set an item name instead of an assetID? If yes, how?
  21. Hello! I'm still on my challenge to avoid the SteamApp. I can send offers and check the incoming ones (retrieve all data, also, check the user profile). Now I have the interface done. But... is there a way to accept an offer by his own trade id? I looked into the wiki, but I didnt find a way to accept it by ID... only when I already have an "offer" object. Thnanks for reading me and happoy gaming!
  22. Hello, i want to implement proxies in my bot so i can be a little more safe about hitting the api request limit. I found out that you have to use the same ip for all request once you login, so should i relogin and use a different ip everytime i want to load the inventory or should i i do it when i detected the response is null? Is there a better way of doing it? Thank you.
  23. Hello everybody! I'm tormented by the question .. How do I restart the session? (Outputs "Error: Not Logged In")
  24. Hello again! On my challenge to avoid SteamApp now I'm trying to implement my own way to send and receive offers. Send offers now works fine now, but now I'm developing the incoming ones. I see the event "newOffer", which returns an object, "offer". Offers contains some interesting data, like trade's id, it's state, if scrow is enable.... but I have some questions 1- I see an "account id" field. I guess it's a steam3id. Is there a way to return a classic id for check the user profile? 2- I see a state field. Is an integer. Which are the possible status? 3- What is the difference between "id" and "tradeID"? I see id has the trade ID, but I don't know why tradeID is null... 4- How can I accept an offer by it's ID? 5- How can I check all incoming offers? Thanks for reading me and have a nice gaming! :D
  25. Hi! If I'll get some proxies (around 20) I'll be able to bypass steam inventory rate limits?
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