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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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  1. Sounds like you have some network issue.
  2. Most methods don't work if you log on anonymously. getPersonas probably isn't one that does.
  3. Doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong from those login options. The IP you're logging in from is probably just really suspicious.
  4. You can see exactly what's happening internally if you add a debug listener like so: user.on('debug', console.log)
  5. Thanks for the info. This is caused by CS2 inventories that have items, but which have no items that are actually visible. The returned data looks like garbage because Valve. steamcommunity 3.48.5 fixes the error, instead returning an empty array. As of steam-tradeoffer-manager 2.11.7, you can use the deprecated TradeOffer.loadPartnerInventory() method to get those CS2 items.
  6. Could you PM me the trade URL?
  7. No, you can't get original_id for an item that's listed on the market.
  8. Game developers don't implement VAC; the Steam client takes care of that fully. Game devs just opt into using it, at which point the Steam backend starts sending modules for the Steam client to execute properly and return responses for.
  9. You would need to implement the client side of VAC, in its entirety, flawlessly. Good luck!
  10. If api.steampowered.com is merely unreachable, I think autoRelogin should keep retrying. In this case, DNS resolution failed which should never happen unless your network is down.
  11. Are you sure it's fatal and crashing the process? Looks to me like you're handling the error event as expected, not reconnecting, and the process exits as it should since there's nothing more on the event loop. autoReconnect does not apply for disconnects which emit the error event. In those cases, you're responsible for reconnecting manually.
  12. Yes, that should work. I'd recommend some debouncing to ensure that you don't spam-call webLogOn if multiple sessionExpired events are emitted quickly.
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