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Dr. McKay

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  1. Those xml endpoints are pretty unreliable and anything that uses them should probably be considered deprecated. Using the WebAPI for anything that it covers is going to be your best bet.
  2. Why would you need to authenticate? Just use an API key.
  3. You can get that data using GetPlayerSummaries.
  4. That's expected behavior. If it's no longer connected to Steam, the data may be stale. Cache it somewhere else yourself if you need it after disconnect.
  5. Values like what?
  6. Did you decline the login on your mobile device? That's what I've seen cause FileNotFound.
  7. Ignore any id and assetid properties in the description object when you merge it onto the asset object.
  8. That error code indicates that your item ID is wrong or doesn't exist. Some people have reported that item descriptions now contain invalid asset IDs which you need to filter out if you're parsing inventories yourself.
  9. You likely have some kind of network issue. Add this and see what's happening: client.on('debug', console.log);
  10. Looks fine to me, you probably have a mistake elsewhere in your code.
  11. What versions are you using?
  12. client.chat.on('chatMessage', function (message) { // message is an object that includes chat_group_id and chat_id properties // ref: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/wiki/SteamChatRoomClient#incoming-chat-message });
  13. You can't send a trade with an API key. If a trade offer includes CS2 items, you can't check its status with an API key.
  14. Cookies issued using the SteamClient platform type are universal and work across all domains.
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