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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. HTTP 403 is probably indicating that Steam is rate-limiting your IP. Slow down your requests a little and don't spam them all at once. You get "Access Denied" when trying to get an API key if your account is limited.
  2. Codes can only be used once. If you try to login again within a 30-second interval then Steam will reject the already-used code since it hasn't changed yet. If you need to login that frequently, you're doing something wrong anyway.
  3. Need a lot more information. What are the specs of your machines? How many IPs do they each have? What will your bots be doing specifically?
  4. If you're using the mobile authenticator then logging in from a new device doesn't have any trade cooldowns.
  5. If you want some debug logging, then add: community.on('debug', console.log);
  6. Always post the code. Nobody can help you with just that output.
  7. Set a language and the objects in the arrays of items (itemsToGive and itemsToReceive) will have names in them.
  8. Please post your code.
  9. Probably, but I don't see what the use of that is.
  10. You can confirm them automatically with https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/Steam-Confirmation-Polling
  11. Are you terminating the script between when you get the captcha URL and when you enter the solution? You can't do that, you need to prompt for the solution and then log on with the same SteamCommunity instance.
  12. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#getconfirmationstime-key-callback
  13. You can get the assetid of the item pre-trade from just the trade offer's data (the itemsToGive and itemsToReceive arrays). That data doesn't change ever. You can get the assetid of the item post-trade from getReceivedItems. There isn't any way to link specific items together between these arrays. You could use the market_name but if you for example have two items with identical names in a trade, there's no way to know which is which and so they can potentially get mixed up.
  14. steam-tradeoffer-manager doesn't login to Steam, so consequently it doesn't have a sentry file. How are you logging into Steam?
  15. You're absolutely sure that sentOfferChanged isn't being emitted? Is pollFailure being emitted every time debug is?
  16. Just make a simple script that does console.log(SteamTotp.getAuthCode(shared_secret)); or something.
  17. Polling is automatic, yes. It polls every 30 seconds. Can you add this and see what the output is? offers.on('debug', console.log);
  18. Do you know which requests are triggering that event with those errors?
  19. Check out the storehouse examples on GitHub.
  20. 16 is the only one I've seen that means that the offer is being accepted but is taking a while. As far as I know, once you try to accept it and you get that code, you can't decline it. FYI, autoRetry will be going away in v2. I'm also working on fixing accept error.
  21. It's a velocity rate-limit. Something like 20 or 30 requests per minute it seems. I'm not sure about specific numbers. Yes, you should absolutely cache inventories on your end. The actual duration is up to you, and it really depends on what you're using the inventories for. Pretty much just find someone who sells cheap VPSes with cheap IP addresses No, I've tried several things and requesting from the client isn't possible without some kind of user script or browser extension
  22. Looks like Steam isn't updating the WebAPI data quickly enough now. Are you getting that error every time, or just sometimes?
  23. If you're using the mobile authenticator (which you should be for trading) there isn't a new device cooldown.
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