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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. No, but there's no reason not to.
  2. Yes, Steam changed it some time ago so that you can't get more than I think 5000 or so changenumbers behind. I suppose I should update that documentation.
  3. Use update. That will update the offer from the API. offer.update(function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { // now the offer is fresh from the WebAPI } });
  4. readFile gives you a Buffer, not a string. You need to stringify it using toString('utf8').
  5. That's normal. As of version 3 (if I remember correctly), npm flattens dependencies by putting them all in the first-level node_modules where possible. This both helps to avoid duplicate installations, and prevents issues where paths get too long.
  6. I don't believe you could do that without editing the module's code directly. If you run the bot and send an offer manually, it'll trigger unknownOfferSent.
  7. It might be a better idea to throw a more descriptive error, but the behavior is pretty much undefined for calling any method (except for offline ones like settings and logon) while logged off.
  8. You should use the API to get details about trade offers. Scraping the sent offers page is asking for trouble. Also, there's a getOffersContainingItems method in the latest version anyway.
  9. Why are you scraping your sent offers page?
  10. If you're getting a "Not Logged In" error, then you're not logged in and you should relog.
  11. The only way I was able to reproduce this was by trying to log off without first being logged on. Please make sure you aren't doing that.
  12. You can either use steam-totp with your shared_secret to provide the code to logOn as twoFactorCode, or you can use a loginKey. Both of these are documented on the readme.
  13. Send and receive offers using what? steam-tradeoffer-manager?
  14. You can use steam-totp along with your shared_secret.
  15. I'm not 100% certain that that error definitely means that you're not logged in, but it seems to be likely.
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