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Everything posted by CellSplitter

  1. I use Version 3.29.3 from steam-user and there works this Code very well SteamGuard event fires only lastcodewrong if the Code is wrong otherwise not. I give him the Code over client.LogOn via TwoFactorCode But will check options from a newer Version Thx...
  2. Hey thank You for your Answer, i found this too today and i solve my Problem. // => IdleClient on/off Switch let online = 0; // Only a SNIPPET from my Chat Commands } else if(CONFIG.OWNER.indexOf(SENDER.getSteamID64()) >= 0 || CONFIG.OWNER.indexOf(parseInt(SENDER.getSteamID64())) >= 0) { // Admin Chat Commands if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!ONIDLE") >= 0) { let n = MSG.toUpperCase().replace("!ONIDLE ", "").toString(); IdleClient.setOption("promptSteamGuardCode", false); let IdleLogOnOptions = { accountName: CONFIG.IdleAccount.USERNAME, password: CONFIG.IdleAccount.PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: n }; IdleClient.logOn(IdleLogOnOptions); IdleClient.on("steamGuard", function(domain, lastCodeWrong) { if(lastCodeWrong) { sleep(1000).then(() => { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "⛔ You don't set the right SteamGuard Code!"); }); } }); IdleClient.on("loggedOn", function() { IdleClient.getPersonas([IdleClient.steamID], (personas) => { IdleClient.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); IdleClient.gamesPlayed(CONFIG.IdleAccount.IDLEGAMES); }); console.log("[" + getTime() + "] [INFO] [IdleClient] Login successfully!"); sleep(1000).then(() => { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "✅ IdleClient Login successfully!"); }); online = 1; }); } else if(MSG.toUpperCase() === "!OFFIDLE") { if (online === 1) { online = 0; IdleClient.logOff(); sleep(1000).then(() => { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "✅ IdleClient Logout successfully!"); }); } else { sleep(1000).then(() => { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "⛔ IdleClient not running!"); }); }; Works like a Charm now, iam happy :-) EDIT: I don't know why this editor shows the code a bit shifted?!
  3. Hey, i will idle my Gamehours from my main Acc without loosing my Mobile Confirmation. i start it via Message from a second Account (Command + right 2fa Code like "!boost KH54E") if the 2fa Code right, it works good, but if it wrong it fires a Command Prompt to Console "Steam Guard App Code:" ...but i run this Bot via PM2 and i cant set the right 2fa Code in the Console. MY CODE: (snippet) } else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!BOOST") >= 0) { let n = MSG.toUpperCase().replace("!BOOST", "").toString(); let IdleLogOnOptions = { accountName: CONFIG.IdleAccount.USERNAME, password: CONFIG.IdleAccount.PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: n }; IdleClient.logOn(IdleLogOnOptions); IdleClient.on("loggedOn", function() { IdleClient.getPersonas([IdleClient.steamID], (personas) => { sleep(1000).then(() => { console.log("[" + getTime() + "] [INFO] [IdleClient] Login successfully!"); IdleClient.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); IdleClient.gamesPlayed(730); online++ }); }); }); sleep(2000).then(() => { if ( online === 1) { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "✅ IdleClient successfully Login!"); } else { client.chatMessage(SENDER, "⛔ You don't set the right 2FA Code!"); }; }); Can i handle it that the Bot gives me only the Message back that i set the wrong 2fa Code without fires the Command Prompt, so i can try it again with the right Code?
  4. Solved by myself, my mistake was that the Gamedetails on this Account set to privat. Set on open for all and now it works like a charme
  5. I mean to hear, there is a Limit over 33 Games, but i dont know it clearly
  6. Hey, after 2 years i will rewake my old +REP Profile Commentbot. Runs good, but if i look on Bots Profile Page, it shows only that he is online and not in a non Steam Game. const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); const fs = require('fs'); const config = require('./config.json'); const sleep = (milliseconds) => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)) } const client = new SteamUser(); const community = new SteamCommunity(); const manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: client, community: community, language: 'en' }); const logOnOptions = { accountName: config.username, password: config.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.sharedSecret) }; client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on("loggedOn", function() { client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => { console.log("Logged in as " + personas[client.steamID].player_name + " [ " + client.steamID + " ]."); client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); client.gamesPlayed("Profile Comment Service"); }); }); client.on('webSession', (sessionid, cookies) => { manager.setCookies(cookies); community.setCookies(cookies); }); If i look in my Steam App (Android) and on Steam App (Windows) the Bot is still shows only online. If i look in my Browser like Chrome or Firefox the Bot plays Custom Game named "Profile Comment Service" thats right Is there over the 2 years anything new that i must do to get this working again?
  7. Cool nice that works. Thx for this. Can u tell me how can i set for every element an • like • 730 • 440 • 4000 SOLVED
  8. Hey, i have a Problem. I have an Array. For Example: let Games = [730,440,4000] The Array Output looks like: 730,440,4000 But i want an Output like an List without comma and every Array Element in a new Line. That looks so: 730 440 4000 How can i solve this? Thx in advance ☺
  9. // Set this to your Imports let SteamCommunity = require("steamcommunity"); U must install it with "npm i steamcommunity", if u have a package.json file u can save it with "--save" after "npm i steamcommunity --save" // Then make community instance of SteamCommunity let community = new SteamCommunity(); Thats all
  10. ok thanks a lot, then i have to deal with it now
  11. Hey, i will get my Inventory History and specific my CSGO Knife History. i see this is now a part of node-steamcommunity, but i dont know how i get this. My coding in node (javascript) is not so good for this Moment. I learn it now. Have anyone a code snippet for me? Or a good manuell for this how i can solve this? Special Thanks in advance I try it with let Inv = []; community.getHistory(client.steamID,function(err, user){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log(user.Inv); } }); But its not working and it is rly bad code i think ?
  12. If u have a free Account, you must be friends to comment on their profile. You must spend minimum 5 Dollar to your Acc. The higher your steam level, the more comments you can write before getting a cool down
  13. Its my Code ...i know why, it add random people as friend, and if friend add to group
  14. Is the Bot Account a free Account? I can send so many MSGs i want from my BOT to my main Account. But why u must send a message all 100ms? This are 10 MSGs per second and 60 in a minute ? Is not enough once per hour or on request? In my mind, there are no limitations. Only on Profile Comments... I have limited MSGs from Users to my BOT by my self to 1 MSG in 2 sec ...Otherwise they get autoblocked from my BOT But there was a chat update few days ago, i dont know if there are changes like this EDIT: I spam my Bot for few minutes, all works fine, can u send ur code to take a look?
  15. Hey, i have a Problem in a function from my BOT I become a warning: (node:21607) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 friendRelationship listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit I need to use emitter.setMaxListeners(), but i dont know how to use it
  16. How can i solve it, if tradeoffer changed by TradePartner and he send me new Offer that it automaticly decline?
  17. Yes thats right, i want cacel the new offer from my OfferPartner
  18. Ok, i have try it, but there was an error if tradeoffer items changed by OfferPartner ( Offer.state == 4 ) how can i cancel the changed TradeOffer from OfferPartner? Send TradeOffer Function: // Send TradeOffer to TradePartnerSteamID64 function GetItems(){ manager.getUserInventoryContents(TradePartnerSteamID64, 440, 2, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [ERROR] Get User Inventory Contents: " + err); } else { var Volume = 1; // Get X Amount of Items // Filter out all the TF2 Keys var Tf2Keys = inv.filter(function(item) { return item.market_hash_name.match('Mann Co. Supply Crate Key') }); // Let the user know we don't have enough Tf2Keys if(Tf2Keys.length < Volume) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [INFO] Not enough Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys in TradePartnerSteamID64's Inventory"); return true; // Give up } // Start a new trade offer Offer = manager.createOffer(TradePartnerSteamID64); // Add what we should to the current trade log("[" + getTime() + "] [INFO] Adding " + Volume + " Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys to TradeOffer"); Offer.addTheirItems(Tf2Keys.slice(0, Volume)) // Send the offer Offer.send(function(err, status) { if(err) { log(err); } else if(status == 'pending') { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(Config.IDENTITYSECRET, Offer.id, function(err) { if(err) { log(err); } else { log("[" + getTime() + "][INFO] TradeOffer confirmed with TradeOfferID: #" + Offer.id); } }); } else if(status == "accepted") { log("[" + getTime() + "][INFO] TradeOffer accepted"); } else { log("[" + getTime() + "][INFO] TradeOffer #" + Offer.id + " sent successfully"); } }); } }); }; Check TradeOffer States : // Check TradeOffer States manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (Offer, oldstate) => { if (Offer.state == 1) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Invalid TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state ==2) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Active TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 3) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Accepted TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 4) { // TradeOffer Changed log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Countered TradeOffer"); Offer.cancel((err) => { if(err) { log("["+getTime()+"] [ERROR] We can't cancel the TradeOffer: " + err); } else { log("["+getTime()+"] [Canceled TradeOffer] OfferID: #" + Offer.id); } }); } else if (Offer.state == 5) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Expired TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 6) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Canceled TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 7) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] Declined TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 8) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] InvalidItems TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 9) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] CreatedNeedsConfirmation TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 10) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] CanceledBySecondFactor TradeOffer"); } else if (Offer.state == 11) { log("[" + getTime() + "] [WARN] InEscrow TradeOffer"); } }); CONSOLE OUTPUT: [10:05:2019 - 12:18:57] [INFO] Websession created and Cookies set successfully. [10:05:2019 - 12:18:57] [INFO] Adding 1 Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys to TradeOffer [10:05:2019 - 12:18:58] [INFO] TradeOffer #3565072757 sent successfully [10:05:2019 - 12:19:48] [WARN] Countered TradeOffer [10:05:2019 - 12:19:48] [ERROR] We can't cancel the TradeOffer: Error: Offer #353565072757 is not active, so it may not be cancelled or declined ------------------ I want if Offer.state == 4 cancel the offer automaticly But i dont know how :-(
  19. Ok, thx for fast help, i will try it. If i have probs, i write again
  20. Hey iam working on a GameBot. Example: someone want a Gamepackage, it cost 2 TF2 Keys. I sent the TradePartner an offer with 2 Keys from his Inventory. Here is my Code: function GetItems(){ manager.getUserInventoryContents(TradePartnerSteamID64, 440, 2, true, (err, inv) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var Volume = 2; // Get X Amount of Items // Filter out all var Keys = inv.filter(function(item) { return item.market_hash_name.match('Mann Co. Supply Crate Key') }); // Check if TradePartner have enough Keys if(Keys.length < Volume) { console.log('Not enough Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys'); return true; } // Start a new TradeOffer var offer = manager.createOffer(TradePartnerSteamID64); // Add the Items to TradeOffer console.log('Adding ' + Volume + ' Mann Co. Supply Crate Key'); offer.addTheirItems(Keys.slice(0, Volume)) // Send the TradeOffer offer.send(function(err, status) { if(err) { console.log(err); } else if(status == 'pending') { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(Config.IDENTITYSECRET, offer.id, function(err) { if(err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log("TradeOffer confirmed"); } }); } else { console.log('TradeOffer sent successfully'); } }); } }); }; ...ok that works. But how can i check if the Trade decline, finish or Items changed by TradePartner? Like: If trade done sent GameCodes If trade decline do anything If trade changed kick him i his ass Iam newbie in node, pls help me. Thx in advance....
  21. You can do this for example: client.on('friendRelationship', function(steamID, relationship) { if (relationship == SteamUser.Steam.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient) { client.addFriend(steamID); console.log(" "); console.log("Accepted friend request from: " + steamID); var name; client.getPersonas([steamID], function(personas) { var persona = personas[steamID]; name = persona ? persona.player_name : ("[" + steamID + "]"); client.chatMessage(steamID, "\nWelcome " + name + " !!!" + "\nI am a +REP BOT and i can give you a +REP Comment on your Steam® Profile" + "\nType !help in Chat to get started!" ); }); } });
  22. Try this for Login let client = new SteamUser(), manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, "pollInterval": "10000", "cancelTime": "1800000" // 30m in ms }), community = new SteamCommunity(); //Logging in client.logOn({ accountName: CONFIG.USERNAME, password: CONFIG.PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.getAuthCode(CONFIG.SHAREDSECRET) }); client.on("loggedOn", function() { client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => { console.log("["+getTime()+"] " + " Logged in as " + personas[client.steamID].player_name + " [ " + client.steamID + " ]."); client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); }); }); client.on("webSession", (sessionID, cookies) => { manager.setCookies(cookies, (ERR) => { if (ERR) { console.log("## An error occurred while setting cookies."); } else { console.log("## Websession created and cookies set."); } });
  23. Sometimes you do not see the forest for the trees.? Thx, now it works fine ?
  24. Hey, iam work on new functions for my BOT. I am currently working on boosting my main account via chat message to my BOT. The login works fine, but the logout does not work and I can't find the error Here my Code: // Boost Owners Account START else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STARTBOOST") >= 0) { let BoostClient = new SteamUser(), BoostManager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": BoostClient, "pollInterval": "10000", "cancelTime": "1800000" // 30m in ms }), BoostCommunity = new SteamCommunity(); let BoostLogOnOptions = { accountName: CONFIG.Boost.USERNAME, password: CONFIG.Boost.PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(CONFIG.Boost.SHAREDSECRET) }; BoostClient.logOn(BoostLogOnOptions); BoostClient.on("loggedOn", function() { BoostClient.getPersonas([BoostClient.steamID], (personas) => { sleep(500); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!"); BoostClient.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); BoostClient.gamesPlayed(730); }); }); BoostClient.on('webSession', (sessionid, cookies) => { BoostManager.setCookies(cookies); BoostCommunity.setCookies(cookies); sleep(2000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully"); }); sleep(7000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Boosting Games Active"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Start Boosting Games"); } else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STOPBOOST") >= 0) { let BoostClient = new SteamUser(); BoostClient.logOff(); sleep(1000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games"); } // Boost Owners Account END It runs not in an error, but i dont log off :-((( I hope someone can help me out... THX
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