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  1. Hi, im going to backup my server and also the bot i've made, so i just need to know where it is located, thanks My OS: CentOS 7 node-steam-tradeoffer-manager
  2. Good morning, after creating an account to be used as a bot, I associate a mobile number to this account, I use the script to activate the "2FA." To this part, I understood. I know you need to add $ 5 on this account. What more needs to be done? How long I have to wait until it be functional? What about steamguard, I need to do something? Please I need help :'(
  3. I need the app_data.def_index of the items i’m receiving or giving in a tradeoffer, but many times app_data is missing. I managed to get around this by editing checkNeededDescriptions()in classes/TradeOffer.js so it ignores the if(!manager._hasDescription(item))part and pushes the item anyway but i don’t think this is the right solution. Any help? I'm trying to get the def_index in a wrong way? Thanks
  4. Hi, In the node-steam-user documentation under "getProductChanges" it states to get all product changes set sinceChangeNumber to 1. However when I try it out Steam only returns the current change number (currentChangeNumber) and no apps or packages. I'm just wondering if this is a change on Steam's behalf, restricting how far we can look back on the change list, or if there's a fix? You can also see an example of what I'm talking about here on the hosted express app - https://steampics-mckay.rhcloud.com/changes/1 Thanks!
  5. Hello there, Dr. McKay told that in future old NodeJS versions won't be supported so I've updated my NodeJS version. After the installation my modules's directory system get messed up. I am assuming this is about NodeJS latest version. I was installing modules and it was looking like - node modules/ * steamcommunity/ * node_modules - node_modules/ * steam-tradeoffer-maanger/ * node_modules But now, all bounded sub-modules under first node_modules directory, I mean they are not keeping inside of each module. I think this is some kind of messed up and I am looking a solution for that. To make it clear how my node_modules looking like atm.
  6. I'm currently writing a bot management system and stuck on disconnecting bots. Whenever I call logOff() function, I get an error that crashes my application. events.js:276 throw new TypeError('listener must be a function'); ^ TypeError: listener must be a function at CMClient.removeListener (events.js:276:15) at SteamUser.logOff.SteamUser.disconnect (E:\Projects\steam-bot-manager\node_modules\steam-user\components\logon.js:151:14) ... The line 151 of logon.js is: this.client.removeListener('connected', this._onConnected);Any ideas why this happens? P.S. I already tried handling 'error' and 'disconnected' events. No success.
  7. I see this error by the first time, steamcommunity display error.message: Not Logged In, when I try to get page with my trade offers. I don't know why it's happen but after about an hour this error disappears. And one more notice, bot can accept offers but can't send it (error 503 as Not Loged in).
  8. Hi, when I use GetPersonas there's a possibility that the requested data would be unavailable. Unfortunately there's no error callback. How can I check it? I mean something like this: if (GetPersonas is unavailable) // do something...
  9. offer.getEscrowDuration(steamid,usertoken, function(err, their,main){get callback(null, parseInt(theirs[1], 10), parseInt(mine[1], 10)); ^ TypeError: callback is not a function at String.TradeOfferManager._escrowDurationResponse (D:\STARTBOT\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\index.js:214:3) at Request._callback (D:\STARTBOT\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:62:14) at Request.self.callback (D:\STARTBOT\node_modules\request\request.js:200:22) at emitTwo (events.js:100:13) at Request.emit (events.js:185:7) at Request.<anonymous> (D:\STARTBOT\node_modules\request\request.js:1041:10) at emitOne (events.js:95:20) at Request.emit (events.js:182:7) at Gunzip.<anonymous> (D:\STARTBOT\node_modules\request\request.js:968:12) at emitNone (events.js:85:20) and function offer.getEscrowDuration(function(err, daysTheirEscrow, daysMyEscrow) { processed in 3 seconds,how can it accelerate ?
  10. Hi there. I own few bots and I don't know how to make script, which bot should send trade offer to receive items from user. It can be made from steam bot or should I store data with items on the each bot in database? Or there is maybe some error code when bot can't receive items so I will check the next bot?
  11. After around 50 hours of my server starting I get 'Error: Not Logged In' when trying to send trade offers, I would assume this is because Steam has let my cookies expire (or just killed them because they hate me). Is there a way to detect when the session is no longer valid so I can create a new one? or is it better to refresh them on a timer every hour or so? (I am using node-steamcommunity) Thanks in advance.
  12. How low can I put the value on confirmationChecker before Steam starts to limit the requests?
  13. Hey Guys, I'm here to ask a few more Question about Steam and Steam Trading and how you handling some problems The first question i've got is about the polling interval of the trading bot. So what amount of seconds you're using and how do you deal with polling errors? You just ignore them or what you've done to prevend you're system from them/reduce the errors? (Tryed out a few different times like 5 seconds up to 20 seconds but everytime my bot show me this errors on mass My second Question is about a extended trading system. Currently i've got just one bot on my system. Are there more advantages than just a extended slot capacity? Maybe it prevend the laggs on the one bot and reduce the polling errors? Or why the most sites/systems got more than one bot. Another Question is why the most sites banned cases is there a special case why i should do that too or just for "WE DON'T WANT CASES ANYMORE!"? May it slow down the trades or Steam throttle the trades with cases as low priority or is there another important thing i didn't got? Ofc its annoying to fill a bot with just cases but thats not the point here. Anyway Question four is about trade handling. I saw only a few gambling site which let the user send the offer to the site, the most sites let the user select the offer than the site send a trade to the user with a security token. It just more comfortable for the users or it's to prevent laggs on the system/bots ? Would be nice to know, may somebody got a answer for this and also if there are more advantages than just the comfortable thing. Would be great if i'll get some usefull answers to improve my system and also could help out other people which got the same questions now or in future. best regards xNiceEinz
  14. Hello! Basically if my bot runs into a getEscrowDuration error it doesn't poll the same offer again unless I restart the bot, not even a manager.doPoll can fix the issue. I know the getEscrowDuration error is on Steam's fault but the manager completely ignores the offer even though it's active once it runs into that error. Here's my code: offer.getEscrowDuration(function(err, daysTheirEscrow, daysMyEscrow) { if(err) { console.log(err); client.webLogOn(); return; } I've only put the client.weblogOn there recently to make sure the bot has the right cookies when it fails to get the escrow duration, but then it doesn't go through the same offer until I restart it. Any help is appreciated! ~ Gergő
  15. I rewrote a project of mine and I'm getting "HTTP error 400" when I send a trade. Is there a way for me to see what the URL being requested looks like? My steamID object, token, and items all look fine. https://gyazo.com/c6810441e92be15f49eb43f22ad73e1a Do you know of any silly errors I could be doing? Thanks in advance ,BuSheeZy
  16. Hi, i have question about data method. If i apply data before accepting offer and if this offer was escrowed, data will be available after 15 days in receivedOfferChanged? I want to save prices and some informations before accept and read it in receivedOfferChanged.
  17. When a trade is declined it spams trade state code like 2-6 times. Makes DB work shitty. Lol manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldstate){ if(offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Countered){ offer.cancel(function(err){ if(err){ console.log('Unable to cancel offer:' + err.message); } else { db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Cancelled' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been cancelled due to countered!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg': 'Trade has been cancelled due to user sending counter offer!', 'status': 'Countered'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } }); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Declined){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Declined' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been declined!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg': 'You have declined the trade!', 'status': 'Declined'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Completed' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); db.query("SELECT * FROM `tTradeOffer` WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+offer.id+"'") .on('result', function(data){ db.query("UPDATE `tUserProfile` SET `decCurrentStar` = `decCurrentStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+", `decTotalStar` = `decTotalStar` + "+data.decTradeValue+" WHERE `sUserId` = '"+data.sUserId+"'"); }); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been accepted!'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('tradeCompleted', {'msg': 'Trade offer has been processed and Stars added to your wallet!', 'userId': offer.id, 'status': 'Accepted'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } if(offer.state === TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Canceled){ db.query("UPDATE `tTradeOffer` SET `sTradeStatus` = 'Canceled (Time Out)' WHERE `sTradeId` = '"+ offer.id +"'"); console.log('TradeID: '+offer.id+' has been canceled (Time Out)'); io.sockets.in(socket.room).emit('notifyUser', {'msg' : 'Trade has been cancelled due to it Timing Out!', 'status': 'TimeOut'}); socket.leave(socket.room); } });
  18. Hi there! I have few questiona bout your's node-steam-tradeoffer-manager api. For example, we have 2 steam accounts: user of my website and my bot. 1 step - user want to send his item to my bot and I want to put this into mysql, so user will create trade offer but how to automatically accept it as bot and make sql query? 2 step - second situation, bot have some item and I want to make trade offer for my user. How to do it? And I want to do sql query when the trade will be accepted by user. Best regards for you, Matt.
  19. After some scalability issues with my site I decided to make the most of multiple cores and use Cluster to create many worker processes. It makes no sense to log in and poll on every worker process, so I would like to create and share a single instance of the Tradeoffer Manager between all workers. Is sharing a single instance Tradeoffer Manager the best way to do this? Are there any features of Tradeoffer Manager that would let me use multiple instances on every worker, but not waste resources logging in and polling on each one? If sharing a single instance is the best way to go, then what is a good way to be able to access it from the workers? I would rather use a callback-style interface if possible. Thanks in advance.
  20. Player #1 send offer to receive items from player #2. player #2 open steam client and click on accept. Prior confirming this offer, is the offer state remains as active? since createdNeedsConfirmation works for player #1 as he is sending his items to player #2.
  21. Hi, I would like to know what is the fastest way to get notifications from Steam. Should I use: "steam": client, or set pollInterval: "pollInterval": 1000 If so then how low can I go? Maybe both? Sorry if I said something incorrect.
  22. Hi there, I have setup my bot correctly with weblogon polling every hour and a sendoffers/updateoffers function running every 20 seconds but when the bot sends a trade, it sends more than one for the same items. I have tried to increase the polling intervals but have no luck. No errors or callbacks are emitted. Hope you can help me. Regards
  23. How can i use the method getActions in getReceivedItens to generate the inspect link of the new item received ?
  24. Hi, 1. Is it possible to renew session using node-steamcommunity in a fashion similar to node-steam-user.webLogOn() method? 2. Do I have to check if my session have expired every now and then or maybe there is event emited in such a situation? Thanks in advance, help will be much appreciated
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