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  1. hello i am having a weird issue when i login in for the first time using email authentication my "loggedOn" function gets called twice, but if i was to login again with the same details it would be back to normal, and it works normally if i was to sign in using my account with mobile authentication, any suggestions please help my full code is: const TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var colors = require('colors/safe'); let date = require('date-and-time'); var prompt = require('prompt'); const chalk = require('chalk'); var sleep = require('sleep'); require('console-stamp')(console, '[HH:MM:ss]'); const RedStyle = chalk.red; const YellowStyle = chalk.yellow; const GreenStyle = chalk.green; const client = new SteamUser(); const community = new SteamCommunity(); const manager = new TradeOfferManager ({ steam: client, community: community, language: 'en' }); //Welcome MESSAGE! console.log(GreenStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(GreenStyle(' Welcome To My Group Invite Blocker ')); console.log(GreenStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(GreenStyle(' ')); console.log(YellowStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(YellowStyle(' Made By Ben Wall ')); console.log(YellowStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(YellowStyle(' ')); console.log(RedStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(RedStyle('NOTE: IF YOU LOGIN USING STEAM EMAIL ')); console.log(RedStyle('AUTHENTICATOR ENTER THE CODE AND THEN ')); console.log(RedStyle('SIMPLY RESTART AND RE-LOGIN TO THE BOT ')); console.log(RedStyle('DUE TO A UNKNOWN PROBLEM THAT IM WORKING ')); console.log(RedStyle('ON, NOW YOU WONT NEED THE CODE AS IT ONLY ')); console.log(RedStyle('REQUIRES CODE UPON FIRST LOGIN, IF YOU USE ')); console.log(RedStyle('MOBILE TO AUTHENTICATE THEN YOU ARE FINE TO')); console.log(RedStyle('USE IT AS INTENDED, JUST MORE STEPS FOR THE')); console.log(RedStyle('EMAIL AUTHENTICATOR GUYS ')); console.log(RedStyle('-------------------------------------------')); var schema = { properties: { Account_Name: { description: colors.green('Account Name'), }, Password: { description: GreenStyle('Password'), hidden: true, replace: '*' }, } }; prompt.start(); prompt.get(schema, function (err, result) { const logOnOptions = { accountName: result.Account_Name, password: result.Password }; //logon using credentials that you typed in client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.setOption("promptSteamGuardCode", false); client.setOption("autoRelogin", true); var mobile = { properties: { Steam: { description: GreenStyle('Steam Mobile Code') }, } }; var email = { properties: { SteamE: { description: GreenStyle('Steam Email Code (PLEASE RESTART BOT AFTER)') }, } }; //Checks if you are using Mobile authenticator or email Code client.on('steamGuard', function(domain, callback) { if(domain == null){ prompt.start(); prompt.get(mobile, function (err, result) { var code = result.Steam; callback(code); }); }else{ prompt.start(); prompt.get(email, function (err, result) { var code = result.SteamE; callback(code); }); } }); }); let now = new Date(); //this is what happens when succesfully logged on client.on('loggedOn', () => { client.on("accountInfo", function(name, country) { console.log(GreenStyle(' ')); console.log(GreenStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(GreenStyle('Group Invite Blocker 3000 ')); console.log(GreenStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(GreenStyle("Your Country: " + country)); console.log(GreenStyle('The Time Upon Logon: ' + date.format(now, 'HH:mm:ss'))); console.log(GreenStyle('Succesfully logged in as: ' + name)); console.log(GreenStyle('-------------------------------------------')); console.log(GreenStyle(' ')); client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); }); }); //READ THIS: IMPORTANT //IF YOU DO NOT HAVE FAMILY PIN ENABLED DELETE THE NUMBERS //EXAMPLE: //WITHOUT FAMILY VIEW PIN: //manager.setCookies(cookies); //community.setCookies(cookies); //WITH FAMILY VIEW PIN: //manager.setCookies(cookies, 1234); //community.setCookies(cookies, 1234); client.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) { console.log(GreenStyle("Got Web Session! (this is good)")); manager.setCookies(cookies, 4265); community.setCookies(cookies, 4265); }); //This is the code which blocks group invites automatically client.on('groupRelationship', function (steamID, relationship) { if (relationship == SteamUser.Steam.EClanRelationship.Invited){ client.respondToGroupInvite(steamID, false); console.log("Declined Steam Group Invite"); } });
  2. its very simple, the event sentOfferChanged is instantly fired when the bot has received any item, but if wasnt, its fired only around 30 seconds later, so how can i make it faster when i wasnt received any item? if i have to wait always 30 seconds it may cause a bug in the future.. decrease the 30 seconds maybe a good idea, but may cause too many requests .. ?
  3. I'm trying to get schema. First I go to: https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetSchemaURL/v2/?key=API_KEY&format=json I come next to the link (items_game_url) and get 404 error. Before this link was returning a schema, now 404 error. Have any ideas? Is it possible than it is to replace? I know what I can take this file from the folder game CS:GO, but it's impossible to automate.
  4. I'm currently running on alex7kom's trade offer's library and was wondering if anyone ever converted over to dr mckay's from alex7kom's library and if so how difficult was it? Thanks
  5. Hi, everyone. I am making a bot. I run 10 account on 1 IP, but sometime my app restart auto. I dont know why, maybe run out of session. Someones be the same?
  6. i am generating offer id using node js but i am getting error 26 like { [Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (26)] eresult: 26 } this. for some product while on other site there is generating offer id like csgoreaper for same products . what is problem I am unable to find the solution . let me help to find the solution.
  7. sir, can u help me. i want get all item from this: http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appid=730 i have tried a few API, but have not been successful. first i'm using this API: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v0001/?key={API_KEY}&language=en&appid=730from here i get a $id.an i combine it with http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo/v0001?key={API_KEY}&format=json&language=en&appid=730&class_count=3&classid0=".$id but still not successful. thank you.
  8. I am wondering what is the bast way to manage multiple bots. Currently I am creating multiple instances for example: var client1= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient1.logOn({ accountName: config.client1.username, password: config.client1.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); var client2= new SteamUser();// Sign into Steamclient2.logOn({ accountName: config.client2.username, password: config.client2.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.client1.secret)}); Is this the best way to do that? Also do i need apy key for each bot? To retrieve the api key from steam i have to make purchase for 5$, but if I have 100 bots, have to pay 500$. Steam -> "You will be granted access to Steam Web API keys when you have games in your Steam account." If i try to login and add cookies i have this error: 'error: Unable to set trade offer cookies: Error: Access Denied'
  9. Hi, i am a developer. While working on a project, i faced an issue related with configuring ghost to run on MySQL database. By default Ghost uses sqlite3. I hope any tech developer can help me in resolving the issue.
  10. I have 2 bot and website on my vps. I can't login on my website, giving error no Openid sesion found or Error 403. Same with my nodejs bots they cant setup cookies for community, on getting offers Error 403. It is possible that steam block my IP or something? I tried reinstal my VPS server and is working again for some hours and these problem appears again. Someone have similar problem and can help me? I will be grateful.
  11. I'm planning on releasing a new major version of steam-tradeoffer-manager of v2.0.0. So far, what I'm planning to do is: Move token and message out of the TradeOffer#send() method and into methods like setMessage and setAccessTokenHard requirement for node.js v4.0.0 or later (currently package.json suggests that you need v4 or later, but v2 would make this an absolute requirement)This should be addressed.Since this is a major change and they're meant to be few and far between, there's no point in wasting it! If you have any suggestions of stuff that could be added, or things that have just annoyed you, I'd love to hear them!
  12. I am making an application in which it goes well I will need huge bots and would like to distribute bots by machine. My question is: "How many bots I must have on each machine and what the minimum configuration acceptable for each of them?"
  13. I want/try to start a discussion to collect ideas and experience which is the best way to load user inventories fast and preferably unlimited for web bases item select masks. For myself, I 've just read that one needs a lot of ip addresses to pass as proxy for example as described in this post https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/176-loadinventory-proxy/ I imagine the following questions ? What are the limits to request inventories (x request per hour, or day) ?should i use a caching strategy (which is recommended, just time based, how long) ?if proxys are the only way is there a recommended hoster, eg.is it possible to request the inventory cross site based with javascript in browser (so that customer client ips are used), iframe, etc.... Are there any other strategys? Hope this post can help others and me to handle this problem.
  14. unknownOfferSent gets canceled automatically. Have a whitelist of Offer IDs to confirm via steam-community OR cancel confirmations for unknownOfferSent Offers. Have a light mode of the bot that will be memory efficient ? More to be added soon, just out of my mind!
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