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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. If steam-user emits the error event, it's no longer attempting login. You can consider the error event to indicate a fatal error that has resulted in steam-user ceasing all operations unless you call logOn again.
  2. Either listen for steamcommunity's sessionExpired event and then call webLogOn(), or set up a timer to call webLogOn() periodically. Hourly works good for me. webSession is the correct way to listen for new cookies. The Steam backend doesn't proactively send you new cookies when your session expires; it's up to you to request new ones.
  3. I'd need to see the actual error message to help you, but my suspicion is that you need to update node.
  4. You can do this with steam-session (see example), but not with steam-user only.
  5. Sorry, I don't have any proxy providers I can personally recommend.
  6. From what I can tell, that proxy provider is intended to MITM your traffic and solve/bypass captchas and other anti-bot tools for you. In order to do that, it needs to present its own (untrusted) HTTPS certificate. I wouldn't recommend using that provider for this purpose, but if you really wanted to, you'd need to disable TLS certificate checking in Node. This is very much not recommended, but you can do so by setting the environment variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to 0.
  7. Machine auth tokens and machine IDs are two separate things. There isn't a direct way to prevent machineAuthToken files from being saved, but you could implement a custom storage engine if you wanted, and suppress saving them that way.
  8. What's generating "allAssetIds"? You should never see the same ID more than once.
  9. Machine auths are not issued for accounts that are using mobile 2FA. If you want to log on to such an account without providing a code, you'll need to use a refresh token.
  10. I need you to be more specific.
  11. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/issues/467 You don't need to post this in two places.
  12. They last somewhere around 200 days. It's a JWT; you can decode it and check the exp property to see when it expires.
  13. Pretty much. You can also use node-steam-user to get notifications when your count of pending trade offers changes, which you can use to trigger a poll. steam-tradeoffer-manager works this way.
  14. No, this isn't designed for that use-case.
  15. Electron is a browser. steam-user is not verified to work in node-enabled Electron windows, only in the main process.
  16. No, nothing will work in the browser. Same-origin policy will block you. Although, in theory you could perform a CM login in the browser since that's all websocket based.
  17. What version of steam-store?
  18. steam-user does not work in the browser.
  19. No such method exists.
  20. steam-user is a Node.js module, not a bun module.
  21. This should work. What is the value of token that you're actually receiving?
  22. ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo includes owner_descriptions, which will tell you when an item becomes tradable.
  23. This is great news, I'm glad Valve is no longer locking a security feature behind a phone number. It appears that steam-user and steamcommunity both just work without a phone number. When you'd normally receive a code via SMS, you get the code sent to your email instead.
  24. No, this isn't currently possible.
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