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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Probably just Steam being dumb as usual.
  2. Yeah, it would be downloading all depots even if you aren't opted into a beta. maxsize is, as far as I'm aware, the size of the biggest build of that depot. Steam just assumes the worst and shows you the size of the largest build in a depot when you're downloading.
  3. Depots don't belong to betas; they might have a beta option though. What the Steam client calls a "beta" is actually a branch. The default branch is called "public", and any other branch is available in the beta tab of Steam. Public branches have their manifests listed plainly in appinfo (see the public and beta manifests in your screenshot; they match so both branches contain the same content for that depot). For private branches, you have to request the manifest info from Steam using the password.
  4. Maybe try calling setPersona(EPersonaState.Online) periodically. Maybe the backend partially forgets that you're online.
  5. It's not instance-linked. It just checks the offer created-at time and cancels it if the offer is older than your set cancelTime.
  6. Yes, descriptions will still be there when loading an inventory directly like that.
  7. No, steam-tradeoffer-manager only works if you can get an API key.
  8. Knowing Valve, they probably do have a separate currency enum for the GC. I don't know where you'd find it, though.
  9. ^ this is correct. logOn does not return a promise; you need to wait for the loggedOn event.
  10. You need to log on to do anything. You can just log on anonymously if all you want to do is call getProductInfo. I'll grant that it would be ideal to have a more descriptive error when you try to call a method before logging on, but I just haven't gotten around to updating all hundred+ functions to throw such an error. That said, the error you got isn't because you aren't logged on. It's because you didn't call getProductInfo with the expected arguments. There are a few example scripts on GitHub.
  11. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-globaloffensive#itemacquired
  12. At the moment, I'm not aware of any public code for creating a new Steam account. At a minimum, you'd need to implement recaptcha solving.
  13. FriendsList.GetFriendsList#1 only retrieves your friends list, as in the list of SteamIDs that you're friends with. It doesn't include any persona or profile data.
  14. getProductInfo() will give you most of the stuff SteamDB is showing, including depot info and sizes.
  15. It's possible now. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-session/releases/tag/v1.2.0
  16. The messages behind getPersonas and the user event are how Steam chat listens for user updates. Make sure your persona state is set to online.
  17. It's not presently possible to use a refresh token to issue a new access token, but it's on my to-do list.
  18. They're running the CS:GO client. In order to bot-join a CS:GO server, you'd need to implement VAC flawlessly, and good luck with that.
  19. Dunno, that's pretty vague. Do you have a phone number on your account?
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