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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You need to pass an array. [rec[0].id]
  2. Yes, that's what you need to do.
  3. You can get the new assetid using getReceivedItems, but there's no way to map the old ones to the new ones. You'll have to figure out a way to do that yourself.
  4. No, that's very wrong. Where you create your client, you need to also create your tf2.
  5. steam-tradeoffer-manager doesn't do logins. You need to read the documentation of whatever module you're using to login to Steam.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-client#bindlocaladdress-localport
  7. You need to be connected to the TF2 GC in order to craft. This means that you can't simply construct a new TeamFortress2 object whenever you want to craft something; you need to create one global one so it can remain connected. You can't pass an object to craft, it needs to be an item ID. rec is an array of objects. If you want to craft a single reclaimed metal into scrap, then you need to extract a single one (say, element #0) and put it in an array by itself.So in order to craft one reclaimed into scrap, you want to do tf2.craft(rec[0].id);
  8. Your code's syntax is wrong. I suggest that you post a question containing your full code at stackoverflow.com
  9. That is happening because log is not defined. You want to move the polldata-reading block of code beneath where you define your logger, and change log.verbose to logger.verbose.
  10. I used NetHook (a kind of Wireshark-esque application specifically for Steam) to watch the Steam traffic as I launched the game, and saw a RequestEncryptedAppTicket call. I grabbed the data from the ticket and encoded it via protobuf and then via base64 and compared it to the value in the HTTP request (captured via Wireshark) and it matched. If you update to v3.14.0, you can use requestEncryptedAppTicket (see the readme for specific usage) to get an encrypted appticket. You don't need to be "running" the game to get a ticket. Then you can call ticket.toString('base64') to get the base64 representation expected by the HTTP API. I confirmed on my end that the API will accept the result of that process.
  11. That is indeed an encrypted appticket. I'll add ticket generation to steam-user shortly, probably tonight.
  12. It would probably be easiest to just email it to me: [email protected]
  13. You cannot rearrange arguments. Order of arguments matters. It's err, offer and not the other way around.
  14. That doesn't look like an unencrypted appticket, so I'd assume that it's an encrypted one. But it doesn't look like that either, which is curious. I think I'd need some more information to know what it is. Have you ever used NetHook? If you were interested in gifting me a copy of Battlerite, I could probably figure out what it is definitively.
  15. That's not currently possible but I had worked on it previously. Do you know if this application is using an encrypted appticket, or just a regular one?
  16. If you use acceptConfirmationForObject as you send trades, that should work just as well. Timezones shouldn't make a difference with confirmations, as long as you changed the timezone and didn't literally change the clock.
  17. It should definitely work without the confirmation checker running.
  18. All I can say is to make sure that your identity_secret is right, that your local time is right, and that you're logged in.
  19. Add community.on('debug', console.log); and provide the output.
  20. You're logged into the Steam client, but your web session (which is separate) has expired. In this case, call webLogOn on your SteamUser.
  21. Make sure you aren't trying to double-confirm things, I suppose. When accepting a confirmation fails, all Steam returns is {"success":false} which is what triggers this error. Unfortunately, there's no more detail.
  22. You need to check the escrowDays property of both them and me. Read the documentation, please. I spent a lot of time on it.
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