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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. I'd suggest taking questions like that to Stack Overflow or similar. Or just search this forum as I'm sure it's been discussed many times here. I'm not really here to teach you JavaScript though.
  2. sessionExpired won't be emitted on the TradeOfferManager, but I believe it will be on the steamcommunity that you pass in.
  3. Firstly, you should slow down your confirmations if you're getting hit with 429s. The automatic confirmation checker, while easy, makes unnecessary requests to Steam. I recommend that you just deal with confirmations manually as needed. Newer versions have a method to automatically accept all confirmations very easily. That said, you can set the local IP in the constructor: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#constructoroptions
  4. I can't reproduce this. I started a trade, put up an item on one side (the request sender), committed the trade, and confirmed it on the sender's side. The recipient briefly showed an active offer, then it immediately went accepted. Maybe it's possible that there's some kind of bug in the module, but I don't have time to test that right now. What happens if you wait 30 or so seconds after you get newOffer and then check its status via offer.update?
  5. You're declining the offer? Don't do that. And just to be super clear, this is happening via real-time trading with trade requests in Steam chat?
  6. You can accept it, but that's unnecessary. All you need to do is accept the confirmation.
  7. You don't need to accept real-time-trade offers. Offers that are created from real-time trades are accepted automatically, you just need to confirm them. The wiki page on GitHub has more information.
  8. Trade failures which result in ID changes are infrequent enough that you can fix them manually. Or you could detect when a trade goes InvalidItems and automatically figure out which items in your inventory have unrecorded asset IDs and match the description of the missing items.
  9. classid and instanceid can change whenever they want. And no, they don't include wear for uniqueness.
  10. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/Real-Time-Trades
  11. offer.getReceivedItems will give you post-trade IDs and descriptions.
  12. In order for that to work, make sure you listen for both unknownOfferSent (for offers that get confirmed by the user before the manager sees them), and sentOfferChanged (for offers that get confirmed by the user after the manager sees them).
  13. Based on some testing I just did, it looks like the "sender" of the offer is actually the party who sent the Steam trade request. If you're receiving trade requests to your bot and accepting them, then the offers are always being "sent" by the human. Since the bot isn't giving anything away and consequently doesn't have to confirm anything, the offers are immediately going "Accepted" once they're visible to you. That's why you aren't getting any events at all. I think I'll add a couple new events to handle real-time-trade offers (realTimeTradeConfirmationRequired and realTimeTradeCompleted sounds good to me).
  14. It's secure as long as you properly secure your code and servers. Valve won't ban you for using this.
  15. It's possible, but due to potential for abuse I don't plan to implement this.
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