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McKay Development

Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. I want to know what you're using node-csgo for.
  2. Please update to steam-user v3.10.0 and this should be fixed.
  3. Sounds like it's neither failing nor going into status "sent". As you're sending items, the offer requires confirmation and so the status will be "pending".
  4. Can I ask what you're trying to do with it?
  5. Yes, it's because you're friends. The trade URL is wrong.
  6. You're treating the symptom and not the problem if you do that. The problem, as given by the HTTP status code, is that you're making too many requests. Slow down.
  7. I'm pretty sure it means that you've made too many requests in a short time, and consequently your IP has been temporarily blocked.
  8. They should.
  9. I throw Errors in steam-user when you do something that you just shouldn't. For example, there are no cases where you should be trying to log on when you're already logged on. An Error being thrown basically means that you failed a precondition. For example, in the case quoted here, you need to check if you're already logged on before you attempt to log on again.
  10. Client = new CMClient(), GC = new SteamGC(client, 730); See a problem in the capitalization here?
  11. My mistake, update to v1.1.1 and this is fixed.
  12. Are you getting some kind of error?
  13. Whoops. That should be fixed in 3.9.1.
  14. There's nothing in there that would spam requests. Note that it's an IP limit. It can be anything on your IP that is spamming requests.
  15. Trade offer ID? Yes, it's possible. You'd just need to request your confirmation list then get details for each individual one until you found the matching offer ID.
  16. 1. If you want to get all active offers and that's it, you'd use this: { "get_sent_offers": 1, "active_only": 1, "time_historical_cutoff": 2147483647 } 2. You'd check the trade_offer_state. If they accepted it then they received the item you sent them. 3. If you want all offers from a time period you'll need to just leave out both active_only and historical_only and filter the result.
  17. Because you're adding a new listener every single time you request item info. Just use the callback and you won't need to worry about it.
  18. setCookies makes exactly one request (two if you supply a Family View PIN). It isn't setCookies' fault. You're making requests elsewhere too quickly.
  19. 429 means that you've sent too many requests to Steam in a short time and you need to slow down.
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