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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Can you share where you've seen this used? Maybe it's a different module that provides that functionality.
  2. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/wiki/SteamChatRoomClient#getfriendmessagehistoryfriendsteamid-options-callback Used as steamUserInstance.chat.getFriendMessageHistory()
  3. I think it's probably just hardcoded directly into the Steam client. I haven't seen anything that would deliver category or genre names to the client dynamically. It looks like you can get category names from HTML on the search page under "narrow by feature" (e.g. I see data-param="category2" data-value="50" data-loc="Additional High-Quality Audio" Of course, Steam Workshop is on there twice with IDs 30 and 51, because Valve... Looks like category2 and category3 are both using the same shared "category" values. category1 likely is as well. I haven't seen anywhere on the store site that directly lists genre IDs, but at least there's not too many of them to figure out individually. Product info is internally delivered as VDF, which doesn't have any concept of lists/arrays. So when Valve needs a list of values, they sometimes just encode it as "intended_value" "1" Valve is really good at creating systems that don't return output at all deterministically. Welcome to the adventure of dealing with Steam.
  4. You never set your persona state to online, so Steam won't report that you're im-game.
  5. You can't use arbitrary fonts, just the /commands available in chat messages. Your screenshot is accomplished using /code or /pre.
  6. Yep, and here's the new link for docs: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/wiki/Steam-App-Auth#createauthsessionticketappid-callback
  7. The backend is surely not going to appreciate there not being an actual Steam client involved.
  8. Proxy support is already in progress. The error event is only for errors encountered while polling. If your credentials are wrong, then the startWithCredentials promise will be rejected.
  9. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamstore#addphonenumbernumber-bypassconfirmation-callback Although I'm not 100% sure this is working right now.
  10. You're not getting any output because you aren't actually logging the code. You need to add console.log(code) to the bottom.
  11. Yep, check out this example: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/examples/enable_twofactor.js
  12. That's a 32-bit int, not a 64-bit one. Each hex character is only half a byte (F = 15, FF = 255). It's equal to 55 decimal: Buffer.from('3B000000', 'hex').readUInt32LE(0) I don't have any idea where you got this 17293822569102704699 value from. You need to use writeUint32 for the base item ID since it's a 32-bit value. Your buffer size of 14 bytes + length of the name is correct. As for what exactly that value corresponds to, I'd say that it's very likely the item's def_index. If the item you renamed is a knife, that seems like confirmation to me. Edit: Looks like you beat me to the realization! 😉
  13. Using client_supplied_steamid might work, but it's not guaranteed to always work if Valve changes how something works. The best way to get your own SteamID is from the steamID property on your SteamUser instance. For example, user.steamID
  14. Yeah, this is right. gamesPlayed([]) before logOff works best, I'd forgotten about that step.
  15. IEconItems_440/GetPlayerItems will tell you how many backpack slots a player has.
  16. It sounds like you're logging in anonymously, which means that you aren't actually passing your refresh token to the logOn method, it's getting null or undefined instead.
  17. This is a known thing and it's on Valve's side, not the module's side. When you kill your Steam session then reconnect quickly after and launch CS:GO, sometimes the CS:GO GC doesn't fully realize that you actually disconnected so it doesn't realize that you reconnected, and it doesn't send you all the at-launch data. The best way I've found to prevent this from happening is to make sure that you gracefully log off of Steam every time your bot shuts down using the logOff() method.
  18. No official one, no. Some of them have been reverse-engineered, but not all. Flag 8 in TF2 is NotEcon, which indicates that the item isn't actually an economy item. In TF2, I've seen it used for contracts (which are sent in your inventory because why do it a better way?). It likely has the same meaning in CS:GO.
  19. loginKeys are irrelevant if you're using a refresh token. If you have a refresh token, always use it. A refresh token is valid for 200 days, and once it expires you'll need to login again.
  20. I dunno, but this wouldn't be the first time that Valve sends CEconItem "items" that aren't actually items in your inventory. Maybe either flag 8 or 16 indicates that it's not actually an inventory item.
  21. This isn't possible. You'd need to implement VAC flawlessly and nobody has ever been insane enough to try.
  22. No, you can't send trades using an API key. You'd need to ask for the user's username and password. If the app is running fully locally, this isn't really a big trust issue in my opinion. Using node-steam-session you could also offer QR logins using the mobile app.
  23. This is a JavaScript quirk. You need to do var buyer_add = offer.addTheirItem.bind(offer)
  24. Memory usage is normal when you're specifying a language to the TradeOfferManager constructor, which retrieves item descriptions automatically. If you have very limited memory and are processing a lot of trades, then you want to omit your language to opt out of receiving item descriptions.
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