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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. The easiest way I've found is to set up an HTTP server in your bot and call it using HTTP on localhost.
  2. Get rid of the object. You should just be doing this: account1.getSteamUser(account1.steamID, function (user) {
  3. You want your ID or your custom url? Those are two different things. Your SteamID is available as account.steamID. To get your custom URL, you should call getSteamUser() on your own steamID and check the custom URL in the returned object.
  4. That doesn't mean anything. All that's referring to is the fact that the function where the error was created is an anonymous function.
  5. I don't believe that data is available through steam-user, but you could get it from the GetFriendList WebAPI method.
  6. Yes. Yes. That's correct. client.steamID gets set just before loggedOn is emitted (meaning it's not null once you connect), and gets set to null just after disconnected / error are emitted.
  7. Sounds like you need to pass a callback and check if Steam is returning an error.
  8. No, that's not possible and I don't have any plans to enable automated voting.
  9. All I can figure is that you aren't referencing your config properly, and config.clanid is ending up as undefined.
  10. If you haven't disabled automatic reconnection, then you shouldn't ever need to call logOn after the first time (unless the error event gets emitted). So yeah, when you get sessionExpired just check to make sure SteamUser is connected, then call webLogOn() if it is. If it isn't, then it'll automatically log onto web when it gets connected.
  11. That error happens when you call logOn while the SteamUser instance is already connected.
  12. v4.19.10 should fix this issue, although you will also have to add the containsBbCode option, like this: client.chat.sendFriendMessage(sender, response, {includesBbCode: true});
  13. When I try to get my own bot to send that exact message using that exact code, I get RateLimitExceeded (84) every time.
  14. My guess would be that your message is just too long, and Steam is choking on it.
  15. You shouldn't use for...in to iterate over arrays. Please research iterating over arrays in JavaScript.
  16. I wouldn't try it. It might work sometimes, but it tends to be fairly unreliable.
  17. No, InvalidPassword means that your account name or password is wrong. It would be a different error if it were Steam Guard related.
  18. node-steam-user/basicbot.js at master ยท DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user (github.com)
  19. Should be fixed now.
  20. No, it doesn't work anywhere.
  21. There's no technical limit; your only limitations should be IP addresses and system resources.
  22. Not possible due to the Same-Origin Policy. You'll need to proxy those requests through a server.
  23. I don't know why you're calling client.setSentry() as the first argument to logOn(), but you shouldn't and because you are, you're logging on anonymously. Also, you can't use getOwnedApps before the appOwnershipCached event is emitted.
  24. steamcommunity can do that.
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