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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Your best bet is to try to trade the unstacked items to another account and then back again. If that doesn't auto-stack them, you're pretty much SOL.
  2. You need to check the actual relationship. You're likely causing a loop by calling addFriend, which causes friendRelationship to get emitted with relationship == Friend, which calls addFriend, which emits friendRelationship which calls addFriend which...
  3. Why are you passing null?
  4. I'm not sure what you intend to accomplish by doing this, but you would want to call gamesPlayed([]) (with an empty array) and then a few seconds later, call it again with the game(s) you want to report to Steam that you're playing.
  5. Stacking is handled by the game, not by Steam. Maybe you could stack those items in-game somehow. If not, it's possible that the game will auto-stack items when you trade them.
  6. It looks like you're sending the parameters in the URL rather than in the post body as you should be.
  7. Please give v4.19.2 a shot.
  8. For some reason, CS:GO now requires an access token to get extended information like depots. You can either use getProductAccessToken and pass the access token to getProductInfo as per the readme, or you could just pass true for the optional includeTokens parameter, like so: getProductInfo([730], [], true, (apps, packages, unknownApps, unknownPackages) => { // should contain: // packages['730'].appinfo.depots['731'] }) Please note that if you're using steam-user v4 (as you should be), the first argument to the callback is err. Edit: Also be aware that you're only going to get a token if you own CS:GO. If your account doesn't own CS:GO, you can request a free-on-demand license for it.
  9. You shouldn't need that cookie to execute an OpenID login.
  10. I don't think that's possible, unfortunately.
  11. No, just see if you can access their profile/inventory.
  12. That event is for real-time trades, which have been removed from the Steam UI. That's not for trade offers.
  13. Unless you're doing something shady, I wouldn't expect Valve to pay any mind to you.
  14. Only set Origin and Referer. Do not set Host or Cookie.
  15. That code retrieves a list of CS:GO servers and sets itself to in-game, but it doesn't join a server which is why you wouldn't see the bot in the server. It is not possible to actually join a CS:GO server from a bot, as you would have to implement VAC and nobody's been insane enough to try that.
  16. I don't understand what you mean by that.
  17. Your issue is probably that you aren't urlencoding the payload. I'm not super familiar with the fetch API you're using but I would be very surprised if it didn't have a mechanism to send an application/x-www-form-urlencoded request payload without having to encode it manually as you're doing. And yes, Steam login cookies that you acquire from any source can be used on all Steam properties.
  18. You need to specify Origin and Referer manually, but all the other headers you're specifying should be left out as they're HTTP protocol-level headers that request will set on its own.
  19. That's not possible.
  20. There shouldn't be any special considerations with the rsa key request.
  21. Get rid of the curly braces around requestoptions. And also quit using the confirmation checker as it's been deprecated for years.
  22. In your instance, steam-user (client) is for logging into Steam and for receiving item/trade notifications and steamcommunity and steam-tradeoffer-manager are for interacting with the econ service (which is all over HTTP).
  23. I don't see why you'd want to specifically use the oauthlogin method. What's wrong with logging in via community or user normally?
  24. Check the myFriends property for users who've invited you.
  25. You would need to download the game files from the CDN, parse items_game.txt, unpack the vpks, and figure out how to attribute texture files correctly to given items. Have fun.
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