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Everything posted by cookie

  1. I use a logonID option and I don't get my session killed.
  2. Not sure why i believe your code is ripped off from someone else
  3. login with steam-user, listeon on webSession, set cookies for steamcommunity and steam-tradeoffer-manager
  4. Very bad there should be a timeout for this, because maybe the session got killed and it will keep recalling it forever.
  5. Sorry for grave digging but is this the best approach? var request = require("request"); var TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); var steamcommunity = require("steamcommunity"); var proxyUrl = "http://" + user + ":" + password + "@" + host + ":" + port; var proxifiedRequest = request.defaults({'proxy': proxyUrl}); var community = new steamcommunity({request: proxifiedRequest}); var manager = new TradeOfferManager({community: community});
  6. if(!callback) { return; } callback(new Error("Intentionally returned an error")); if(body && this.state == ETradeOfferState.PendingConfirmation) { callback(null, 'pending'); } else if(body && body.tradeofferid) { callback(null, 'sent'); } else { callback(new Error("Unknown response")); } that will work I guess
  7. Is Calling getOffer Will also update the offer the next time?
  8. No but I mean I want it to be sent but an error is thrown so I can debug my function in unknownOfferSent
  9. Is there a way that I can intentionally make offer.send() returns an error?
  10. Do you know what's the expected response in that scenario?
  11. does that url have limits?
  12. Device ID as machine ID in steam-user ?
  13. Well, consider of having an array of bots that needs to get working, I find it hard to come up with a proper way of executing each bot while looping through it therefore I stick into executing each bot in a single process.
  14. not necessarily, an array of items can be added without having a loop.
  15. Probably because your account is limited, to solve this deposit $5 into your steam account.
  16. Is there a considerable performance boost when running all bots in a single node process?
  17. unknownOfferSent gets canceled automatically. Have a whitelist of Offer IDs to confirm via steam-community OR cancel confirmations for unknownOfferSent Offers. Have a light mode of the bot that will be memory efficient ? More to be added soon, just out of my mind!
  18. Many of my time is spent trying to optimizing the bot to work with this awful service steam provides, Error codes like 16 and Error: ETIMEDOUT are some examples, however it is unknown if the offer is sent or not. Any experience anybody would like to share? Possible solutions? Also, when there's an error and the trade offer is sent means trade.id is true if it's false then surely the offer isn't sent? please check the code below: trade = offers.createOffer(p); trade.send('', t, function(err, status){ if(err){ console.log(err); if(trade.id){ console.log('Offer sent whilst having an error'); //Do something } else { console.log('Offer isn\'t sent'); } } else { //Do something } }
  19. Is that error perhaps fatal or unknown ? emitted via 'error' event?
  20. Error polling for trade offers: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND api.steampowered.com I set PollInterval to -1 but still got this error, is this error caught on the event 'error' ?
  21. I understand from what you're saying that once you confirm it the confirmation_method will be != 0 prior player 2 accepting the offer. Great, I believe a TradeOffer property will contain confirmationMethod as the value of confirmation_method correct?
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