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  1. Is it even possible to disable twofactor of other accounts? I got dozens of accounts and I want to disable a specific account's twofactor using only the main account being logged on. I got all of their Rxxxxx codes. I want to know if it's possible before I dive in logging them in one by one.
  2. I noticed after searching around that steam-user doesn't have a Typescript definition for Visual Studio Code, will it stay like that or will we have one in the future ?
  3. Hello there, got some small problems in fetching item inspect link. I'm getting user inventory through getUserInventoryContents. When i get whole market_actions property it's working fine and giving me result with link and name. But when i try to get link property from market_actions, there's an error popping up "Cannot read property '0' of undefined". community.getUserInventoryContents("[U:1:884434522]", 730, 2, true, "polish", (err, inventory) => { if (err) { throw err; } for (let i=0; i<inventory.length; i++) { console.log(inventory[i].market_actions) // working console.log(inventory[i].market_actions[0].link) // not working
  4. Hello, i bought proxies on luminati.io. But always getting 'HTTP CONNECT 403 Bad Port' error on logOn. My Code: let user = new SteamUser({ singleSentryfile: false, promptSteamGuardCode: false, dateDirectory: null, httpProxy: 'http://lum-customer-mycustomerid-zone-myzonename:mypassword@host:22225' }); user.logOn({ accountName: 'test', password: 'test', rememberPassword: true });Debug:
  5. So I am using steam-user to get a list of gameservers. My code worked for a while but when I tried to do it again on another script it just returns "null". I have tried everything I can think of and I am out of ideas. Anything to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const client = new SteamUser(); client.logOn(); client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('Logged into Steam'); client.getServerList(null, 100, (servers) => { console.log(servers); }) });
  6. Hello logOn method not working. Stucked on "751" I try debugging and my logs =>
  7. Hello, I just started building my steam level up bot and couldn't code it when someone adding him to tell 'Hello, "Persona Name" Thank you for adding me'. this is the code i put it from another question but its sending 'Hello, [steamID] Thank you for adding me'. client.getPersonas([steamID], function(personas) { var persona = personas[steamID.getSteamID64()]; var name = persona ? persona.player_name : ("[" + steamID.getSteamID64() + "]"); }); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'Hi ' + name + ' Thank you for adding me!'); } });
  8. Hey, iam work on new functions for my BOT. I am currently working on boosting my main account via chat message to my BOT. The login works fine, but the logout does not work and I can't find the error Here my Code: // Boost Owners Account START else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STARTBOOST") >= 0) { let BoostClient = new SteamUser(), BoostManager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": BoostClient, "pollInterval": "10000", "cancelTime": "1800000" // 30m in ms }), BoostCommunity = new SteamCommunity(); let BoostLogOnOptions = { accountName: CONFIG.Boost.USERNAME, password: CONFIG.Boost.PASSWORD, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(CONFIG.Boost.SHAREDSECRET) }; BoostClient.logOn(BoostLogOnOptions); BoostClient.on("loggedOn", function() { BoostClient.getPersonas([BoostClient.steamID], (personas) => { sleep(500); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Login successfully!"); BoostClient.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); BoostClient.gamesPlayed(730); }); }); BoostClient.on('webSession', (sessionid, cookies) => { BoostManager.setCookies(cookies); BoostCommunity.setCookies(cookies); sleep(2000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Cookies set successfully"); }); sleep(7000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Boosting Games Active"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Start Boosting Games"); } else if (MSG.toUpperCase().indexOf("!STOPBOOST") >= 0) { let BoostClient = new SteamUser(); BoostClient.logOff(); sleep(1000); console.log("[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games"); client.chatMessage(SENDER, "[Boost Steam Account] - Stop Boosting Games"); } // Boost Owners Account END It runs not in an error, but i dont log off :-((( I hope someone can help me out... THX
  9. Hi, I have a few questions: 1. How can i get RegionID of my account (that using in Steam Store). Reffering to this https://i.gyazo.com/93754ec9ef0032dbe38ce466b6d86974.png (is it right place?), my code is '62' but i want a country string like 'RU' or 'US'? Couldn't find any info in enums for that. 2. Is it possible to buy/buyAsGift games in Steam Store on US account from different GeoIP? Which pool of regions would be supported for gifting (GeoIP regions or account regions)? 3. And maybe somewhere exists a method to get that pool of supported regions for certain account (for buying games as gifts)? 4. Can i somehow catch an event when a recipient accept/decline a gift (from Steam Store, not from inventory)?
  10. I would like it to accept everyone who added me when the bot wasn't opened. i've tried to do that but i think i didn't get how it works, here's what i tried: client.on('loggedOn', () => { client.setPersona(1); client.getPersonas(client.myFriends); }); client.on('user', function (sid, user) { console.log(sid + " " + user.value); if (user.value == 2) { client.addFriend(sid); client.getChatHistory(sid); } });
  11. Hello, so, firt i must say thank you for this nodejs library. I using it, but i have problem: Its possible to get inspect link/wear of skin, what have a bot in inventory? tested it, but on received items etc. doest have any inspect link or wear value :/ Thank you so much for any help and have a nice day
  12. Hi, I have the following code and am trying to check whether the app is able to log into steam or not. For whatever reason, the error is caught but the loggOn event never occurs Any ideas how to fix this? const client = new SteamUser();const logOnOptions = {accountName: req.body.username,password: req.body.password,twoFactorCode: req.body.tfa }; client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on('loggedOn', () => {console.log('Hi!');}); client.on('error', () => {console.log('This is one dumb human')}); Any thoughts?
  13. I'm desperate right now, I've searched everything, but where do I find the AssetID of a background? community.editProfile({ "background": ????????, }; Thx for help me out...
  14. 1. Is there a way to invite people to a steam lobby? (not chat one). the one that emits the 'lobbyInvite' ID event... 2. the 'friendOrChatMessage' ID event emit also when i write a message in a chat. how can i detect whether it is me or not, because the senderID isn't my id even if i write the message (in dm's only). the senderID it is the friend whom i wrote to... (maybe it's a bug so idk). 3. Is there any way to wait for a user input in the console while executing other functions that run on the same js file?
  15. How can i loop the sender message, so that i can wait for the response of the option to be selected which was printed by the for loop Kindly View the Attached Images for an clear example: Image of the example client.on("friendMessage", (SENDER, MSG) => { ... ... else{ var countList = 1; for(var i = 0; i < listOfProducts.length; ++i){ if(listOfProducts[i].is_free_license == false){ client.chatMessage(SENDER, countList +". "+listOfProducts[i].option_text) ountList++; } else{ client.chatMessage(SENDER, result[0].name + ", Unfortunately you can not buy this game as a gift.") } } console.log(countList); client.on("friendMessage", (SENDER, MSG) => { countList = countList - 1; if (MSG === 1) { client.chatMessage(" has been added to the Cart.") } }); } ... ... }); Kindly drop your suggestions... and thank you for your precious time.
  16. Is there a way to cancel all outgoing trades when the bot starts? Thanks
  17. Hello. I just updated npm modules and got steam-user 4.5 and my bot is still running fine (AFAIK). Is there a place where I can read about important changes made in v4.X which break v3.X code? I saw the announcements page here and releases on github but there's too many, so I was looking for some "shortcut" reading. Thanks
  18. Hi, Is it possible to trigger the newOffer event when an offer is sent from the bot? It obviously triggers when an offer is recieved, but how can I make it (or another event) trigger upon sending an offer? Thanks
  19. sorry to whine, but I am suffering from a memory leak issue with the version 4 branch. After disabling all my code, except for one account logging in, (and doing nothing) it still leaks. I left the one idle account running doing nothing and after about a day or so it exceeded the ~1.5 GB of heap the node process (by default) can use. I then downgraded to 3.9.2 and it's fine now. I restored all the code and all the accounts are running and its been 12 hours now and memory usage is proper and garbage collecting is happening. It kinda seems like garbage collecting wasnt happening with v4, but I'm not sure exactly, as I didn't play around much with --expose-gc, yet. I quick glance suggested I couldnt just hack around this with manual global.gc() calls, but that would have probably been fine with me. This happens on Linux and Windows, and im using node lts 10, linux from now on. What version does the the doctor use, btw? I wish could be of more help, I tried generating heapdumps, but It locked up my machine, and I cant seem to get 'node-memwatch' installed/compiled, which had some event I maybe later could listen to that detects leaks. All the accounts are 'assigned/joined/ to a steam group chat however, a idle ghost town chat with nobody chatting in there, so maybe its likething related to (other) group chat events. Ill try to test this out next with an account who is not joined to a group chat. thanks for looking.
  20. Hi, im new to this and i don't know how to check if the key is valid or invalid.. This is the code client.on("friendMessage", function (steamID, message) { if (steamID == AdminID && message.indexOf('!key') == 0) { var GetKey = message.replace('!key ', ''); client.redeemKey(GetKey); client.chatMessage(steamID, "Key activated: " + GetKey); } }); Thanks
  21. const SteamUser = require('steam-user');const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');const TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'); const client = new SteamUser();const community = new SteamCommunity();const manager = new TradeOfferManager({ steam: client, community: community, language: 'en'}); const logInOptions = { accountName: "........", password: "...........", twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode("............")}; client.logOn(logInOptions); client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('logged on');client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online, "bot1");client.gamesPlayed(570);});client.on('webSession', (sid, cookies) => {console.log(cookies); manager.setCookies(cookies); community.setCookies(cookies); community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, "............"); mytrade();}); manager.on('newOffer', offer => { console.log('offer detected'); if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === '.............') { offer.accept((err, status) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log(status); } }) } else { console.log('unknown sender'); offer.decline(err => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('trade from stranger declined'); } }); }}); function mytrade() {manager.getOfferToken((err, token) => {if (err) {console.log("gsfgfasy", err)}else {var partner="id........"const offer = manager.createOffer('id.....',token);manager.getUserInventoryContents(partner,570, 2, true, (err, myInv) => {if (err) {console.log(err);} else {console.log("myenv",myInv[0]);// myInv.forEach(function(item) {offer.addTheirItem(myInv[0]);offer.setMessage('You received a floral shirt!');offer.send((err, status) => {if (err) {console.log(err);} else {console.log('trade sent');console.log(status);}}) // })}}) }})}
  22. So I'm using getUserInventoryContents for someone who uses my bot to check his inventory and see if I have items that my bot accepts. https://pastebin.com/sXYvkTMD All works out but it does not give all the items results than it should. For example, I have 6 SF arcanas but it only tells me 4. Also what may be the reason why I get "TypeError: Cannot read property 'EPersonaState' of undefined" in my linux and in my windows it works perfectly fine.
  23. Hey, is it possible to retrieve these values using the npm's on this forum? or will I need an API? Does any1 knows of any? thank you!
  24. So just trying to figure out if I'm dumb or if something is up. I'm updating my bot manager and since update doesn't use steam-client anymore I can't use .bind() which was working. See my attached image. Basically client is still returning my own localhost IP. Not the proxy one I'm setting.
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