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  1. Hi, quick question. i'm trying to display my current online friends with persona_state >= 1 in the console for debugging at the moment to do some stuffs with it. If i check for them in: client.on('user', function(steamID, user) { console.log(_.size(client.users)); }); with this code i get the size of the array that is my number of "friends" i can filter only online friends with persona_state cool. But the thing is i get in the console repeated messages displaying the users count. I understand this event is updated when something changes according to the documentation. That's why my code is emitting this value as this gets updated and doing something like this: My question is, how can i check this when my bot fully updated the friends states not duplicating the message? i did it outside the event and my bot yells "0" when is launching. i'm fairly new at coding and picked this as a project for fun. Thank you. Sorry for my english, not my native language.
  2. Hey, I would like to know if any of you, allready had this problem. I mean, the first exchange with one object works well. But when i tried to make a second trade , it take the last trade + the new trade I don't have any loops or whatever like this . Maybe due to polldata idk , so please could you help me ? Bug.tiff
  3. is it possible to get live player's gameservers steam-id
  4. Hello everybody, I don't know when, but Valve add a rule => Group invites can only be sent to users on your friends list. How actually we can bypass this, for example my "little BOT" is used for invit a player who's in my server (with a stock in SQL etc ...), so with this restriction it can't continue. How bypass this ? Ty.
  5. Hey everyone! I have just a generic question related to the use of all node steam modules. How do you deal with security in your applications, when you need all key attributes (password, shared key and identity key) to connect a bot to Steam ? What is the best practises for that kind of constraints ? Thanks by advance! Best regards, POKERWOW
  6. "First of all, I'd sorry for my writing cause i'm not from a country that using english language." Hi, i'm stucking with a problem for days. I'm buiding a resell website that using steam account to login (may i call steam passport?) . And the problem is that new user sometime can login into website via steam but sometime cant. My website using asp.net with Openid provider When i debug , the data-information steam null but when everything pass threw i receive the data like usual. http is using now as my website.
  7. I'm trying to send an offer to an ID with an item the bot got from another offer whenever it accepts, the code looks something like this (this is the accept function I use whenever I want to accept an offer): function acceptOffer(offer) { var newOffer = manager.createOffer(SOMEID); newOffer.addMyItem(offer.itemsToReceive[0]); offer.accept((err) => { community.checkConfirmations(); if (err) console.log("There was an error accepting the offer."); }); newOffer.send(function(err, status) {console.log('error: '+err+'status: '+status)}); console.log(newOffer.state);}; When I run this, the state logs as 1, which means invalid, so Im not entirely sure on how to do this. Any ideas?
  8. Hello, I am trying to make my bot say people's names, and then a welcome message. But currently with the code that I got, it only says "NaN Hello, I am a generous Trading Bot, I would love to trade with you, but I am currently in maintenance mode. Check back later.". I do not know why it says NaN, instead of the user's name. My current code looks like this client.on("friendRelationship", (SENDER, REL) => { client.getPersonas([client.steamID], (personas) => { if (REL === 2) { client.addFriend(SENDER); } else if (REL === 3) { if (CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID) { client.inviteToGroup(SENDER, CONFIG.INVITETOGROUPID); } client.chatMessage(SENDER, + personas + CONFIG.MESSAGES.WELCOME); } }); });
  9. Hey, I have several questions about pubg 1) How big can the inventory be for pubg? Some games like h1z1 seem to have unlimited inventory, but games like csgo have 5000 item limit. 2) Does the assetid of the traded item change after each trade? Again in h1z1 the assetid of an item doesn't change, but it does change for csgo. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
  10. var offer = manager.createOffer(steamID) offer.addMyItem(6081859871, 440, 2, 1) offer.setMessage("Free Scrap !") offer.send(function(err, status) { if (err) throw err console.log(status) }) This is my code, and below is the error i got, i dont get how its not working :V C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:255 throw new Error("Missing appid, contextid, or assetid parameter"); ^ Error: Missing appid, contextid, or assetid parameter at addItem (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:255:9) at TradeOffer.addMyItem (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-tradeoffer-manager\lib\classes\TradeOffer.js:167:9) at SteamUser.<anonymous> (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\start.js:32:8) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at SteamUser.emit (events.js:191:7) at SteamUser._emitIdEvent (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\utility.js:29:12) at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\chat.js:281:9) at SteamUser._handleMessage (C:\Users\JingYong-PC\Desktop\Custom bots or in development\steam\node_modules\steam-user\components\messages.js:216:29) at emitThree (events.js:116:13) at CMClient.emit (events.js:194:7) Press any key to continue . . .
  11. I was wondering if it is possible to use Passport/OpenID for login validation and then transfer the session over to use the node-steamcommunity function calls. Currently I want to be able to post comments on user profiles, and the following works: var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); var ReadLine = require('readline'); var fs = require('fs'); var community = new SteamCommunity(); var rl = ReadLine.createInterface({ "input": process.stdin, "output": process.stdout }); rl.question("Username: ", function(accountName) { rl.question("Password: ", function(password) { doLogin(accountName, password); }); }); function doLogin(accountName, password, authCode, twoFactorCode, captcha) { community.login({ "accountName": accountName, "password": password, "authCode": authCode, "twoFactorCode": twoFactorCode, "captcha": captcha }, function(err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard) { if(err) { if(err.message == 'SteamGuardMobile') { rl.question("Steam Authenticator Code: ", function(code) { doLogin(accountName, password, null, code); }); return; } if(err.message == 'SteamGuard') { console.log("An email has been sent to your address at " + err.emaildomain); rl.question("Steam Guard Code: ", function(code) { doLogin(accountName, password, code); }); return; } if(err.message == 'CAPTCHA') { console.log(err.captchaurl); rl.question("CAPTCHA: ", function(captchaInput) { doLogin(accountName, password, authCode, twoFactorCode, captchaInput); }); return; } console.log(err); process.exit(); return; } console.log("Logged on!"); community.getSteamUser('username', function(err, user){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { user.comment('test comment', (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('comment posted successfully'); } }); } }); return; }); } But the doLogin() function will seem untrustworthy for end-users, so I would want to be able to use the standard "Sign In with Steam" as offered by Passport-Steam. Is there any way for me to do the login via Steam and then transfer those session details/cookies to use steamcommunity? Thanks for any help.
  12. manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); Is the code the only thing i cannot figure out is how to make it comment only when it accepts an trade offer I tried putting it like this if (ourValue <= theirValue) { acceptOffer(offer); manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); } else { declineOffer(offer); }; but it didnt even comment like that And also tried function acceptOffer(offer) { offer.accept((err) => { manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); community.checkConfirmations(); console.log("We Accepted an offer"); if (err) console.log("There was an error accepting the offer."); }); }; and nothing am i doing something wrong?
  13. Hi, is it possible to send and receive messages from users without adding them to friends list? I'm not asking for spam purposes, I wanted to create 1v1 chatbot and there is a friends limit
  14. I know NodeJs works in a single thread , but the modules work with request that use sessions , then i have the doubt . I need to handle only one offer per account at a time ? Or can I make all the calls to .createOffer I need ? I tested calling the method many times and works, but is it "secure" ?
  15. hi, how i can get a message from trade offer that i send for someone? set a message: t.setMessage("Thanks for buying"); t.send((ERR, STATUS) => { if (ERR) { console.log("[Trade sending error] " + ERR); } else { console.log("[Sent]"); } }); i tried to get a message like this: manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (OFFER, OLDSTATE) => { if (OFFER.state == 2) { console.log("Trade " + OFFER.id +" was confirmed."); console.log("MY MESSAGE IN TRADERINO: " + OFFER.data("message")); } }); but OFFER.data("message") returns undefined value
  16. For a project of mine, it is very useful to be able to load the app_data of items in inventories to characterize the items. Because it is not particularly important right now, I have been relying on the deprecated loadInventory method to get the data. One of my ideas was to just send dummy tradeoffers to an alt and read it as a tradeoffer, but this seems excessive. Do you have any suggestions for getting the app_data of inventories?
  17. I have this code : https://gist.github.com/EliteOneTube/6a8d1c27d1b137c9843b3779b1c1dafe and i would like to ask if it is possible to make it so when someone sends me a message like !au1 my bot sends them an offer with the specific item. My bot can accept offers that matches it's prices but I would want my bot to send the offers.
  18. Hi guys, and Meredith I have question. Why automatic cancel is so inaccurate? When i have 1 minute it cancels offer in 1-2 minutes and when i have 5 minutes it cancels offer in even bigger interval.
  19. I've managed to successfully retrieve an AuthTicket using the Greenworks function, however it requires a Steam instance to be running on the computer, whilst I want it to be generated through node-steam, I've noticed that you have an encrypted ticket function but not a session ticket, is it actually possible to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  20. Hi guys, I am wondering which is the right way to handle bot log out 1 .We have to Logout the bot: bot.logOff(); 2 .Stop confirmation checker: community.stopConfirmationChecker(); 3. Stop polling: offer.shutdown(); Am I missing something?
  21. Hello. I am working on site where users can dynamically add their accounts. So I am trying to login every account, and I need to get login response. Like node-steam module does it: steamClient.connect(); steamClient.on('connected', function() { steamUser.logOn({ account_name: 'username', password: 'password' }); }); steamClient.on('logOnResponse', function() { /* ... */}); steamClient.on('error', function(e) { /* ... */});The problem is that node-steam-user just throws InvalidPassword. I can only suppress it by using process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { console.log(new Date() + ' Caught exception: ' + err); }); Is it possible to get logOn response somehow instead of this? Regards.
  22. Hi. I have stored session into a file, I am trying to restore it using setCookies function but loggedIn function returns false, With heder location https://steamcommunity.com/login/home/?goto=%2Fmy fs.readFile('/cookies.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } console.log(JSON.parse(data)) // array of cookies from steamcommunity.login function steamCommunity.setCookies(JSON.parse(data)); steamCommunity.loggedIn(function (error, logged_in){ console.log(logged_in) // === false; console.log(error) // === null }); });
  23. Happened last night. Should report it as bug or it was some random error? I have no clue of what triggered that, since that account doesn't have any friends that sends chat messages, and I wasn't online. PS: Sorry for bad english
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