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Dr. McKay

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  1. I don't really have the time or capacity to do one-on-one coaching for reimplementing the Steam protocols yourself. I'd suggest checking the existing code and trying to copy it as exactly as possible.
  2. Make sure you could send a message to that user ordinarily. Also make sure you've set yourself to online.
  3. You can do this with steam-session.
  4. What do you receive error 15 in response to? How are you receiving it?
  5. https://steamerrors.com/5 Sounds like you aren't logging in correctly.
  6. Only one Steam client session can be in-game at a time or else you get the LoggedInElsewhere error you mentioned. That guy isn't running CS2 on the same account twice; the real game instance must be logged in under a different account. No.
  7. Does the app in question actually use encrypted app tickets?
  8. The first argument to webSession is sessionID, not cookies.
  9. Sounds like you have some network issue.
  10. Most methods don't work if you log on anonymously. getPersonas probably isn't one that does.
  11. Doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong from those login options. The IP you're logging in from is probably just really suspicious.
  12. You can see exactly what's happening internally if you add a debug listener like so: user.on('debug', console.log)
  13. Thanks for the info. This is caused by CS2 inventories that have items, but which have no items that are actually visible. The returned data looks like garbage because Valve. steamcommunity 3.48.5 fixes the error, instead returning an empty array. As of steam-tradeoffer-manager 2.11.7, you can use the deprecated TradeOffer.loadPartnerInventory() method to get those CS2 items.
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