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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You need to keep track of which asset IDs you've already sent offers for and not send them again. You can either keep track in your code (which I recommend), or you can use https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#getofferscontainingitemsitems-includeinactive-callback
  2. item.appid == 753 You need to provide a language to get most details.
  3. First, you should make sure the appid is 753. Secondly, did you provide a language to the constructor?
  4. Show your code.
  5. You can't, and there's no need. It'll give you error 403 if the inventory is private.
  6. A proxy is not a magical 429-be-gone. I advise that you don't use the confirmation checker at all (or if you do, set it very high, like 5 minutes). Using acceptConfirmationForObject should work fine.
  7. this.client.users[steam_id] is undefined? When are you calling this? Very soon after logon? Some time after?
  8. You need a license before you can play any game. Some older free to play games (like TF2) are in package 0, which is automatically granted to all Steam accounts (except anonymous ones). Newer free to play games have what are called "free on demand" packages, which you need to request ("demand") prior to playing. You can use the requestFreeLicense method I just added in v3.19.0 for that.
  9. Please show the code you're using to look them up in client.users.
  10. Friends do count as users we've encountered. That said, to be 100% safe it might be better to do it your way and check if the user's data is present and request it if not, but that shouldn't be necessary for friends (then again, this is Steam we're talking about).
  11. There is not, because there's no way to kick a user from a group via the Steam client and thus there's no message to do so via a client connection. You can do it with node-steamcommunity: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CSteamGroup#kicksteamid-callback
  12. Update to v3.30.6 and this should be fixed.
  13. You shouldn't need to do the accept on a timeout. You said the confirmation checker is going slow, once every two minutes? That should be fine for 15 accounts, probably even if they all hit it at once. Would it really hurt to try disabling the automatic check for a bit?
  14. 1. Is the bot itself online on Steam? You can't get some persona data unless you're online. 2. Since it appears that you're only sending stuff to friends, there's no need to use getPersonas to get up to date data. There is a property (I think it's users?) which contains up to date persona data for all friends, provided you own state isn't offline. Steam sends updates for friends automatically.
  15. Strange, that really shouldn't be doing that then... How frequently are you sending offers that need confirmation? Also, could you use SteamCommunity's HTTP post hook to see which specific request is failing, whether it's the request to load the confirmation list or the one to actually approve it?
  16. How many bots are you running on a single IP?
  17. You're most likely using fs.writeFile('pollData.json', JSON.stringify(pollData)); inside of the pollData event. Node doesn't like it if you use writeFile without a callback anymore. All you need to do is change it to fs.writeFile('pollData.json', JSON.stringify(pollData), function() {});
  18. That license grants you access to package 15740. You can get info about a package using getProductInfo's second argument. A package contains one or more apps, so if you want to translate a license into an app name then you need to lookup the package and then lookup the apps contained in that package. Use JSON.stringify to get full details for an object, or alternatively call console.log on a lower level (e.g. console.log(res[730].appinfo)).
  19. Synchronous I/O functions are contrary to Node's paradigm and so aren't supported. Or is that not what you're asking?
  20. Steam's reboot about five minutes ago seems to have fixed this.
  21. That's no different from how steam-user does it.
  22. I'm not sure I would bother. It's starting to look to me as if webLogOn just won't work at all.
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