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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. The first argument should be the group's SteamID.
  2. That's probably a good way to do it, yeah. But for the record, I really think that it's useless to do this. I've never had a problem be solved with a complete reconnect.
  3. No. friendsList is emitted after logon. Once that's fired, you can access myFriends to see who invited you (value would be RequestRecipient).
  4. Detect a group invite using: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#grouprelationship Respond to an invite using: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#respondtogroupinvitegroupsteamid-accept
  5. Why do you want to reconnect? I don't see any reason you'd want to do this. If you need to renew your web session, just use webLogOn. That said, you can reconnect. To do that, you need to wait for the disconnected event to fire before you try to log on again.
  6. Nicknames are not currently available. If this would be helpful to you, I can try to get around to it tonight.
  7. On your local PC it should be your private IP, but not
  8. Are you actually trying to use as your local address, or is that just a placeholder for this post?
  9. All of your everything is super outdated. Update. Specifically to node.js 4.0.0 or newer, and as new of npm as you can get. You can install the latest stable 64-bit version for Linux using: wget -qO- https://www.doctormckay.com/installnode.sh | /bin/bash Make sure you execute that somewhere writable as root as it needs to download a file to disk.
  10. https://steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/conf?p=deviceid&a=steamid&k=requestkey&t=timestamp&m=android&tag=conf
  11. The easiest way to check if you're currently logged onto Steam is to see if client.steamID is null. If it is, then you're not connected.
  12. loggedOn will never be emitted for an eresult that isn't 1 (OK). disconnected or error will be emitted for failed logon attempts. You can log into Steam with two clients at once ever since in-home streaming came out.
  13. They can change, e.g. StatTrak/Strange items that reset their counters on trade. There are also some other instances where they can change unexpectedly.
  14. That could be added, yeah. It'd be a new method if I do add it though, for compatibility. Not sure when I'd have the time to work on adding it.
  15. You can get the new assetid using getReceivedItems, but there's no way to map the old ones to the new ones. You'll have to figure out a way to do that yourself.
  16. No, that's very wrong. Where you create your client, you need to also create your tf2.
  17. steam-tradeoffer-manager doesn't do logins. You need to read the documentation of whatever module you're using to login to Steam.
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