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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. acceptConfirmationForObject takes care of finding the correct confirmation for a given offer ID. @maraya: What's your output?
  2. Best I can tell, web logons became finnicky ever since the Steam maintenance last night.
  3. You have to use startConfirmationChecker before you use checkConfirmations, but I don't generally recommend that anymore due to Steam load concerns.
  4. Yes, you do need to actually log into the account first. Please show your code.
  5. Yes, those codes will work anywhere you sign into Steam.
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#properties itemsToReceive
  7. My mistake. I've updated those release notes. Get rid of the curly braces inside your SteamUser constructor: new SteamUser(steamclient). If you do it properly, all communication SteamUser does with Steam goes over the proxy.
  8. The user event will be emitted anytime someone's persona data changes (e.g. they go online/offline or start/quit a game). Also, at any time the users property contains the current persona data for everyone we know about.
  9. Your IP got temporarily banned, yes. That's what 429 means.
  10. Yes, it's printing "Error: Logon failed, Invalid Password or playing in the account." because you're printing that unconditionally when an error occurs.
  11. offer.getExchangeDetails(function(err, status, tradeInitTime, receivedItems, sentItems) { console.log("Trade status is " + status + ", init time " + tradeInitTime + ", and we received " + receivedItems.length + " items and sent " + sentItems.length + " items."); });
  12. You need to wait for this event: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#friendslist Also, the problems I see with your code are that err doesn't exist, and that you're only sending back the friends list if it's falsy (which would never result in sending back the friends list).
  13. Doesn't look like TradeOfferManager is defined. In the future, please include any error messages and stack traces.
  14. Experiment and find out. 2-3 seconds should probably be enough but I'm not positive off the top of my head.
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