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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. It's Steam we're talking about, so pretty much anything is possible. But I don't know if any instances where the accepting succeeds and then it changes later.
  2. Actually, how about if that event just gets emitted every time getOffers is called without a time restriction? Then it'd be emitted for full updates, and also whenever your own code loads the full offer list for whatever reason.
  3. If you only saved the shared_secret, then no, you can't get the identity_secret. The documentation says to save everything. If you're getting "Malformed response" when you're trying to disable 2FA, then please make sure you're up to date.
  4. Welcome to Steam. You should use the receivedOfferChanged event to determine whether an offer was accepted.
  5. Have you noticed whether anything else (for example, name and/or market_name) was missing when you experienced app_data being gone?
  6. I think that for v2 I'm going to make successful API calls always return data instead of "Data temporarily unavailable" (e.g. when the offer appears to be empty), but hold off on emitting events if that's the current state of the data.
  7. Try using getTimeOffset to see if your clock isn't close enough to Steam's. If that doesn't work, make certain you're using the correct secret (shared_secret, it should be base64).
  8. Is your clock right?
  9. Add this to your code and see what it prints out: steam.on('debug', console.log);
  10. No, the event won't fire if there isn't any HTTP traffic going on. But if you pass the SteamCommunity instance to the constructor of TradeOfferManager, then the manager will use that community for its HTTP requests and so no-session requests triggered by the manager will fire the event.
  11. That warning is normal. It installed successfully.
  12. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#sessionexpired And yes, refreshing cookies every hour or so isn't a bad idea.
  13. It'll be an empty array if you received nothing. You need to use the trade ID, not the trade offer ID.
  14. Some items can be missing a market_hash_name under normal circumstances (e.g. some H1Z1 items). If name is empty that's a pretty dead giveaway.
  15. If you'd read that page that was linked, you'd know that that's exactly what confirmation polling does.
  16. You need to re-logon every so often to refresh your session. Using steam-user all you need to do is call webLogOn() periodically (or when stuff starts to break).
  17. All you can do is go online using chatLogon. You can't go "in-game".
  18. Yes, steamcommunity.com has a global rate limit, which applies to the inventory endpoint. I don't know what the limit is exactly, but there is one and you'll start getting 429 if you hit it.
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