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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. A better way to accomplish this would be to watch for the disconnected event: client.logOff(); client.once('disconnected', () => { // logged off; now safe to log on again });
  2. You have to use node-steamcommunity for that: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#editprofilesettings-callback
  3. No, it's stored encrypted and the way to decrypt it hasn't been published by anyone.
  4. You need to use the current time, not the time from when you first added the authenticator.
  5. That's definitely a proxy issue. Your proxy isn't responding fast enough.
  6. You exceeded Steam's login rate limit.
  7. There isn't such an event. I think you might be able to check if confirmationMethod is set on an active incoming offer to see if it was accepted and awaiting confirmation, although I'm not certain.
  8. If you use steam-session and log into steam-user using a refresh token, you won't need to enter a code every time. Refresh tokens are valid for 200 days.
  9. No, web cookies are shorter-lived than that. But you can always get new cookies if you still have a valid refresh token. For example: let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser); session.refreshToken = getMyRefreshTokenFromDatabaseOrWhatever(); let cookies = await session.getWebCookies();
  10. I don't have any plans to directly add automatic sentry file importing to steam-session.
  11. Steam is no longer issuing login keys. steam-user 4.28.0 adds a hack that makes login key code work without any changes, but using login keys is now officially deprecated.
  12. As far as I'm aware, there's no limit of accounts per IP, but there is a rate limit for logon attempts per IP. As long as you don't get rate limited, you should be good.
  13. That's just the GC being slow. It's a complete mess in CS:GO. CM stands for connection manager.
  14. True, though I wouldn't worry too much about it personally. I don't have any plans at the moment for steam-user v5. Be aware that refresh tokens expire after 200 days and I've yet to see a way to refresh them, so you will need to re-auth with your password after that time.
  15. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#steamguard
  16. I don't see that anything changed on how the request is made to Steam, so probably a temporary Steam issue. How long has it been going on?
  17. I also commented this on your issue: The first argument to loggedOn is a CMsgClientLogonResponse object, not a login key. You get a login key from the loginKey event.
  18. Might've been a temporary Steam issue. It's working fine for me.
  19. Yeah, just store your SteamCommunity and TradeOfferManager objects in global variables.
  20. That's not a good idea. Steam will invalidate your session if your IP changes too much.
  21. If steam-user connects with a WebSocket, it sends pings automatically every 30 seconds and disconnects (and emits the disconnected event) if Steam doesn't reply. If you want to make sure that the pings get sent, you can force the connection protocol using the protocol option. Example: let user = new SteamUser({ protocol: SteamUser.EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket });
  22. steam-gameserver hasn't been updated a ton, but it does still work. You're better off using that than hacking steam-user to login as a server.
  23. If it's possible, then yeah I'll figure out how to make it happen. As far as I'm aware, right now you can't use a sentry file with the new login system.
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