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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. SteamIDs with type 4 are anonymous gameservers, meaning the SteamID is going to change every time the server restarts. If you want a persistent SteamID, you need to register a gameserver account and use the login token you get on your server. Source-based games usually use tokens by adding +sv_setsteamaccount <token> to your server's command line.
  2. It's the time Steam says the offer changed, which would be Tuesday in your example.
  3. It's probably in the descriptions array somewhere.
  4. The market listing ID is the creator property.
  5. Can you show the code you're trying to use?
  6. client.steamID is null if you aren't connected.
  7. You also need to check whether your client is connected. If Steam goes down or your client disconnects for some other reason, your web session will become invalid as well, but webLogOn won't work since you're no longer connected.
  8. You need to follow @What Comes Around's advice regarding the err argument.
  9. You need to replace %owner_steamid% with the 64-bit SteamID of the item's owner, and %assetid% with the item's ID.
  10. There are some examples available here.
  11. item.actions is an array. You need to find the action you want.
  12. Assuming steamid is a variable holding a valid SteamID, then [steamid] is correct as that's creating an array with one element. It's also important to note that you cannot pass a SteamID like var steamidstolookup = [76561198006409530]; Numbers in JavaScript are double-precision floating-point numbers, which have a maximum integer precision up to 2^53. A 64-bit SteamID is greater than this, so trying to pass it as a number and not a string will cause it to become some other number entirely. For example:
  13. Maybe there's been a change to how the process works and I need to update the code. I'll see when I can find time.
  14. I'd like to help, but I haven't touched SourceMod in years so I can't, sorry.
  15. You would have to find the modified version of the plugin, or find someone who can modify it for you.
  16. I'm pretty sure that means that you need to verify your email before continuing. You can request a verification email with steam-user.
  17. You should create a new SteamCommunity instance for each account, in which case they don't share anything except your IP address, unless you're using proxies.
  18. @What Comes Around is right, in that case only the last if has the else attached to it. You'd want to either use a switch (preferred in this case), or a chain of else if.
  19. You were missing a single-quote after !Hello, and in both you're missing a closing paren. I don't see any reason why that would send back both messages; you should probably console.log the message to see what it actually is; you might be receiving another message of some type in addition to your !Hello.
  20. The brackets just mean that it's an optional argument. store.addPhoneNumber('+310***', (err) => {}) is the same as store.addPhoneNumber('+310***', false, (err) => {}). If you want to bypass a confirmation, you'd do store.addPhoneNumber('+310***', true, (err) => {}) The callback doesn't have any other arguments besides err.
  21. That code is full of syntax errors, so I suspect you didn't copy and paste the code that's actually running. client.chat.on('friendMessage', (msg) => { if (!msg.message_bbcode_parsed) { return; } let element = msg.message_bbcode_parsed[0]; if (typeof element == 'object' && element.tag == 'tradeoffer') { client.chat.sendFriendMessage(msg.steamid_friend, `You sent me trade offer #${element.attrs.id}.`); } });
  22. Sorry, that's probably not going to be implemented.
  23. Have you read the docs on the new chat? You get a friendMessage event when a new message comes in, which contains an Incoming Friend Message object. For an incoming trade offer, the message is something like: [tradeoffer sender=46143802 id=4087685841][/tradeoffer] But you can see the parsed BBCode in a more convenient format with message_bbcode_parsed, which looks like: [ TagNode { tag: 'tradeoffer', attrs: { sender: '46143802', id: '4087685841' }, content: [] } ]
  24. You can either listen for the tradeOffers event, or listen for chat messages and check for one that contains a [tradeoffer] BBCode.
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