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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. Not if you want to pretend to be a VAC-secured server.
  2. Yes, that will work. You just need to make sure to add your event handlers to each instance.
  3. You would have to somehow implement the algorithm the CS:GO client uses to turn item data (plus the texture and model files) into a rendered image.
  4. You can't get a trade link (with token) from an offer. The SteamID of the other party in a trade offer is available as the partner property.
  5. You can use the offerList event to see if any old offers are still active.
  6. Re-post with a code block so bbcode doesn't immolate your code.
  7. https://dev.doctormckay.com/announcement/1-the-purpose-of-these-forums-and-what-doesnt-belong-here/
  8. How about you figure it out if you want it so badly?
  9. You have to go out of your way to cancel a trade hold and get hit with the 7-day cooldown. In fact, I'm not aware of any (easy) way to do it in code.
  10. You certainly cannot join a game server, as that would require implementing VAC. Which is difficult by design, as if we could easily implement VAC then cheats would be able to bypass it with minimal effort. Maybe CS:GO's GC is written poorly. Knowing Valve and the CS:GO team, that's probably a given. So there's probably some exploit in the GC that allows you to make the GC believe you're in a server. But exploits aren't really my thing.
  11. You need to filter your own inventory to find the items you want to add, then add them.
  12. Dunno, maybe they're checking trade history or something.
  13. Assuming you set a language in the constructor, it's a property of item.
  14. You probably need to send some additional data. Not sure, I've never really spent too much time looking into this because it's not terribly useful as you can't actually join a game server.
  15. Just try to use it. But you really shouldn't be acquiring API keys from untrusted sources...
  16. Do not edit the module. const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); let user = new SteamUser(); user.logOn({ accountName: 'your_account', password: 'your_password', logonID: 12345 });
  17. 14000000D81B906BE8187273F69B60320100100105DE505F180000000100000002000000D62F504A883AAB9D8B8A130001000000 is the hexadecimal representation of the ticket. You CRC32 the binary, not the hex.
  18. Just set logonID to some number when you log on, and use a different number for each instance of the account.
  19. I can't offer you any support for node-steam.
  20. Not possible.
  21. Steam changed how wallet codes are redeemed. GitHub issue here. I will fix this as soon as I can, hopefully in the next day or two.
  22. The friendMessage event you're using is deprecated and you should use the SteamChatRoomClient version instead, but that should still work and I don't really see any reason why it wouldn't. What kind of behavior are you seeing and what console output are you getting?
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