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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. No. Steam does not support IPv6 at this time.
  2. You're not meant to use steam-client on its own. You should use it alongside something like steam-user. You can still use it with WebSockets and proxies, doing something like this: const Steam = require('steam-client'); const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); let client = new Steam.CMClient(Steam.EConnectionProtocol.WebSocket); client.setHttpProxy("http://user:[email protected]:12345"); let user = new SteamUser(client); // use user normally...
  3. Yes, you can edit the summary.
  4. No, showcases can't be edited at the moment.
  5. promptSteamGuardCode is an option that must be set in the constructor, not in the logOn call.
  6. 1. For authenticating users through Steam's OpenID provider, you can use the attached PHP class. I don't know where it originally came from, but it works well (although it could benefit from being updated to use curl instead of file_get_contents). This particular version of it was edited by me to authenticate the return domain, otherwise you could be vulnerable to spoof attacks. For logging in a bot to Steam, you can use steam-user or steamcommunity. Or if you really want to, you can look at the source of those to see what they do to implement it yourself. 2. It polls however frequently you tell it to. The rate-limit on the API domain is much higher than on the community domain. You can reasonably safely poll every 1-2 seconds, although for sake of being a good citizen, you probably don't want to do that. SteamSignIn.php
  7. loadUserInventory is deprecated. Use getUserInventoryContents instead.
  8. Try installing from npm now; you shouldn't have any issues. You might need to manually specify the version: npm install [email protected]
  9. Fetch the inventory for only tradable items, then call addTheirItems with the raw array of items. I believe there is an example in the repo that does exactly this.
  10. market_hash_name will be present on every trading card.
  11. The numbers which precede the market_hash_name are indeed the item's corresponding appid. All trading cards have that. You can also use the market_fee_app property.
  12. You could if you had some kind of delimiter, but I don't know why you'd want to do that. You can't just naively assign the same data to multiple bots' pollData property.
  13. 30 active outgoing total, 5 active outgoing to a single user.
  14. Node version? npm version? steam-user version? OS? OS version?
  15. For #1, do you want to log users into your site using their Steam accounts, or do you want to login to Steam using a bot? For #2, you can use steam-tradeoffer-manager. At a low level, it's just polling requests to an API endpoint.
  16. You're trying to send an offer without putting any items in it. My guess is that there's no matching item in your inventory when you loop it to find the item.
  17. Line 53: if(offer.itemsToGive.length!=0) offer.itemsToGive.length will never not be zero immediately after you create the offer. All offers start empty.
  18. It looks like your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is providing incorrect Steam Guard codes. This could be caused by an inaccurate clock or bad timezone settings on your device.
  19. You'd need to retrieve the TradeOffer object using getOffer or getOffers then call cancel() on that object.
  20. Even with a user's consent, you should absolutely not be logging into their account.
  21. There is no way you can login to a user's account without asking for their password. You shouldn't even be trying to do this in the first place.
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