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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. It may not have anything to do with an avatar, but I couldn't tell you why there's a discrepancy.
  2. That's correct. There's no way, using node-steam-user, to decrypt filenames without parsing the manifest. I don't have any plans to support this as I don't see a valid use-case for that.
  3. The error seems to be originating in the dota2 module, which I can't support.
  4. Currently, profile showcases aren't really supported.
  5. manager.offer doesn't exist. You want this: manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), 'Test'); });
  6. You need to call community.setCookies inside of SteamUser's webSession event in order to get steamcommunity to use a login session.
  7. You need quotes around receivedOfferChanged. That should have just crashed without doing anything.
  8. You need to wait for the disconnected event to know that you're logged off. You can't log back on using the same object until then. My suggestion is to just create a new SteamUser object for each login.
  9. webLogOn() and wait for the webSession event.
  10. Version 6 is not a downgrade. It's 6.0.0, which is a couple years newer than when 0.10 first came out. Later versions of node typically aren't available in repositories. You'll need to install it yourself. If you're on Ubuntu x64, you can use this script: https://www.doctormckay.com/installnode.sh It probably works on other distros too (x64 only) but I've only tested it on Ubuntu.
  11. If you're accepting incoming offers, listen for the receivedOfferChanged event and do something when the state is Accepted. If you're sending offers, listen for the sentOfferChanged event and do something when the state is Accepted.
  12. You need version 6 or later.
  13. What version of node are you running?
  14. It's not presently possible, but I can try to look into it soon.
  15. Because specifying a language makes the module fetch item descriptions, which involves extra requests.
  16. Have you set a language in your constructor options?
  17. It's happening in getUserInventoryContents. That means that the Steam inventory servers are busy and you'll need to try again later.
  18. Yes, use the WebAPI: https://lab.xpaw.me/steam_api_documentation.html#ISteamUser_GetFriendList_v1
  19. You must be passing it an offer that isn't a TradeOffer.
  20. What do you mean? Do you want to iterate over each element in an array?
  21. node-steamcommunity's confirmation-related stuff.
  22. You really, really shouldn't be getting family shared games. I'll have to look into this when I get a chance.
  23. It works the same way as for trade confirmations.
  24. Did you copy the sentry file from your Steam installation to use with node-steam-user?
  25. addMyItems will only work with an array of multiple items (which is what inventory is). You need to use addMyItem to add a single item (e.g. a single element from inventory). The inventory[1] syntax retrieves element #1 from the inventory array (an array is essentially a list). Note that since numbering starts at 0, element #1 is the second ordinal element.
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