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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. If your system clock is wrong, that will definitely cause errors.
  2. Load your inventory and find an item with matching classid and instanceid, then add it to the offer.
  3. There's a problem with your network.
  4. It's not strictly necessary. It's (in my opinion) the best way to login to Steam and get cookies (and as a benefit you can easily appear online and get real-time trade offer notifications), but it's not the only way.
  5. You don't, it happens internally.
  6. The different modules are good at different things. steam-user only handles communication with the Steam CM servers. Confirmations don't go through those servers, so you need steamcommunity for that. In my opinion, you should use steam-user, steamcommunity, and steam-tradeoffer-manager for the most robust system.
  7. If you're saying that your problem is that it isn't prompting for an email code and is instead logging directly in, that's on purpose. It saves the sentry file (which, if provided in logon [which it does automatically], you don't need an email code). If you need to prompt an email code request, you can delete the sentry file under %localappdata%\doctormckay\node-steamuser (on Windows).
  8. Steam sends the data differently sometimes. Update to 2.8.1 and I've made the tags objects all be standard (that is, they have all the properties).
  9. You need to update steam-client.
  10. No, that's wrong. Don't call counter() more than once. Call it once and store the result in a variable.
  11. offer.counter() returns a new TradeOffer object. You need to perform your changes on that TradeOffer that it returns.
  12. There's nothing in the module right now to parse comments.
  13. No, I don't think it's possible to opt specific offers out of cancelOfferCount canceling.
  14. If you only want the latest, you could get the keys using Object.keys, sort it (YYYY-MM-DD sorts alphabetically quite nicely), then pull the first/last element (depending on how you sorted it).
  15. You can control cancelTime per-offer using the cancelTime data key: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#datakey-value
  16. You'd want to foreach loop over the object and pull the maximum value, just like you're foreach looping prices to get the item.
  17. Getting the highest price would be pointless; you'd basically always just get $99,999.99.
  18. https://github.com/OPSkins/node-opskins-api#getlowestpricesappid-callback may be what you're looking for.
  19. The expires property tells you when Steam will expire the offer. It's always two weeks after the offer was sent. You cannot change it. It's distinct from cancelTime.
  20. And your versions: npm list
  21. Cookies obtained from a CM are invalidated as soon as the connection drops. You should pause your queue when you get disconnected, and only restart it once webSession gets emitted after reconnection. No, I don't believe that would be a problem.
  22. I've added a section to the "Cookies" guide post about how different modules use them.
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