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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You'd need to retrieve the TradeOffer object using getOffer or getOffers then call cancel() on that object.
  2. Even with a user's consent, you should absolutely not be logging into their account.
  3. There is no way you can login to a user's account without asking for their password. You shouldn't even be trying to do this in the first place.
  4. No, not really. I see in your output that tradable is also false (which obviously cannot be true if it's in a trade offer). You may consider just failing the entire trade and trying again later if any item has that property as false.
  5. I can't reproduce this. You say it only happens sometimes, not all the time for the same item?
  6. You can get your friends list from the myFriends property, by enumerating the object and pulling SteamIDs which have a friend relationship of Friend, example: Object.keys(user.myFriends).forEach(function(steamid) { if (user.myFriends[steamid] == SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.Friend) { // this guy is a friend } }); You can pretty easily push those SteamIDs into an array and then pull a random value from the array.
  7. It's possible Steam occasionally returns bad information (wouldn't be unheard of). It would be more helpful to have a full json dump of the item in question when this happens.
  8. node-steamstore has a method which retrieves that URL. But yes, please do open an issue on GitHub (linking to this thread) about this as there should be some level of support for distinguishing family-shared games.
  9. There's nothing provided by the module at this time. In my personal opinion, checking for that warning is useless.
  10. You'd need to use node-steam-user for that, node-steamcommunity wouldn't work. Look around for the invite-related events.
  11. It's been experienced that Steam just won't send codes to some numbers. I'd suggest contacting Steam Support.
  12. It's not possible to get a listing of all items from Steam economy. The closest you can get is scraping the market.
  13. No, as there's no requests to Steam involved in just creating a TradeOffer object. It all happens locally in memory, up until you send it (or call getUserDetails).
  14. itemsToGive and itemsToReceive are both arrays. If you don't know what this means, please take some online classes on JavaScript.
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