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Everything posted by Revadike

  1. Hi, back on topic. Would it be possible to add an option or different method to exclude family shared games or at least a boolean to tell if an app is family shared or not?
  2. Thanks
  3. â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢ licenses.json.txt
  4. Actually, this is the full list of apps with type = game, that are not included in the appid list provided by store.steampowered.com/dynamicstore/userdata: Train Simulator (24010) Shank 2 (102840) Red Orchestra 2 - Dedicated Server (212542) Eets Munchies (214550) Killing Floor Dedicated Server - Win32 (215350) Killing Floor Dedicated Server - Linux (215360) Serious Sam 3 - Linux DedServer (216280) Steam for Linux (221410) Rising Storm Beta Dedicated Server (238690) Cities: Skylines (255710) Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod (259080) Estranged: Act I (261820) Half-Life: Before (261980) Secret Ponchos (265750) Line of Defense (266620) Panzer Corps (268400) Mordheim: City of the Damned (276810) F1 2015 (286570) Conflicks - Revolutionary Space Battles (288260) Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (292730) Nobunaga's Ambition: Souzou (292990) Sunless Sea (304650) Duck Game (312530) Euro Fishing (314520) Sword Coast Legends (325600) RIDE: Game (345660) Cobalt (357340) Tom Clancy's The Division (365590) Dead Star (366400) NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence (392470) Backgammon Blitz (395900) SMASH+GRAB (412720) Moonshot (426930)So, 33 apps are incorrect from a list of 5298 apps with type "game" returned by GetOwnedGames (family sharing disabled).However, some of these I do actually own (from sub 0), like Killing Floor Dedicated Server and Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod, but they are in this list because steam dynamic store api don't include these appids.But for most of them, I don't own them. They are not listed in my steam client library with family sharing disabled.My guess is they were/are part of some of the free on demand packages I own, but no longer available for me. So, either free weekends, demos or betas. So, what do you think? Can you clarify these results? Would it be possible to update GetOwnedApps to return more accurate results?
  5. Okay, I did some tests and it appears that indeed family sharing was a factor here. If family sharing was enabled on the PC getOwnedApps returned around 14K appids, and if family sharing was disabled, it returned around 10K appids. This seems about right, since with no family sharing I have 5K games in my library and with family sharing, I have 7K. But it appears getOwnedGames still returns some games I don't own, regardless if family sharing is enabled or not. These games include Train: Simulator, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Shank 2, Mordheim: City of the Damned, etc... I can't exactly tell how many "faulty" appids were returned, since they include tools, dedicated servers, "steam for linux" and that kind of stuff, that the steam store's dynamic userdata don't include. But if I included those, there were around 26 of 2000 appids I checked faulty. My guess is that they are/were maybe part of free weekend packages and somehow still detected as owned. Or maybe those free-on-demand packages I am adding to my account are messing things up. For example, https://steamdb.info/app/276810/subs/ is detected as Free in SteamDB. Probably because of its free on demand package. However, in reality, you can't own it unless you paid for it. Hopefully, I was able to provide some useful information in order to improve GetOwnedApps to return more accurate results.
  6. No, some of them are even wishlisted games. And it's pretty hard to determine if they are from Family Sharing myself. One of my sharers is not my friendlist, so I can't simply check for every game if one of my friends (sharers) owns them. Anyway, I'll regenerate the list on a PC without family sharing. See what it gives.
  7. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#getownedapps First of all, it might be worth mentioning in the documentation that this is a synchronous function and doens't have a callback like most other functions have. Aside from that, it came to my attention that GetOwnedApps returned more apps than I own myself. Now, I have a suspicion that these extra unowned apps are in fact apps that are family shared to me. Is this true?
  8. Any idea where I should post this to get more people to contribute to the list?
  9. Thanks. So not a lot info is available.
  10. Hi, I was wondering if there exists some list with Steam Rate Limits? Like that website keeping track of Steam Error (https://steamerrors.com/) I think this would be very helpful for developers to be as efficient as possible and not exceed any limits. However, I am not sure if Steam is always consistent with its rate limits. For example, a steam key activation cooldown varies between 15-60 mins (I think). Anyway, if there doesn't exist such a list already, we could start one here (and eventually create https://steamrates.com) I think I figured out some rates: requestFreeLicense 50 liceses per account per 25 mins createAccount 3 accounts per IP per 1.5 mins addPhoneNumber 30 accounts per phone number per week
  11. ^ I'd like to know this too. Also for anyone wondering why the solution mentioned above doesn't work for you, it's because you need the latest beta version of steam-client.
  12. I can't seem to get the cookies/session of the logged in site. Can I somehow set request = request.defaults({jar: true}); for httpRequestPost? Nevermind, I was able to get the PHPSESSION cookie via response.request.headers.cookie
  13. I thought I tried that already, but now it works! Now I have: var url = $("#openidForm", data).attr("action"); var formdata = $("#openidForm", data).serializeObject(); community.httpRequestPost(url, { followAllRedirects: true, formData: formdata }, function(error, response, data) { ... }
  14. Say, I'd like to login to this website using Steam via NodeJS. How do I go about doing that? I tried a dirty solution, but it doesn't redirect me to the third party website callback url. community.httpRequestGet(url, {}, function(error, response, data) { var url = $("#openidForm", data).attr("action"); var formdata = $("#openidForm", data).serializeObject(); community.httpRequestPost(url, formdata, function(error, response, data) { console.log(error, response.statusCode); console.dir(response.headers) }); });
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