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Everything posted by Revadike

  1. The method is now called `createAuthSessionTicket`, for anyone wondering
  2. What is your usage application?
  3. Created PR: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/pull/276
  4. There is no way to abort the login process once called.
  5. Nevermind, seems it just took a bit longer than usual. V3 is all good.
  6. This issue isn't specific to v4. I can't get it to work on the latest version of v3 either. Debugging this currently...
  7. @ThePlata, did u try? For me, it seems callback isn't called at all.
  8. I did this for the callback to support the old structure: (result, detail, packages) => { // conversation new to old structure if (result) { detail = result.purchaseResultDetails; packages = result.packageList; result = result.eresult; } else { result = 1; }
  9. Another issue getProductInfo callback doesn't get fired.
  10. I've made it log all debug events and this is the log: https://pastebin.com/EZRG8xm3 It repeats every 2 minutes, until it finally works. Sometimes it works at first try, but often it takes several tries. loggedOnSteam only gets logged on loggedOn event. And signedIntoBarter only gets logged ONCE websession. This is my login config (un and pass omitted) { accountName: 'xxx', password: 'xxx', twoFactorCode: 'XXX', logonID: 1551653434369, rememberPassword: true, dontRememberMachine: false, autoRelogin: true, machineName: 'BOT@CLIENT' }: WebSocket disconnected with error: Ping timeout This seems to cause it, or at least be related with it.
  11. Something weird is happening. I updated my bot to work with your latest steam packages. However, sometimes it seems like something inside steam-user gets stuck. Sometimes it works just fine, but other time it will only emit loggedOn and websession events. All other events are not emitted. And that's not all. I expect loggedOn to be only emitted once, since in my code I only login once, however when these other events are not emitted, loggedOn gets emitted every 2 minutes. Any idea what's going on?
  12. You could of course always do it yourself, by checking the web request from steam and use https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/HTTP-Hooks to incorporate that in your script.
  13. I'm also wondering this actually!
  14. Can't you just turn the callback of the friendMessage ID event into a promise and await that in an async function?
  15. I wouldn't know without checking your bot's logic. It also begs the question: Why don't you just try?
  16. This is also a great guide: https://github.com/andrewda/node-steam-guide
  17. It is definitely possible. Here is a nice guide: https://github.com/andrewda/node-steam-guide Check chapter 4.
  18. Yeah, I've wondered this myself too. Have you tried changing the count parameter?
  19. This doesn't really involve McKay's libraries.
  20. Are you sure you're checking the right profile? Log the account's steamid64 with steamUser.steamID.getSteamID64().
  21. Or check McKay's IRC bot script for an alternative way
  22. Just keep track on which profile you already left a comment on, if you want to avoid doing it more than once.
  23. Log into your steam account via node Keep track of a message counter for each person you chat with Reset the counter every minute or so In the event a person sends you a chat message, check the counter for your defined threshold and if it exceeds it, instablock that personPM me, if you want to pay me to make this for you
  24. So, I've tried the use of proxies quite a few time, but I found out none or very little of the free proxies that I can gather, actually works. On the contrary, any arbitrary free VPN works great with node-steam (and steam client). I'm not well educated on the topic of proxies and VPN's, but what is so different, that free proxies not work, while free VPN's do? Is there such a thing as a virtual/local VPN, which we can use instead of a proxy (thus not affecting all network traffic, as a normal VPN would)?
  25. Okay, forgive me, but I am a bit confused about this. I've tried looking for better examples or documentation, but it didn't clear things up for me. I have a few questions: Is the id property of a gift object (e.g. an item from gifts from the gifts event) the same as an assetid of an CEconItem? You seem to use these terms interchangeably in your documentation, but I am not sure. Without knowing the answer of the first question, can/should you use community.redeemGift with the gift.id as first parameter? Let say I am doing the thing question 2 is asking about, in the gifts event. Why is it that after sending a trade offer where I'd receive a steam gift, not automatically redeem a steam gift when offer is accepted? * What should I do for the scenario mentioned in question 3, or if I receive a trade offer with 1 or more steam gifts, which I accept (using trade offer manager)? ** I realized that the gifts event is only for when gifts are sent directly to me, and not via trade offers (as they get sent to inventory). So, in case of trade offers, after accepting a trade with trade offer manager, I should use offer.getReceivedItems to check if they contain steam gifts and redeem them? How do I do that exactly? I assume I check for some property of CEconItem item of the received items to see if it's a steam gift and then use community.redeemGift(item.assetid, ...)? But which property and what value? ** ** Found out I should check for property type (https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CEconItem#type) with value Gift. Should I only call offer.getReceivedItems after trade offer has been accepted AND confirmed? Or can you do it also for unconfirmed accepted?
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