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  1. Hello! I'm developing a bot, one function of which is posting EmoticomArt in User profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/7Pony/ You can see examples in the comments section. I ran into a problem that I myself can not solve: Comments posted by a bot are always long. Plus, there should be some stock, designed for additional text. // USER - receiver; POSTCARD - EmoticonArt; SPLITMESSAGE - optional, comments or any other text USER.comment(POSTCARD + " \n " + SPLITMESSAGE, (ERR) => { if (ERR) { console.log("fail: " + ERR); } else { console.log("done!"); } }); Everything would be fairly easy if the limit was always equal 1000 symbols.Bot can post: //989: Postcard=":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" //1000: "aAaAaAaAaAaAa…" etc.But try to Post comment with emoticons: //660, result = done! Postcard":rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg:" //668, result = error Postcard+":rg::rg:" //or 668, error Postcard+"aAaAaAaAa" //More examples: // ~850, OK: ":greentwist::greentwist::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::greentwist::greentwist: \n :greentwist::spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball::greentwist: \n :spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball: \n :spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball: \n :spikeball::spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball::spikeball: \n :spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::Hackingart::Hackingart::Hackingart::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball: \n :greentwist::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::Hackingart::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::greentwist: \n :greentwist::greentwist::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::spikeball::greentwist::greentwist:" // ~760, Eroor": ":mundodanger::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::mundodanger: \n :rg::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox: \n :rg::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF2::SNF5::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF1::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4: \n :rg::wbox::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::wbox: \n :rg::wbox::SNF2::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::wbox::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF1::wbox: \n :rg::wbox::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF2::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF1::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::wbox: \n :rg::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4: \n :rg::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF2::SNF4::SNF4::wbox::SNF4::SNF4::SNF4::SNF1::SNF4::wbox: \n :mundodanger::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::rg::mundodanger:"Thus, the length of the comment with emoticons can be from 660 to ~900-1000 symbols.I also thought that there is a limit to emoticons, but here I did not find any logic.
  2. I just wanted to ask if there is any way to buy a game with my steam wallet money?
  3. My code: client.on('disconnected', (eresult, msg) => { console.log(`Eresult: ${eresult}\nMsg: ${msg}`); setTimeout(() => client.logOn({ "accountName": client.username, "password": client.password }), 10e3); });
  4. Hi!When I try to use any steam-user methods I'm receiving this error https://imgur.com/4xqZZlb Code: function logout() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const client = new SteamUser(); localStorage.setItem("userID", ""); client.logOff(); var window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); window.close(); } func set onclick event Methods are working but only from the second clickevent on first im getting that error.
  5. This is my first project so I hope this isn't something incredibly nooby. Not familiar with node or Javascript at all. When pulling a users Rich Presence information via: let sID = STEAMIDHERE let rPresence = sClient.users[sID].rich_presence Rich Presence seems to be an object of arrays? It is structured as follows: [ { key: 'status', value: 'Playing CS:GO' }, { key: 'version', value: '13638' }, { key: 'time', value: '18.234842' }, { key: 'steam_display', value: '#display_Menu' } ] I suppose my question is how I could parse this information into a single object so I could access information like: console.log(rPresence.status); 'Playing CS:GO' Thanks in advance! Sorry in advance if I this is very trivial.
  6. Hello guys i want to make a overpay bot using node js and i need to auto create listing to backpacktf using its create listing post api and i also get the prices from it. My question iso how can i get the CEconItem's rarerity like Unique Genuine etc thanks
  7. When i send chat command to activate this I get error which i dont know to fix. If i leave just my item it is same. D:\Radna površina\bot>pause Press any key to continue . . . code: if(numberOfKeys > 10) { client.chatMessage(steamID, "You cannot buy that much"); } else { var offer = manager.createOffer(steamID); manager.loadInventory(753, 6, true, function(err, myItems) { itemx = { appid: 304930, contextid: 2, amount: 1, assetid: '646664519304758668' } offer.addMyItem(itemx); offer.loadPartnerInventory(753, 6,true, function(err, theirItems) { if(err) { console.log(err); return; } itemy = { appid: 753, contextid: 6, amount: 1, assetid: '1922357299630920400' } offer.addTheirItem(itemy); offer.send(""); }); }); client.chatMessage(steamID, "Processing"); }
  8. I cant load my personal user by this method.What im doing wrong? community.getSteamUser('76561198114587613', function(err, user) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log(user); } });
  9. Hello, I'm using card bot (lvl up bot) with public source code everything is working fine, but I want to do this bot more effective this bot using: community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET); and I don't like this method, I trying to use acceptConfirmationForObject, but I think I'm doing something wrong community.on("newConfirmation", (CONF) => { console.log("## New confirmation."); community.acceptConfirmationForObject(CONFIG.IDENTITYSECRET, CONF.id); });because if I remove "community.startConfirmationChecker" my trades are not accepted when I use: "community.on("newConfirmation", (CONF) => {" I don't even see console logs with "console.log("## New confirmation.");" did I do something wrong? I want to remove startConfirmationChecker and using only acceptConfirmationForObject
  10. How im working now with node-steam-user and i would like to know how can i find out what user need to enter authCode or twoFactorCode when he is trying to log in with my app with logOn();
  11. That's possible? Can i see group history with node-steam-user?
  12. What cookies names should we add to a session in order to be considered as logged-in ??
  13. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#getownedapps First of all, it might be worth mentioning in the documentation that this is a synchronous function and doens't have a callback like most other functions have. Aside from that, it came to my attention that GetOwnedApps returned more apps than I own myself. Now, I have a suspicion that these extra unowned apps are in fact apps that are family shared to me. Is this true?
  14. Logged into Steam { Error: connect ETIMEDOUT at Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11) at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20) at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14) code: 'ETIMEDOUT', errno: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 443 } i use the offloader.js ,who can help me...
  15. Hello. I want to share my library for work with maFiles. https://github.com/Inomezi/node-maFile Now you can use maFiles , instead of shared_secret & identity_secret. Example use with node-steam-user const MaFile = new mafile('./maFiles') let G_maFiles // global variable for maFiles MaFile.readMafiles().then( maFiles => { G_maFiles = maFiles }) client = new SteamUser({ promptSteamGuardCode: false }) client.logOn({ accountName: 'login', password: 'password' }) client.on('steamGuard', (domain, callback, lastCodeWrong) => { const maFile = G_maFiles.find( maFile => account.login.toLowerCase() === maFile.account_name.toLowerCase() ) || '' if( maFile !== '' ) { callback(SteamTotp.getAuthCode(maFile.shared_secret)); } else { // do smth, no maFile for that account } })
  16. The first time you log in to your account for some reason turns on Steam-Guard. Why is this happening and can it be avoided ?I'd like to keep my account unprotected.
  17. How can i make my bot join a tf2 community server?
  18. when i use GamesPlayed for idling games, once it starts idling other code stops executing, i want to automatically call exit when reaches x time but i wasn't able to do that, i tried editing library but no luck
  19. Is it possible to family share in this library?
  20. Hi. How i can use +60 account in same script ? I want to farm with this accounts, but i need my own script
  21. I've been working on TF2 trade bot over the past days and as I got close to a solution for a buy/sell command, I ran into an issue. How can I calculate the amount of metal to add to a trade offer? I had a function that found the refined, reclaimed and scrap metal in a users inventory. The same way I find the keys in the bot's inventory. I had the bot calculate the key price in metal and split it up so it new what to add. However, the bot would only add specific items to do a successful trade. Meaning that if the key price was 32.22, it would add 32 ref and 2 scrap to the trade offer. But if the user dosen't have the exact amount of refined/scrap. Example, lets say they have 31 refined, 3 reclaimed and 2 scrap, (32.22 ref in total) it would cancel (return true). This function is not in the code below since I scrapped it. So I'm looking for a way that the bot can find the users metal from their inventory with getUserInventoryContents and then add the right amount of metal to the trade offer, regardless of a specific item count. As long as the users total metal count meets the key buy price in metal. If anyone can help me or come with suggetions on what I could do, I would be thankful! Below is my buy command with the matching function: //Command for buying keys client.on('friendMessage', function(steamID, message) { //If the message meets the requirements. var buyKeysCmd; if(buyKeysCmd = message.match(/^!buy (\d+)/i)) { var keysToBuy = buyKeysCmd[1]; if(keysToBuy > 0) { buyKeys(steamID, keysToBuy); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'Processing your request.'); } else { client.chatMessage(steamID, 'You can\'t buy 0 keys.'); } } }); //Function used to buy keys with metal function buyKeys(steamID, keysToBuy) { //No specific amount of keys to buy, cancel if(!keysToBuy) { return true; } //How many keys we've in our TF2 inventory var ourKeys = []; //How much the amount of keys will cost in metal. var priceInMetal = config.trading.buyKey * keysToBuy; //Display the request. console.log('User: ' + steamID + ' has requested to buy ' + keysToBuy + ' key(s) for ' + priceInMetal + ' metal.'); //Load our TF2 inventory manager.getInventoryContents(config.bot.gameID, 2, true, function(err, inventory) { if(err) { console.log('Error getting our inventory: ' + err); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'I encountered an error getting my inventory, please try again later.'); } else { //Go trough our inventory and search for accepted keys for(var n = 0; n < inventory.length; n++) { if(ourKeys.length < keysToBuy && config.acceptedKeys.indexOf(inventory[n].market_hash_name) >= 0) { ourKeys.push(inventory[n]); } } //We don't have any keys if(ourKeys.length === 0) { client.chatMessage(steamID, 'I don\'t have any keys. Please ask an admin to re-stock or wait for me to sell some keys.'); return true; //The user has requested to buy more keys than our current stock. } else if(keysToBuy > ourKeys.length) { console.log('I don\'t have ' + keysToBuy + ' key(s).'); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'I don\'t have ' + keysToBuy + ' key(s).'); return true; } //If we've the requested amount of keys console.log('Adding ' + ourKeys.length + ' key(s) to the trade offer.'); //Load their inventory manager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID, config.bot.gameID, 2, true, function(err, inventory) { if(err) { console.log('Error getting their inventory: ' + err); client.chatMessage(steamID, "An error occurred while loading your inventory. Please again try later."); } else { //This is where the users inventory is loaded //The bot should look trough the users tf2 inventory //Find the users refined metal, reclaimed metal and scrap metal //Add it all together and log it //If the user has enough metal to purchase the requested amount of keys, continue //The bot can now add the metal to the trade offer below. var offer = manager.createOffer(steamID); //Setup the trade details. offer.addMyItems(ourKeys); //offer.addTheirItems(their metal for buying x amount of keys); offer.setMessage('You\'re buying ' + ourKeys.length + ' key(s) for ' + priceInMetal); offer.send(function(err, status) { if(err) { console.log('Error sending the trade offer: ' + err); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'Something went wrong. There was an error sending you the trade offer, please contact support if this continues.'); } else if(status == 'pending') { console.log(`Trade offer #${offer.id} is validated, but awaiting confirmation.`); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'The trade offer is validated, but awaiting confirmation.'); community.acceptConfirmationForObject(config.account.identitySecret, offer.id, function(err) { if(err) { console.log('Error confirming trade offer: ' + offer.id); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'Error confirming trade offer, declining.'); offer.decline(); } else { console.log(`Trade offer #${offer.id} confirmed.`); client.chatMessage(steamID, 'The trade offer was sent successfully. You can accept it here: http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/' + offer.id); } }); } }); } }); } }); }
  22. I'm idling hours since 2 years, never had any problem with old chat, but after 'new chat' update I getting error: 'Error: LogonSessionReplaced' when I open web chat, is there any way to avoid this problem? edit: this error shows in nodejs console (idler)
  23. I've been trying to play a Steam game while farming trading cards. When I start a game the bot just says Logged in elsewhere. Is there any way to get around this?
  24. hello, I have simple script to move all trading cards, backrounds, and whole Steam inv (753, 6) to other accounts, but since Mysterious Trading Card will expire in 21 June I can't send trade offer with 15 days trade hold, because of [26] error. I store all items in inventory array, how can I exlude all Mysterious trading cards from sending them in trade offer?
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