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  1. Is it possible to parse the steamguard auth code in a variable?
  2. Hello this is my code client.logOn({ accountName: config.username, password: config.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.sharedSecret) }); and im %100 sure that my sharetSecret is right. I can login using this piece of code in my windows computer but in my ubuntu vds i cant login i checkt the time offsets they are diffrent from each other. 1 week ago i would login in my vds but now i cant. Any ideas ?
  3. Hello guys, i become this error when im trying to run my node.js script via webserver. Specs: Windows Machine running Cygwin with phpfpm path.js:7 throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' + inspect(path)); ^ TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined at assertPath (path.js:7:11) at Object.join (path.js:468:7) at userData (C:\Users\Administrator\node_modules\appdirectory\lib\appdirectory.js:16:25) at Object._setTemplates (C:\Users\Administrator\node_modules\appdirectory\lib\appdirectory.js:134:34) at Object.AppDirectory (C:\Users\Administrator\node_modules\appdirectory\lib\appdirectory.js:129:10) at new SteamUser (C:\Users\Administrator\node_modules\steam-user\index.js:104:34) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\nodestuff\myscript.js:4:12) at Module._compile (module.js:570:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10) at Module.load (module.js:487:32) If this isnt enough information please let me know
  4. Hello everyone. I want to check people levels in my friend list. How can i do this?
  5. Hello. I was playing around with node-steam-user changePassword method, but it looks like it's not working. I tried: user.changePassword(oldpassword, mynewpassword, steamtotp.generateAuthCode(shared_secret), (err) => { if (err) return console.log(err); debug.log(`Password has been successfully changed!`); }); and it returned InvalidParam error object.
  6. I need help with Help with getServerList(). https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#getserverlistfilter-limit-callback Someone can help me, with a exemples? Thanks?
  7. Sorry for asking for such a trivial question, but this would be my first bot for steam. But I was wondering what is the required code that I would need to start up the bot, and have the bot running? Also am wondering how would I go about calling the constructor for the methods. Again sorry for asking such a trivial question, I feel stupid asking it.
  8. Like what i'm trying to do is when someone puts !sell in the chat with an argument on it. If there isn't a argument/number on it, the bot replies with "Sorry you must put a number". Since I use discord.js a lot my arguments may be wrong so if it is, please tell me the correct argument: client.on('friendMessage', (senderID, message) => {var args = message.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);if(message == prefix + "sell") {if(!args.length) {client.chatMessage(senderID, 'You didn\'t provide a number');}}}); But here;'s the thing the bot doesn't reply when I didn't provide an argument. So anyways any tips and stuff would be greatly appreciated
  9. I'm trying to get user details on a message. The problem is that if the user changes his profile (name,location,etc) the bot will have to reset in order to update those values.. [Here's my code](https://pastebin.com/7pq0rJqC): I get it that the bot gets the caches version of the steam profile page, but is there a way it can update it every couple of minutes? The only alternative I have my mind is logging a different bot that'll update those details & then send them to the main bot, but that's way too much to do each time I get a new message..
  10. Hi, I have a problem with writing a script to my trade bot. I decided to add a function that will send a message to all my friends, for example three hours. Unfortunately, but I do not know what I could start with. Could someone help me?
  11. Following Code which is I used. var client = new SteamUser();var manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, // Polling every 30 seconds is fine since we get notifications from Steam "domain": "example.com", // Our domain is example.com "language": "en", // We want English item descriptions "cancelTime" : 120000 //Cancellation Time in miliseconds 1000 ms = 1 second, After 2 minute cancel trade}); var offer = manager.createOffer(trade_url);offer.data('cancelTime', null); //I written my code to remove cancellation time for this trade but do not work this codeoffer.addMyItems(inv_to_trade); offer.setMessage("My Message here");offer.send(function (err, status) { if (err) { logger.error("trade send Error",err); return true; }}); Question : I written offer.data('cancelTime', null); but this do not work so How I cancel this offer ?
  12. Hi, so I am making a bot and the user has a "!buy" command that also has a parameter. How do I find out what number the user enters after the command when the user enters it like this "!buy 3"? if (msg.toUpperCase() == '!BUY' && '!BUY' == msg.toUpperCase().substring(0,4)){ if(!isNaN(msg.charAt(5)) && parseInt(msg.charAt(5)) > 0){ var string_start=msg.indexOf("UY"); var nrOfSets= ""; string_start+=3; for (var i = string_start; i < msg.length; i++) { nrOfSets+= msg.charAt(i); } var sets = parseInt(nrOfSets); I tried that but it doesn't work, it just skips to the last "else" which tells the user that the command is not recognized... Thanks. ---- EDIT FIXED!
  13. Using node-steam-user + node-steamcommunity + node-steam-tradeoffer-manager. At some point this happening: Calling getUserDetails is returning Not logged in. steamCommuniti'es loggedIn returns true, bot is still polling offers and gets new offers, but even after webLogOn cant make getUserDetails reqeust. What can be a problem?
  14. Hello, Im making a Announce bot on Steam I want to send all my friends a message here is the code i tried: message = "test" Object.keys(client.myFriends).some(r=>{ client.chatMessage(r,"\n" + message); console.log("Message Sended to " + r.toString()) }) Its only sending 3 or 2 guys in friend list and I checked the steamID's Any ideas ?
  15. I'm getting error 20 while trying to create an account via the module. Has anything changed on the module or it was a steam fuckup/change? Thanks!
  16. Hello, Everyone What I am trying to do is use Telegram and my own bot there to start and stop the steam idle bot my current code is below.So the problem I am having is I have no clue as to how to tell the bot to start playing a game from what I understand "client.on('loggedOn', function(details)" is what happens when the bot has logged on when i put "client.gamesPlayed([107410]);" it plays Arma 3 right when it log's on but I want it to stop and play another game and such. Really appreciate all feedback.
  17. I know that node-csgo is compatible with node-steam-user... But I can't get it to work. Can anyone send me a short working code please ?.
  18. How many games can I play at the same time ? What happens if you specify several times the same game ?
  19. Using a bot to idle my account while I'm not playing. Whenever the bot logs into my account it makes all my friends appear offline in the steam client (until you relaunch steam client, they update their status or you exit the bot). Is there any way to avoid this?
  20. var client = new SteamUser(); var community = new SteamCommunity(); var manager = new TradeOfferManager({ "steam": client, // Polling every 30 seconds is fine since we get notifications from Steam "domain": "example.com", // Our domain is example.com "language": "en", // We want English item descriptions "cancelTime" : 120000 //Cancellation Time in miliseconds 1000 ms = 1 second, After 2 minute cancel trade }); var offer = manager_coinflip.createOffer(user_trade_url); offer.addTheirItems(inv_to_trade); offer.setMessage(secretMessage); offer.send(function (err, status) { community.acceptConfirmationForObject("identitySecret", offer.id, function(invAcceptErr) { if (invAcceptErr) { //Here I got error but do not print any error message in Console.log("Winner Trade Accept Error : ",invAcceptErr); return true; } }); }) Note : In above code I am putted statatically "identitySecret". Is it correct? Please let me suggest where I am wrong ?
  21. Hello, is there any method to grab buy order info for items in ajax, json? something like this: http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?appid=730&currency=3&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A1-S%20|%20Hyper%20Beast%20(Minimal%20Wear)
  22. Hey, so I have this function, as follows: checkFriendsAndMessagesWhileOffline() {this.client.on('friendsList', () => {let friendcount = 0;Object.keys(this.client.myFriends).forEach(steamId => {if (this.client.myFriends[steamId] === SteamUser.Steam.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient) {logger.info(`Friend request while offline from: ${steamId}`); this.client.addFriend(steamId, (err, name) => {if (err) {return logger.error(`Cannot add friend: ${err}`)}logger.info(`Added ${name} as a friend.`);});this.client.chatMessage(steamId, `Thanks for adding me! Type '!help' for commands.`);};});}); this.client.on('offlineMessages', (count, friends) => {logger.info(`${count} messages from ${friends} since your last login.`)});}; Now, above line 5 I want to do something like (pseudo-code) if (this.client.myFriends[steamId] == steamid.isPrivate) { declineFriendship(); } Is there any way to achieve this? Couldn't find anything in the wiki / docs. Many thanks and thanks for all the hard work that went into this project.
  23. I got some questions: 1. Should i update the cookies? 2. When should i do it? 3. How can i do it?
  24. Hello, can somebody point me way how to sell all steam cards for fixed price? (I have like 20,000 cards from same game, every card 0,03€) I found this: https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/287-automatic-market-seller/?do=findComment&comment=746 but I don't really know how to use it Greetings.
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