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bots write msg
How do i check if a group is joinable or invite only?
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how to save a session and reconnect after a server crash
artem posted a topic in node-steamcommunity
how to save a session and reconnect after a server crash?- 1 reply
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Hi, when i using method community.editProfile - it remove my background if it exist
Hello i use this code community.postGroupAnnouncement("103582791463279214", title, msg, (err) => { if (err) { console.log("Error while posting announcement. Error " + err); } console.log("Posted announcement!"); console.log(" - Title: " + title); console.log(" - Message: " + msg); client.chatMessage(steamID, "hadi kapı orda yürü."); }); i not get any error or warn. But not sended announcement please help me
I want to someone type my bot !selltf, his sell max 15 sets per game how can i do that? My Code; Inventory.prototype.getCustomerSets = function(ignore, sid64, callback, permit){ let self=this;, 753, 6, true, (err, items) => { if(err){ callback(err); } else { items = items.filter(item => { if(item.getTag("item_class").internal_name == "item_class_2" && item.getTag("cardborder").internal_name == "cardborder_0"){ return item; } }); let customer_sets=[], customer_cards={}; items.forEach( card => { const appid=card.market_hash_name.split("-")[0]; if(!customer_cards[appid]){customer_cards[appid]={};} if(!customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]){customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]=[];} customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name].push(card); }); for(let appid in customer_cards){ if(self.card_db[appid]){ if(Object.keys(customer_cards[appid]).length == self.card_db[appid]){ let customerHave = Math.min.apply( Math, values(customer_cards[appid]).map( card => card.length ) ), botHave = self.AvailableSets[appid] ? self.AvailableSets[appid].length : 0, limit = permit ? (self.maxStock+permit) : self.maxStock, falt = limit-botHave; customerHave = !ignore ? ( (falt > 0) ? ( Math.min( ...[ falt, customerHave ] ) ) : 0 ) : customerHave; for (let i=0;i<customerHave;i++) { let currentCustomerSet=[] for(let card in customer_cards[appid]){ currentCustomerSet.push(customer_cards[appid][card][i]); } customer_sets.push(currentCustomerSet); } } } else { self.getAppIdCount(appid); } } callback(null, customer_sets); } }); }
I do wonder if it's possible to interact with the workshop.
Hello. I tried to log in to your account through the library Steam. I get a link to unreadable captcha. Captcha example: Link I've received:
Hello guys i began to create a programm and i want to send messages any friend through api. I found and pass access_token - and dev api key and i get an answer UnauthorizedAccess is denied. Retrying will not help. Please verify yourkey=parameter. What is that problem? How i can fix that? Help pls!
- node.js
- node-steamcommunity
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some user inventories are really big, and the module would be doing lots of requests to steam, so if only a single one request fails, it would have to start all over again, to have a few extra attempts to that specific request if we receive a mailformed response or a common http error would be realy cool
Hey, i will get my Inventory History and specific my CSGO Knife History. i see this is now a part of node-steamcommunity, but i dont know how i get this. My coding in node (javascript) is not so good for this Moment. I learn it now. Have anyone a code snippet for me? Or a good manuell for this how i can solve this? Special Thanks in advance I try it with let Inv = []; community.getHistory(client.steamID,function(err, user){ if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log(user.Inv); } }); But its not working and it is rly bad code i think ?
client.on('friendRelationship', (sid, relationship) => {if(relationship == SteamUser.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient) {console.log(`Friend request from: ${sid.getSteamID64()}`)console.log(`Checking if ${sid.getSteamID64()} is scammer.`)rep.isScammer(sid.getSteamID64(), function(error, result) {if(error) {console.log(error);} else {if(result) {console.log(`Declining friend request, ${sid.getSteamID64()} is a scammer.`);client.removeFriend(sid)} else {console.log(`Accepting friend request, ${sid.getSteamID64()} is not a scammer.`);community.getSteamUser(sid, (err, user) => {if(err) {console.error(err)} else {user.comment('test')}})}}});}});
The line that the error pops up : manager.getUserInventoryContents('76561198083528564', 440, 2, true, function (error, inventory) { console.log(inventory.length); for(let l = 0 ; l < inventory.length; l++) { if(inventory[l].market_hash_name == prices[i].name) itemid = inventory[l].assetid; } }) Error:
Hey I'm making my first bot so I'm trying to experiment with a bunch of simple features. But I cannot seem to get posting to steam profile comments working. I can post a comment on the same account using the browser, but if I do it with the bot I get the error 'The settings on that account do not allow you to add comments.' I think I have the same issue as this person: So I'm wondering if I have tripped it, and what I can do to not trip it? I'm using my own personal account to test with and I'm trying to post comments in response to a message so my account will have been logged in for a while, it's not like I'm spamming either it's just 1 comment so I am out of ideas.
It was implemented to Steam relatively recently. Is this something to expect in a future release, or did I completely overlook something? Thanks.
Good Day, I have the question about httpRequestGet & httpRequestPost functionality. Cookies for and websites are same, however there is no way how to interact with via httpRequestGet, because we are not able to setCookies via node-steamcommunity and there is no httpRequest functionality in node-steamstore. What would be the easiest solution? Thank you in advance.
Hey. I found a method to get steamApps of account. Would be great to see that in CSteamUser methods . Cookies must be provided. const xml = await new Promise((resolve_, reject_) => { this._community.httpRequestGet( `[U:1:69762859]/games?xml=1`, (err: Error, result: any) => { if(err) reject_(err); resolve_(result.body); } ); }); //Sometimes iam getting ":0:" id part by SteamID.getSteam3RenderedID() and this method isn't work. //So i just replaced it with ":1:" and it works well at least on my tests.
Hello, why sometimes my response ( { response: {} } ) is empty? Profile status and game are public.
Is it even possible to disable twofactor of other accounts? I got dozens of accounts and I want to disable a specific account's twofactor using only the main account being logged on. I got all of their Rxxxxx codes. I want to know if it's possible before I dive in logging them in one by one.
I'm desperate right now, I've searched everything, but where do I find the AssetID of a background? community.editProfile({ "background": ????????, }; Thx for help me out...
Why doesn't this work? const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); let community = new SteamCommunity(); community.login({ "accountName": "accountName", "password": "password", }); community.loggedIn(() => { console.log("test"); }); Of course, I use proper login and password. And I get this when I run it:
how to set proxy for this? const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); let community = new SteamCommunity(); var details = { "accountName": login, "password": pass, "twoFactorCode": 2fa } await (new Promise((resolve, reject) => { community.login(details,function(err,sessionID,cookies,steamguard,oAuthToken){ console.log(err); console.log(sessionID); console.log(cookies); console.log(steamguard); console.log(oAuthToken); resolve(); }); }));
HI, I wanna try to edit my profile name function setupProfile(username) { community.editProfile({ 'name' : username, }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log('Failed to Edit Profile'); console.log(err); } }); } but I got this error Failed to Edit Profile Error: Not Logged In at SteamCommunity._checkHttpError (E:\new\steambot\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:95:9) at Request._callback (E:\new\steambot\node_modules\steamcommunity\components\http.js:50:61) at Request.self.callback (E:\new\steambot\node_modules\request\request.js:185:22) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) at Request.<anonymous> (E:\new\steambot\node_modules\request\request.js:1161:10) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) at Gunzip.<anonymous> (E:\new\steambot\node_modules\request\request.js:1083:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:273:13) at Gunzip.emit (events.js:187:15) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1094:12) as you can see that give me error Not Logged In but u can see my screenshot I already login to account,please help