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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. If you have the mobile authenticator enabled, then logging in from a new device won't ever result in a trade cooldown. Otherwise, it will, but only for that device, meaning you can test it safely without any risk.
  2. Same problem as https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/882-themescrowdays-does-not-work/
  3. Yes, they will work in other browsers. They expire rather quickly though (and immediately if you lose connection), so you won't get much use out of them.
  4. The problem was because you were missing a few arguments in your callback function. The names don't really matter, it's the order that matters.
  5. item.type You need to set a language in the constructor for that to be present.
  6. No. You should be able to track whatever you want yourself in the same place where you store the SteamUser object.
  7. steamID is a SteamID object. If you want the 64-bit ID, use steamID.getSteamID64() JavaScript can't precisely track numbers that are larger than 253. You need to wrap it in quotes to make it a string for comparison. Correct regarding == and !=.
  8. Are you confirming it if you're trying to take items from the bot?
  9. Whatever you stored your SteamUser instance in.
  10. bot.gamesPlayed([730])
  11. You're overwriting the value of steamID in your outer loop, which changes the context of the closure. This is confusing, I know. Just do this and it should work: bot.on('friendsList', function() { Object.keys(bot.myFriends).forEach(function(steamID) { if(bot.myFriends[steamID] === 2) { bot.getPersonas([steamID], function(getName) { var friendName = getName[steamID].player_name; //Some code }); } }); });
  12. No.
  13. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/components/users.js#L345
  14. Does the bot's Steam account own CS:GO?
  15. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CSteamUser#commentmessage-callback
  16. You are never giving TradeOfferManager login session cookies. You need something like: client.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) { manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } }); }); You also need to renew the web session when it expires.
  17. Please post in the correct board next time. I've moved your topic. An ID event is a special kind of event specific to steam-user where both the base event and the event suffixed with the SteamID of the relevant account are emitted. For example, if I sent you a chat message, both friendMessage and friendMessage#76561198006409530 would be emitted. Listening for the latter event is mostly useful for when you only care about one specific user. For example, you might hardcode a listener for friendMessage#yoursteamid to listen for admin commands (or perhaps something like on('friendMessage#' + config.adminSteamID)).
  18. It might be better for you to just learn how to work with Steam Guard first. If you're using email-based Steam Guard, then it will only prompt for a code once as long as you run it on the same machine (and you're using node-steam-user).
  19. Not presently. Why do you need to disable it?
  20. The next update to node-steamcommunity will give a different error message if your PIN is being rejected due to a rate-limit. There's currently no way to unlock your Family View session through node-steam-user.
  21. GC messages go through the CM, but other than that they have no relation. Therefore, GC communication is out of scope for steam-user. You may want to check out node-globaloffensive. You could fork it and add whatever messages you need if they aren't there already.
  22. Either your secret is wrong or your clock is wrong.
  23. That doesn't make any sense.
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