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Dr. McKay

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Everything posted by Dr. McKay

  1. You could try using this: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#marketsearchoptions-callback
  2. Your screenshot showed your API key, so I removed it. It doesn't look like you're sending a trade offer at all in your screenshot.
  3. console.log('Offer ' + offer.id +' sent, but requires confirmation'); console.log('Offer '+ offer.id +' sent successfully'); Neither of these are running?
  4. It's starting to appear webLogOn will fail if you already have a valid web session. I'm unsure as to whether this is a time-based limit or not, but I can reliably get 403s if I call webLogOn 1 second after webSession gets emitted. Relogging the CM session will work more often than not (all the time? unsure).
  5. I've been investigating this for the past hour and a half or so, and it appears that Valve did indeed break something with client-based web logons last night. The API is giving quite a lot of 403s with the same error message that you get if you use a bad nonce. Therefore, my suspicion is that there's some kind of miscommunication between the CM (the server which most likely generates the nonce and issues it to you), and whichever server consumes those nonces to turn them into cookies. I've tried adding some delays just in case the communication between those servers is slow, but that doesn't appear to have helped anything. Re-logging your client seems to solve the problem, at least temporarily. You may want to try doing that if you don't get a web session within a reasonable amount of time after requesting one. I've alerted Valve, but there's no telling if or when they'll take action.
  6. acceptConfirmationForObject takes care of finding the correct confirmation for a given offer ID. @maraya: What's your output?
  7. Best I can tell, web logons became finnicky ever since the Steam maintenance last night.
  8. You have to use startConfirmationChecker before you use checkConfirmations, but I don't generally recommend that anymore due to Steam load concerns.
  9. I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce this. It works fine on my end.
  10. Yes, you do need to actually log into the account first. Please show your code.
  11. client.changeEmail({"password": password, "newEmail": myemail})
  12. Yes, those codes will work anywhere you sign into Steam.
  13. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#properties itemsToReceive
  14. My mistake. I've updated those release notes. Get rid of the curly braces inside your SteamUser constructor: new SteamUser(steamclient). If you do it properly, all communication SteamUser does with Steam goes over the proxy.
  15. The user event will be emitted anytime someone's persona data changes (e.g. they go online/offline or start/quit a game). Also, at any time the users property contains the current persona data for everyone we know about.
  16. It's setHttpProxy, not setHttpSocket.
  17. Your IP got temporarily banned, yes. That's what 429 means.
  18. https://httpstatuses.com/429 Slow down.
  19. Yes, it's printing "Error: Logon failed, Invalid Password or playing in the account." because you're printing that unconditionally when an error occurs.
  20. offer.getExchangeDetails(function(err, status, tradeInitTime, receivedItems, sentItems) { console.log("Trade status is " + status + ", init time " + tradeInitTime + ", and we received " + receivedItems.length + " items and sent " + sentItems.length + " items."); });
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